Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 409: Blood Demon Ceremony!

Chapter 409 Blood Demon Sacrifice!

Just as the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, a burst of extremely dark black light suddenly surged out of his body!

The black light in front of me is like ripples, centered on the Dark God Lord, surging and spreading in all directions!

Everyone can feel that in this gloomy black light, there is extremely terrifying dark energy!


Under the wanton rolling of the black light, the golden long swords in the Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation cracked one after another, as if they were mirrors smashed with stones!

Within ten breaths, the entire Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation was crushed into powder!

 All the golden swords, without exception, were annihilated in the black light like a tide!

Even the ‘Divine Judgment of God’ displayed by Gabriel was not spared.

The twelve silver gun phantoms, after piercing the black light, seemed to be stuck in the mud, unable to penetrate any further. Even the silver holy light above the gun tip moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. It's dimmed!

Neither Lin Longshou's Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation nor Gabriel's Holy Judgment of God could cause any harm to the Dark God Lord.

 However, just when the Dark God Lord thought that he had perfectly neutralized the opponent's offensive, a mutation suddenly appeared above his head!

 Bundles of blood converged towards the top of his head, gradually forming a huge scarlet blood cell!

 “What the **** is this?”

The Lord of Darkness frowned slightly, and looked in the direction where the blood was coming from, and found that all the blood came from the vampires of the Vampire Clan!

“I never expected that after so many years, I would be forced to use this trick again.”

Rodrick's cold voice rang in the ears of the Lord of Darkness.

 Lin Longshou and Gabriel have bought him enough time.

Then,'s his home court!

The move used by Roderick is called the 'Blood Demon Ritual'. It is a move that converts all of one's own blood and vitality into blood energy.

Although it has extremely strong destructive power, it also has to pay a huge price.

 After the vampires donated nearly half of their blood, the blood ball on the head of the Dark Lord expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"To be honest, I actually hate using this trick, but in comparison...I hate you even more."

 After the Blood Demon Sacrifice was completed, the ball of blood on the head of the Dark Lord was completely condensed and formed.

“So, it’s worth paying some price.”

After saying this, Roderick raised his head and grinned at the Dark Lord.

 A smile as bright as the sun appeared on his vampire's unparalleledly handsome face.

He is so handsome, as if he were a creature of the gods, with no flaws to be found.

However, in the next moment, Roderick's body suddenly opened with hundreds of **** holes!

Blood was like a rushing river, gushing out from the blood mouth on his body and converging towards the ball of blood on the head of the Dark God Lord!

The blood pouring out of Rodrick's body seemed to be an endless stream, and a bridge made of blood was built with the ball of blood in front of him!

With the continuous injection of Rodrick's blood, his appearance began to age rapidly, and even his unparalleledly handsome face had countless wrinkles and spots. He is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. His playboy-like appearance is just a disguise for his old soul.

 After sacrificing the blood that was the source of his own strength, Roderick's disguise was naturally revealed.

Rodrick’s smile still hung on his old face.

He stretched out his skinny fingers, pointed calmly at the Dark God Lord in front of him, and faintly uttered one word: "Fall."

At this moment, although Roderick's face looked old, his words revealed an undoubted majesty, as if he were a king sitting high on the throne!

 In other words, after the noble prince’s disguise is revealed, this is his true appearance—the vampire emperor who rules the world!

Just as Roderick finished speaking, the huge scarlet blood ball suddenly fell towards the Dark Lord like a meteorite!

While falling, a ferocious face with fangs appeared on the surface of the scarlet blood cell, like a blood demon in myths and legends!

“I really don’t know... After this is over, I will have to absorb the blood of young women in order to replenish the consumed vitality..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Roderick couldn't help but have a flash of pride in his eyes.

This is definitely the most perfect and successful 'Blood Demon Sacrifice' he has ever completed.

 This scarlet blood ball contains not only the power of Roderick, but also the blood power of all the vampires present!

 Gathering tens of thousands of great forces into one body.

 Condensed millions of blood into one furnace.

 This is...the terrifying power of the 'Blood Demon Sacrifice'!

Rodrick fully believed that the moment the energy fluctuations in the scarlet blood cells exploded, even the whole world... would change color!

After feeling the energy fluctuations in the scarlet blood cells, even the Dark God Lord couldn't help but show a solemn look on his face.

He obviously didn’t expect that Roderick’s move would be able to unleash such terrifying power!

The shackles formed by the Thunder Chain and the branches of the World Tree are still tightly bound to his body, restricting his movements and leaving him with no ability to dodge.

However, even if he could hide, the Dark Lord would not choose to do so.

If he was forced back by Roderick's attack, it would be a great shame for him!

What's more... although the scarlet blood cells in front of him made him feel frightened, he didn't think he could stop it!

The Lord of Darkness took a deep breath, and the dark black light that had previously shattered the Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation and God's Holy Judgment rose into the sky again, and formed a sky-covering giant net, heading towards the scarlet blood ball in front of him. It's as if it is being forcibly smashed!

Not long after, the monstrous black light enveloped all the scarlet blood cells and began to compress them inward, as if it wanted to swallow up all the blood power!

 (End of this chapter)

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