Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 395: Tianwu Pavilion, the guardian of the pavilion!

Chapter 395 Tianwu Pavilion, the guardian of the pavilion!

However, the only thing Lin Yuan didn't know was the strength of the cabinet guards.

But Nan Yunjing also said that even he did not know the true strength of the cabinet defender. After all, no one had ever seen the cabinet defender take action with his own eyes.

Even before Nanyunjing became famous, the people who kept the pavilion had already retired to Tianwu Pavilion safely.

“The person guarding the that the old gentleman from Tianwu Pavilion?”

Even Wang Zhanlin was stunned after hearing Nan Yunjing's answer.

 He obviously did not expect that Nan Yunjing would come up with such a solution.

Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin reacted quickly and quickly asked: "Principal Nan, is the old man guarding the pavilion... very strong?"

Nan Yunjing shook his head and said calmly: "To be honest, I don't know how strong he is."

"However, the previous Minister of Armed Forces once told me that if China or the Ministry of Armed Forces is at a critical moment for its survival, you can ask that old man to take action. Looking at the entire China, he is the only one who has the ability to turn the tide."

 “Have the ability to turn the tide…”

Wang Zhanlin chewed Nan Yunjing's words silently: "It seems that the previous minister of the Ministry of Armed Forces spoke highly of this old man who guarded the cabinet."

Nan Yunjing nodded noncommittally: "After all, that old man is also someone who is qualified to guide Lin Longshou on the road to martial arts. Naturally, he should not be underestimated."

 “Okay, I’ll try to contact the Ministry of Military Affairs right now!”

In the current situation, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Wang Zhanlin is not willing to let it go easily!

 “Well, there is also the Holy Religion! It’s best to get in touch with them too!”

Nan Yunjing said: "This matter is not just about us, China. We must integrate all our forces to have the possibility of defeating the opponent!"

 “I know! I will find a way to get in touch with the Holy Religion!”

Wang Zhanlin nodded heavily and followed Nan Yunjing's suggestion.

However, just as he was about to leave, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Wait, I'll go with you!"

 “Are you going with me?”

Wang Zhanlin turned his head and glanced at Lin Yuan in surprise: "Contact the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Holy Cult, I can do it alone."

 “That’s not what I’m doing.”

 Lin Yuan shook his head and said calmly: "Let me leave here for a while, maybe I can be of greater help!"

Wang Zhanlin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "How do you plan to help?"

After these words were spoken, Wang Zhanlin quickly realized that he had said another piece of nonsense.

Lin Yuan had the confidence to say this, and naturally he had his own considerations. Since he didn't take the initiative to give an explanation, it would be in vain to ask.

Thinking of this, before Lin Yuan could answer, Wang Zhanlin spoke again: "Although I don't know what you want to do, as long as you think it can help, just do it!"

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After discussing the countermeasures, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan directly chose to turn around and leave, quickly disappearing at the edge of the sky!

 The departure of the two of them was naturally seen by the Lord of Darkness.

However, he did not take the initiative to stop the two of them.

 Because he didn't care what Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin wanted to do.

The current situation is like destroying an ant nest. He doesn't care at all about how many ants have escaped, let alone what the escaped ants are thinking.

Instead, he cast his eyes on Lin Longshou with great interest, and said with a smile: "Look, your companions have already abandoned you and left. Even so, you still have to be so stubborn." To protect them?"

“Do you think what you are doing is really worth it?”

Lin Longshou once again raised the golden sword in his hand and cut off a ghost arm that tried to get closer. He laughed and said, "I think you must be mistaken. My companions will never abandon me." And go, even in the face of death, the same is true! "

"That's right. How can a fool like you, who only knows about occupation and plunder, know the true meaning of fetters and protection?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden light on Lin Longshou's body surged. Under his active pull, the domain power of the God of War domain once again attached itself to the golden sword in his hand!

Under the golden light, Lin Longshou's figure was like an ancient **** of war. The golden sword in his hand was opened and closed, and he cut off several ghost hands in succession. Even the shadow door in front of him was like a ghost. The speed visible to the naked eye dimmed!

"Under such circumstances, you still have some energy left... It seems that I really underestimate you."

The Lord of Darkness narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Longshou dangerously: "In that case, let me see where your limits are."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Lord of Darkness raised his hand again and once again opened a door of shadow in front of Lin Longshou!

 Suddenly, the pressure on Lin Longshou's shoulders increased by several points!


 After leaving Central Park, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin directly chose to split up.

Wang Zhanlin was responsible for contacting the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Holy Cult to ask them to provide support as much as possible, while Lin Yuan just found a random direction and left in the air. Even Wang Zhanlin didn't know what he wanted to do.

The reason why Lin Yuan chose to leave at this moment was naturally because of his intentions.

Although he also knows that time is tight, he may not be able to raise his strength to a whole new level in such a short period of time!

  After all...the tasks issued by the system have not been truly completed until now.

 Among them, killing a Seven Sins Envoy will reward you with 50,000 points of Qi and Blood Power, 50,000 points of Spiritual Power, 300 points of Star Power, and 100 kill points!

Furthermore, every time Lin Yuan kills a member of the Dark Council, he can get an additional 100 points of star power and 50 points of killing value!

At this moment, there are thousands of members of the Dark Council who are wreaking havoc in New York City!

These people are all prey in Lin Yuan's eyes!

After separating from Wang Zhanlin, Lin Yuan came directly to an empty land, activated the heart of the abyss world, and released all the abyss beasts in it!

 Among them, naturally the ninth-order Final Hydra is included!

Although the vast majority of the Abyssal Beasts in the Secret Realm of the Abyss only possess the eighth level of strength, once a legion is formed, there may not be a few heavenly kings who can withstand the crushing of an entire Abyssal Beast legion.

 (End of this chapter)

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