Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 408: Is this the only extent of your counterattack?

Chapter 408 Is this the only level of your counterattack?

New York City, Central Park.

The war is still going on, as if there is no end.

And more and more powerful people died at the hands of the Dark Lord.

 Nordic Gods Alliance, patron **** ‘Heimdall’, died in battle!

  The Greek pantheon, the earth goddess ‘Gaia’, died!

 The **** of fire, ‘Hephaestus’, died in battle!

 Hades, the **** of the underworld, is seriously injured and on the verge of death!

Twelve cardinals of the Holy Church were all killed in battle!

 The vampires of the Vampire clan also suffered numerous casualties!

During the encirclement and suppression, the Lord of Darkness was also injured.

 But compared to the strong men who died in his hands, the injuries he suffered were not worth mentioning at all.

 “We can’t let him continue to wreak havoc like this.”

Lin Longshou looked slightly cold, looked in the direction of the Dark God Lord, and said in a deep voice.

 After many forces joined the battle, Lin Longshou was finally no longer the only target of the Dark Lord.

 The burden on your shoulders is light, and the pressure you bear will naturally be less.

Lin Longshou took advantage of this moment of respite to recover nearly 70% to 80% of his injuries, and his strength was also roughly restored.

“That’s easy to say, but you should think of a way out!”

Rodrick spat out blood foam and said in a serious tone: "If he continues to kill like this, all the vampires in my blood race will be killed by him until they are extinct!"

Perhaps it was because Roderick had been deliberately provoking him before. After the war officially broke out, this guy received special care from the Dark Lord.

In Roderick's own words, all his internal organs were displaced by the Dark Lord, and many of his fellow vampires died at the hands of the other party.

 “Can you try to drag him to death?”

 After Roderick finished speaking, Gabriel, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Longshou calmly shook his head: "I'm afraid not. He has not shown any signs of exhaustion until now."

“Even the injuries he sustained were mostly minor and did not threaten his life at all.”

 After Lin Longshou finished speaking, the three of them fell into an unspeakable silence.

The Dark God Lord in front of you is like an insurmountable mountain. Just looking at it will make people feel despair.

After being silent for a long time, Roderick finally spoke. He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Then just let me try."

Lin Longshou raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise: "Are you sure you can hurt him?"

“How could I, the majestic emperor of the blood clan, not even have this little trump card?”

Roderick gritted his teeth and said: "But I haven't used this move for decades. This guy really pushed me to the edge, and I don't know whether I can hurt him or not. All I can say is do your best.”

“Okay, then we will be responsible for cooperating with you!”

After hearing what Roderick said, Lin Longshou immediately made a decision.

Judging from the current situation, even if they are only 10% sure, they must hold it firmly!

Rodrick took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I need to prepare for thirty breaths. After thirty breaths, I will start!"

  ...  "What's wrong? Are you afraid of being killed?"

The Lord of Darkness stood with his hands behind his back, looking around with an arrogant expression. The powerful human beings gathered around him did not dare to approach him at all.

Of course they are not afraid of death. To be honest, few warriors who have cultivated to the realm of heavenly kings are truly afraid of death.

They are just afraid that their death is not worth it.

Just like Ares, the God of War in the pantheon, he was strangled into pieces of flesh and blood before he even rushed in front of the Lord of Darkness.

 “It’s really boring. I thought I could have a good killing today.”

 The Dark God Lord shook his head, his mocking look self-evident.

 However, at this moment, several thunderbolts suddenly dropped from the sky!

These thunderbolts are in the shape of chains, like snakes, winding towards the Lord of Darkness!

 The person who performed the spell was none other than the Lord of the Pantheons, Zeus!

The Dark God Lord didn't even resist and allowed the thunder chains to wrap around his body.

 At this moment, a sound that broke through the air roared in!

On the other side, Odin actually used Gengunir in his hand as a javelin and threw it towards the Dark Lord!

“Isn’t it too naive to want to hurt me in this way?”

The Lord of Darkness sneered, stretched out his hand, and easily grabbed Gengunil in front of him. The dark energy immediately surged and broke the spear forged from the branches of the world.

 However, just when Gengunil was broken, something suddenly changed on the broken gun body!

The broken Gengunil actually turned into two green branches, bounding towards the figure of the Dark God Lord, forming a second layer of restraint on his body!

 “Did you want to trap me?”

The Lord of Darkness looked at the green branches wrapped around his body, a hint of astonishment flashed through his eyes.

 In order to trap himself in place, Odin even paid the price of breaking his weapon.

 This actually made the Lord of Darkness a little curious as to why the other party did this.

"If there are any other moves, just use them, I will follow them all!"

Even though a double seal has been formed on his body, there is still no fear on the face of the Dark God Lord. Instead, he refuses to retreat and allows them to use all their means.

 The Dark Lord’s intention is quite obvious.

 I know what little tricks you are playing, but I don't care.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are lies.

Seeing how arrogant the Lord of Darkness was, Lin Longshou and Gabriel chose to take action at the same time without hesitation!

 For them, the more arrogant and arrogant the Dark God Lord is, the greater the chance that they can succeed!

 “The Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation!”

 “The Holy Judgment of God!”

 After appearing in front of the Dark Lord, Lin Longshou and Gabriel used their special skills one after another!

The sky-suppressing seal shining with golden light turned into thousands of golden swords in the air. After forming a sword formation, it slashed towards the direction of the Dark God Lord with a force that broke the sky!

 At Gabriel's side, it was the same situation.

Following a burst of mighty energy fluctuations, the sacred silver spear in her hand suddenly formed twelve phantoms, covering all angles around the Dark God Lord, and instantly pierced him with an extremely powerful force!

At this moment, the Dark Lord finally slowly raised his head: "Is your counterattack only to this extent?"

 (End of this chapter)

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