Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 412: It's time to die

Chapter 412 It’s time to die

 After Rodrick drank the blood of the girl in his arms, a figure appeared behind him.

 Due to excessive blood loss, the girl in his arms had fallen into a coma.

Rodrick put the girl down gently, turned around, smiled and said, "Don't you know that it is a very bad habit to disturb other people's meals?"

Wei Jingguo also laughed and asked, "Don't you know that breaking into other people's homes is a very bad habit?"

"We, China, have always been a country of etiquette. We welcome anyone, but we do not welcome uninvited people."

After listening to Wei Jingguo's words, Roderick finally determined the other party's identity.

 The person in front of him is obviously a warrior sent by the Chinese Military Department to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Roderick couldn't help but laugh: "I really don't understand your Chinese rules, but I also have my own principles. In my case, whoever has a strong fist will have a strong principle."

"If you can convince me, I will leave immediately and swear never to set foot in China again."

 At this point, Roderick changed the topic: "It's a pity, I don't think you can do it."

 “Is that so? You are quite confident.”

Wei Jingguo chuckled softly: "But the place here is too small and we can't do it. Why don't we go outside the city and do it."

 “At will.”

Rodrick shrugged indifferently.

Afterwards, Wei Jingguo stretched out his hand, pointed to the hem of his clothes, smiled and said: "We in China have always been known as a country of etiquette and never do anything to bully others. In this duel between you and me, as long as you can tear it apart, If you take off this piece of fabric from my clothes, you win."

 “Are you looking down on me?”

Rodrick stared at Wei Jingguo, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

At that time, Roderick really felt that Wei Jingguo was deliberately insulting him.

It was not until the end of that duel that Rodrick truly realized that Wei Jingguo did have the capital to despise him.

It was even said that Wei Jingguo at that time did not take him seriously at all.

That duel was almost a one-sided crushing.

From the beginning to the end, Roderick was unable to touch the other party's clothes.

Wei Jingguo didn't attack him harshly, he just injured him to the point where he couldn't fight back.

Then, Wei Jingguo raised his hands, stood in front of him, and said softly: "Logically speaking, I can kill you. After all, you violated our Chinese laws and regulations. I hope you can know that other The laws of the country may be just a piece of paper, but this is definitely not the case in China.”

"We have an old saying in China, which is called 'The emperor who breaks the law is guilty of the same crime as the common people.' The law is a shackles that restricts people. No matter how powerful you are, you are still a human being, not a **** or demon who has eliminated human nature. "

"The reason why I didn't kill you is because I saw your principles and bottom line. If I remember correctly, you didn't kill that girl, right? So... you are not heinous, you are just too casual."

“Practice is not easy. Go back to where you came from. I also hope you will remember to never forget to cultivate your mind.”

Rodrick looked at Wei Jingguo in front of him blankly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

 That was the first time in his life that he saw a truly invincible strong man.

It was also that day that Roderick learned what awe was.

 He bowed deeply towards Wei Jingguo, turned around and left. From then on, Roderick kept his promise and never set foot in the Chinese territory again.

 So, in his eyes, only Wei Jingguo is worthy of being called the strongest man in China.

 Others, such as Lin Longshou and others, are just ordinary people.

However, Roderick didn't know that in a sense, Wei Jingguo could even be regarded as Lin Longshou's teacher.

 The second time he met Wei Jingguo was now.

You must know that Wei Jingguo does not have the almost immortal vitality of a vampire like him.

 The years have finally left their mark on his body.

The skinny old man in front of him no longer had the sharpness like a spear that Roderick had when he first saw him.

However, his strength is still as strong as ever.

Just by raising his hands and feet, he easily annihilated the dark magic ball blasted by the Dark Lord.

 “Senior Wei, long time no see.”

Rodrick smiled and spoke softly.

Wei Jingguo turned his head, and a smile appeared on his thin cheeks: "I am an old man, I really can't call you the senior of His Excellency the Blood Emperor."

Rodrick laughed heartily: "You are really offending me when you say that. No matter what, it was you who made me understand that there is a real world outside the world."

 Subsequently, Roderick suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously: "Senior...if I may take the liberty to ask, with your strength, can you defeat this guy?"

What Roderick didn't expect was that under his questioning, Wei Jingguo shook his head and said bluntly: "He is very strong. Even if all of you come together, you may not be his opponent."

 “If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t have come here.”

"But...even I may not be able to do anything to him."

 Speaking of this, Wei Jingguo chuckled softly: "I have lived with this old bone for so long, and it is time for me to die."

 Hearing Wei Jingguo's words, even Roderick couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

He obviously did not expect that Wei Jingguo was already prepared to die when he came here.

Before Roderick could ask further questions, the voice of the Dark God Lord rang in their ears.

 “Stellar Realm?”

“I really didn’t expect that on such a barren planet, there are actually powerful people in the stellar realm. It seems that I have really underestimated you...”

The Dark Lord's cold gaze fell on Wei Jingguo, with a hint of surprise.

Then, he seemed to have seen some clues, and laughed immediately: "Hahaha... It seems that you have paid a lot of price in order to break through to the stellar realm."

“However, if you want to forcefully break through the limit in such a harsh environment, it is indeed almost like changing your destiny against the will of heaven. You should pay a corresponding price.”

“Old guy, I’m really curious, how long can you live like this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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