Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 393: The Lord of Darkness has arrived!

Chapter 393 The Lord of Darkness has arrived!

 The Evil-killing Holy Sword rushed to the sky, blooming with a golden light!

Subsequently, in this dazzling golden light, the Evil-killing Holy Sword split again, splitting into thousands of golden flying swords!

 For a moment, the golden flying swords were like fixed raindrops, densely covered in the sky, just like the immortal-killing sword array in ancient mythology!

Following Lin Longshou's thought, the golden sword formation that covered the sky suddenly fell towards Angelu with great force like a heavy rain!

No one would doubt that Angelou, who was seriously injured, could still survive under the stranglehold of this monstrous sword rain.

it is finally over.

Looking at the golden rain of swords in front of them, everyone felt an indescribable sense of joy in their hearts.

  However, at this moment, a black shadow descended here quietly, standing between the sword rain and Angelou.

 Subsequently, an indifferent and peaceful voice sounded.

“Angelou, I have reminded you before, don’t underestimate the practitioners on this planet.”

 After hearing this familiar voice, Angelou's face clearly showed a hint of joy.

Then, he quickly lowered his head, assumed a respectful posture, and said in a deep voice: "I am humble enough to acknowledge my fault."

 Suddenly, everyone’s heart sank!

The only person who can qualify Angelou to call himself "lower" is the one who is regarded as a **** by Ji Xuanye and others.

 The Lord of Darkness, the true leader of the Dark Council, is also the manipulator who has been hiding behind the scenes!

Lin Yuan and the others obviously did not expect that the Lord of Darkness would descend in front of them in such a way and in such an attitude!

 Everything that happened before their eyes was completely unexpected!

“Lord God, it’s all my fault that I was humble and unlucky in doing things, and I couldn’t handle everything perfectly for you while you were sleeping…”

In front of the Lord of Darkness, Angelou, who was so arrogant before, now acts as humble and humble as a slave.

"It's not your fault. The cultivators on this planet do have something special." The Lord of Darkness said in a deep voice: "I have been sleeping for long enough. It's time to wake up and do some serious business."

The next second, the Lord of Darkness turned his head and looked at the thousand golden flying swords that hung over his head, with a strange smile on his lips: "It's a very interesting power. The only pity is that it's not strong enough."

Under the intimidation of the Dark God Lord, time and space seemed to be frozen!

 “What an astonishing pressure…”

Lin Yuan's ears heard Wang Zhanlin's exclamation.

Although Lin Yuan did not speak, he deeply agreed with Wang Zhanlin's statement.

 In front of their eyes, the coercion emanating from the Dark God Lord was really too terrifying.

In front of the Lord of Darkness, even the high-ranking kings felt an indescribable sense of suffocation!


The Lord of Darkness raised his right hand and waved it in the direction of the golden sword array with a calm face, as if making an 'erasing' action.

 The next second, a huge crack opened out of thin air in the sky!

As if the darkness had condensed into substance, like a torrent, it surged out from the cracks and swept away in the direction of the golden sword array!

 For a moment, all the golden flying swords were instantly drowned by the torrent of darkness pouring out of the cracks in space!

 After swallowing up all the golden flying swords, the dark torrent also disappeared, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened. Subsequently, the Dark Lord seemed to have no intention of taking action against everyone.

 He slowly turned around, facing the direction of Angelou, and spit out a group of quiet black mist!

The strange thing is that under the shroud of black mist, Angelou's injuries began to recover at an extremely fast speed!

 “Thank you, Lord God, for your gift!”

 After feeling the recovery of his injuries, Angelou was simply overjoyed and thanked him profusely!

 But the Lord of Darkness just glanced at him lightly: "This mist contains the power of my essence and blood. If you can absorb it, it will be of great benefit to you."

Then, before Angelo could reply, the Lord of Darkness turned his attention to Lin Longshou and Gabriel: "I have always been a person who cherishes talents. Since you two can injure people by joining forces, Coming to Angelou is enough to prove that you are the top experts on this planet."

"However, despite this, in my eyes, you are still too small. You have not even seen the truly vast stars."

"Although you have unlimited potential, your vision is limited. It would be a pity for beings like you to die in my hands so easily."

 At this point, the Dark God Lord changed the topic: "However, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, all the mistakes you have made before can be written off and let go of the past!"

After hearing the words of the Dark Lord, Lin Yuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It seems that even in the eyes of the Dark God Lord, practitioners of Lin Longshou and Gabriel's level are like hot cakes.

Lin Yuan's ears were almost ringing with this set of rhetoric to win over.

However, the Dark God's method of winning people's hearts is obviously much better than Angelou's, and it can even be said that he uses both kindness and power.

 The strength he showed previously was for deterrence.

 The benefits promised by the Lord of Darkness to the two of them are grace!

Especially, the Dark God took the initiative to use his own essence and blood to heal Angelou's injuries. In Lin Yuan's eyes, it seemed like a pretentious show, just to show how considerate he was towards his subordinates.

 This Dark God Lord can definitely be called a scheming hero!

Under the bewitching voice of the Lord of Darkness, Lin Longshou took a step forward and said calmly: "It is not difficult to make me submit to you. I only need you to promise me something." The conditions are fine.”

 “Oh? What are the conditions?”

The Lord of Darkness raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Longshou with interest.

He obviously did not expect that the human being in front of him would take the initiative to propose conditions to him.

Lin Longshou looked at him calmly and said word by word: "Apologise to the millions of lives that were murdered in New York City, and leave this planet immediately on your battleship, and never step back again!"

“If you can do these things, then I am willing to serve you as a wise master forever and ever, until death.”

 (End of this chapter)

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