Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 411: Roderick's past

 Chapter 411 Roderick’s Past

Many people believe that Lin Longshou is the most powerful person in China, and there are almost no doubts.

 Because, with Lin Longshou's talent and strength, he is fully worthy of the title of the strongest man in China.

However, Roderick dismissed this statement.

 First of all, the age at which Lin Longshou became famous is too young. Although this proves his extremely high talent on the one hand, it also shows his lack of foundation on the other.

In Rodrick's view, the foundation for a strong person to truly establish himself.

 Furthermore, with Rodrick's strength, he is fully qualified to judge Lin Longshou.

Although both parties are the ultimate kings, Lin Longshou may not be Roderick's opponent.

Secondly, in Rodrick's heart, there is already a candidate for the most powerful person in China, and it is definitely not someone who is qualified for the job like Lin Longshou.

 And that candidate... was the skinny old man in front of him who looked ordinary.

 Among the powerful human beings present, it is estimated that not many people are aware of his existence.

Even Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin only knew that the skinny old man was the guardian of Tianwu Pavilion.

But Roderick knew and clearly remembered...the other party's name.

This old Chinese man has "Wei" as his surname, and his first name is also very ordinary, with only the word "Jingguo".

 Wei Jingguo.

 Behind such an ordinary name, what is the prosperity and stability of China's entire era.


Rodrick has always been a conceited and proud person, because he carries the blood of a vampire, and his martial arts talent is extraordinary. Before he was thirty years old, he successfully broke through to the ninth level of the Heavenly King!

 After entering the Heavenly King Realm, Roderick devoted himself to hard training and stabilized his own realm for nearly ten years.

From then on, Roderick rarely encountered opponents in the territory of the Heavenly King of the same level.

Even some of the old monsters of the Vampire Clan at that time were not necessarily opponents of Roderick, a rising star.

 The powerful combat power gave Rodrick an unprecedented sense of self-confidence, and also gave him the illusion of being almost invincible.

You must know that during the previous ten years of self-cultivation, Roderick lived an almost ascetic life.

After leaving seclusion, Roderick's only thought was that he was already at the top of the world, so he should enjoy himself in this colorful world in the next time.

 This is the truest thought in Rodrick's mind.

With his strength and the size of the world, where can he not go?

In the next three years, Roderick traveled to various countries around the world, including North America, Northern Europe, Russia, and the United Kingdom...

At that time, Roderick had a vicious and perverse temperament. Anyone who offended him would be executed with the cruelest means.

When encountering a prey that wants to **** blood, it will **** the blood of the opponent without any scruples, without caring about its life or death.

However, due to Roderick's extremely strong own strength, coupled with his vampire background, and the fact that he did not cause large-scale massacres, all countries turned a blind eye to him.

Such indulgence further developed Roderick's lawless character.

In his eyes, ordinary humans are not equivalent beings at all, they are just ants for his pleasure and blood-sucking.

 After traveling most of the world, Roderick finally set his sights on China far in the east. To be honest, he had been yearning for this mysterious eastern country a long time ago.

It’s just that Roderick’s trip to China was not as wonderful as he imagined.

 Because as soon as he entered the country, he was intercepted by three military kings.

In China, anyone who forcibly enters the Chinese border without permission will be regarded as illegal entry!

 This is the law of China, even the King of Heaven must abide by it!

It’s a pity that Roderick obviously didn’t take it to heart at that time.

I have to say that at that time, Roderick had already begun to show his prowess.

Faced with the joint interception of the three Chinese kings, he launched a counterattack without hesitation. After severely injuring the three opponents, he calmly chose to leave.

 After leaving, Roderick directly found a border town to settle down.

His thought at that time was that the powerful people in China... seemed to be nothing more than that.

At that time, Roderick never thought that he would experience the biggest setback in his life in China!

  On the night when he settled in the small town, Roderick strolled casually on the streets, feeling the exotic customs that this oriental country brought to him, and by the way, he was also choosing his blood-sucking target tonight.

He did not hide his aura at all, because his pride and arrogance made him disdain to do so.

 Otherwise, Wei Jingguo would not have been able to locate his position so quickly.

On the streets of the town, Roderick quickly found his favorite target.

 That is a pretty girl with a ponytail, exuding youthful vitality.

She wears a bright red hairband, and although her facial features are light, the combination of them also contains an indescribable charm.

Rodrick was immediately attracted to this delicate oriental girl. He longed to use his fangs to **** the blood from her body after having **** with her.

However, this time, Roderick felt compassion.

 He thought in his heart that if such an ignorant and harmless girl like a deer turned into a dry corpse after being sucked out of her blood, there would be no beauty at all.

Rodrick obviously did not expect that this time, it was his compassion that saved his life.

With his unparalleled handsome appearance, Roderick quickly gained the trust of the oriental girl.

Due to his extremely powerful mental power, Roderick only needed one look to enchant the oriental girl.

Rodrick took her to a remote alley. After some kissing and lingering, he lowered his head, revealing the sharp fangs belonging to a vampire.

The moment the fangs pierced the girl's neck, gurgling blood immediately surged out.

Rodrick drank obsessively, and the face of the girl in her arms gradually turned pale.

However, when he felt that the opponent's body was about to be unable to support him, Roderick finally pulled out his fangs and licked the corners of his mouth with unsatisfied intentions.

 (End of this chapter)

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