Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 394: A one-sided crushing!

Chapter 394: One-sided crushing!

Lin Longshou’s words were like thunder, exploding in the sky above New York City, sonorous and powerful!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Yuan and the others never doubted that Lin Longshou would make such a choice.

  After all, they all understand Lin Longshou's character. He has the most noble and steadfast personality in the world, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be shaken by a few words from the Lord of Darkness.

After Lin Longshou said these words, the face of the Dark God Lord instantly darkened: "Are you kidding me?"

 “Of course I don’t dare.”

Lin Longshou was neither humble nor arrogant, and said calmly: "What I said is all the truth. As long as you can do it, I am willing to serve you as my master for the rest of my life."

"Is it?"

The Lord of Darkness narrowed his eyes dangerously and sneered mercilessly: "Then you really think too highly of yourself."

 “Your value is not comparable to that of this planet.”

 After the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, Lin Longshou smiled, then turned his head and looked at Gabriel: "The negotiations have broken down, prepare to fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of Lin Longshou and Gabriel suddenly rose up and turned into two streams of light, heading towards the Lord of Darkness!

The latter's eyes narrowed, his eyes gleamed, and he said in a cold voice: "I really didn't expect that you actually have the courage to be my enemy."

“It seems that you really don’t know how big the gap is between planets and stars.”

 “Okay, let me help you recognize this reality!”

The Lord of Darkness sneered, and the energy around him suddenly surged!

The next second, several dark and silent shadow doors suddenly opened beside Lin Longshou and Gabriel!

Before they could react, countless dark ghostly hands stretched out from the Shadow Door and grabbed the two of them!


Lin Longshou raised his hand to condense a golden broad sword, and slashed at the ghost hand in front of him without hesitation!


With a sound of gold and iron interlacing, the golden broadsword in Lin Longshou's hand cut hard into the flesh and blood of this ghost hand!

However, what Lin Longshou didn't expect was that with all his strength, he couldn't completely cut off the ghost hand in front of him!

The ghost hand in front of you looks the same as a normal flesh and blood body, but in fact it is much harder than fine steel!

Just the force of the rebound made Lin Longshou's jaw go numb!

Then, before Lin Longhunting had time to draw his sword and retreat, another ghost hand suddenly reached under his right rib, and its sharp nails forcefully clawed out a line under the former's rib. Extremely deep bloodstains!

Lin Longshou was in pain and immediately retreated backwards.

It’s just that the Shadow Door in front of you seems to have a life of its own, pressing forward step by step, with heavy ghost hands, like an unjust ghost!

Even someone as strong as Lin Longshou seems to be in a state of distress under the siege of endless ghost hands!

It is difficult for him to resist the offensive of the Shadow Gate, and the same is true for Gabriel's side.

After using twelve consecutive 'Divine Judgments of God' to severely injure Angel, Gabriel's energy was already overdrawn to a certain extent.

At this moment, faced with the ferocious ghost hand stretched out from the Shadow Gate, Gabriel also seemed a little powerless, waving the silver holy spear in his hand, struggling to resist.

"Hahahaha... Everyone can say empty words, but when it comes to fighting, can you only do this?"

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the two people in front of him, the Dark God Lord laughed without any concealment.

“Then let me see how long you can hold on.”

As the words fell, a throne as black as ink formed out of thin air under the Lord of Darkness. Then, the Dark God Lord directly bent down and sat on the throne in an extremely leisurely manner, very casually.

 For him, everything in front of him was more like a game.

The Lord of Darkness does not want this game to end prematurely, but instead wants to have as much fun as possible in the game.

Although he possesses almost crushing strength, it is interesting to see the opponent struggling under his offensive.


"What should we do now?"

Wang Zhanlin rubbed his temples and lowered his voice and said: "If this continues, we will all die here!"

 “We have to think of something!”

Of course he can see that Lin Longshou and Gabriel are both at an absolute disadvantage now, and what's even more frightening is that the Lord of Darkness, who forced the two of them to this point, still hasn't tried his best!

 He is like a real god, standing high above, looking down on all living beings!

 “Can’t help.”

Nan Yunjing shook his head bitterly and sighed: "This is simply not a battle that we can participate in."

As the principal of Yanjing Martial Arts University and one of the most powerful martial arts experts in China, he rarely encounters problems that even he cannot solve.

 However, just today, Nan Yunjing really felt a sense of despair that he was unable to do what he wanted.

 Furthermore, before this, Lin Longshou, the patron saint of China, had always been a symbol of invincibility.

 Similarly today, this symbol was easily broken.

 In front of the Lord of Darkness, the invincible God of War in their eyes was as weak as a child.

Wang Zhanlin's eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I know we can't be his opponent, but we can't help him. Can we just watch like this and watch them die in front of us? ?”

Wang Zhanlin's voice was hoarse like a roaring wild beast.

 He lost his composure in an extremely rare manner, and Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing also fell into silence one after another.

 After being silent for a long time, Nan Yunjing finally spoke.

He said in a deep voice: "Go and contact the Ministry of Armed Forces now and ask them to contact that person and ask him to come to New York as soon as possible. Maybe things can turn around!"

Wang Zhanlin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Who should the military department contact?"

Nanyun Jing calmly replied: "The guardian of Tianwu Pavilion!"

Even Lin Yuan was slightly stunned after hearing Nan Yunjing's answer.

Of course he still remembers the introduction that Nan Yunjing gave to the old gentleman when he accompanied him to Tianwu Pavilion last time.

 Among them, the one that had the most profound impact on Lin Yuan was...the guardian of Tianwu Pavilion. There was a great possibility that he was once one of the founders of the Military Department.

And, in addition, he is also... Lin Longshou's teacher on the first path of martial arts!

 (End of this chapter)

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