Chapter 418 Lin Yuan is here!

 Listening to the cold words of the Dark God Lord, Wei Jingguo just smiled noncommittally.

Of course he knows what his fate will be. After all, this moment bead is already his last trump card.

 After all his trump cards are exhausted, he will inevitably die.

To be honest, Wei Jingguo had already foreseen the current situation, but he still did it without hesitation.

His idea is very simple, even if it only seriously injures the Lord of Darkness, this is good.

  After all, the more serious the injury suffered by the Dark God Lord, the greater the possibility that other strong humans will defeat him.

 And this is already the limit of what he can do.

 “Lying in a lonely village, I don’t feel sorry for myself, but I still think about guarding the Luntai for the country.”

“I lie down at night listening to the wind and rain...Iron Horse Glacier, falling asleep!”

Wei Jingguo whispered this ancient quatrain of Lu You's in a low voice, and rushed towards the Dark God Lord without fear!

He is not afraid of death, he just wants to live in this world without any worries and to die in a grand way!

 The Dark Lord, with only half of his body left, once again collided with Wei Jingguo in the air!

Although the Dark God Lord was seriously injured, Wei Jingguo, who stabbed more than thirty spears in a row, was not much better either. His physical strength was severely exhausted.

The two sides were fighting for less than ten seconds before Wei Jingguo's figure was directly blasted several hundred meters away.

 “It’s not over yet.”

A sharp look flashed across Wei Jingguo's eyes. He stretched out his hand, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and rushed towards the Dark God Lord again!

 Warriors, remain unyielding despite all odds, and fight for your own safety even after death!


The Dark God Lord, who had suffered heavy losses, was like a furious beast. He stopped talking nonsense and the dark energy surged out, pouring crazily towards the former!

Under the violent offensive of the Dark God Lord, Wei Jingguo's figure was like a torn sack, flying backwards time and time again, but after being blown away, he would stand up again and again.

"does it worth?"

The Dark Lord's eyes were cold, and he punched Wei Jingguo's shoulder again, shattering the latter's shoulder blade.

"You do not understand."

Wei Jingguo grinned, endured the pain of broken shoulder bones, and hit the opponent with a headbutt!

 Blood for blood, injury for injury!

 The wild beasts are the craziest when they are protecting their home!

 The scene in front of me moved everyone around me!

  It is admirable, admirable, and worth singing and crying!

This is an unknown number of times that Wei Jingguo has stood up again.

On his body, the Golden Light Holy Armor was completely torn to pieces, and was covered with large and small **** mouths. Deep in the wounds, broken white bones could even be seen.

Although the self-healing ability of warriors in the Star Realm is extremely strong, Wei Jingguo has already exhausted all his strength and has no extra energy to recover.

 The entire world was so silent that only his breathing could be heard.


Wei Jingguo held a spear in his hand, barely holding himself up. He had exhausted all his strength, and now that his lamp was exhausted, he had no energy left to continue fighting.

The Lord of Darkness was obviously not ready to let him go. Dark energy suddenly surged out of his palm and condensed into a black blade!

 He looked at Wei Jingguo with eyes as cold as if he were looking at a corpse.

The next second, the black blade whirled out and flew out, with a cold and sharp light glowing on the blade!

The black blade flew quickly and strangled Wei Jingguo's neck!

 He is going to use this sword to completely cut off the opponent's head!

Wei Jingguo did not dodge because he knew he could not dodge.

Moreover, so what if you escape? It's just to postpone his death for a while. He is not greedy enough for life.

 Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in silence.

 Only silence is the highest respect for this old man.

 Only silence is the best practice.

 It was not that they did not want to save Wei Jingguo.

It’s just that among this group of people, no one has been able to save people from the hands of the Dark Lord.

Gabriel closed his eyes and softly recited the words from the Bible: "You have fought the good battle, you have kept the way you should keep, and you have reached the end of the way you should walk. From now on From now on, there is a crown of righteousness reserved for you.”

However, just as the black blade was flying in front of Wei Jingguo, a slender white arm stretched out from behind the latter and steadily caught the black blade!

The next second, purple lightning rushed out and completely shattered the black blade!

“I said, this is probably not appropriate for an old man, right?”

 The voice that sounded behind Zida Jingguo was Lin Yuan's voice!

At this moment, Lin Yuan, who had been on the road, finally made it back to the front battlefield in time!

He obviously didn't expect that so many powerful human beings would gather here just after he left for a while.

And the scarred old man standing in front of the Dark God Lord is the senior guard of Tianwu Pavilion!

 “Senior, thank you for your hard work.”

Lin Yuan took out a fairy bean from the system space with his backhand, which could speed up the recovery of injuries, and fed it into Wei Jingguo's mouth.

 “Go…get out of here.”

After raising his head to see Lin Yuan's face clearly, Wei Jingguo quickly recalled the identity of the young man in front of him.

He pushed Lin Yuan and said with difficulty: "You are no match for him. Don't go and die. You should live well and leave a spark of hope for China and mankind..."

Of course Wei Jingguo remembered the young man named Lin Yuan in front of him. In addition to the last time he met at Tianwu Pavilion, the Ministry of Military Affairs also mentioned this young man to him many times, saying that he was the most talented young man in China today. Toshihiko.

At that time, Wei Jingguo said with a smile that if he had been a few years younger, he would really have thought of taking this young man as his disciple.

 He was really unwilling to watch such a young man with infinite talents and possibilities die in front of him.

However, Lin Yuan calmly shook his head and said with a smile: "Old senior, you don't have to worry about me. I spent so much effort to come back, not just to die."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, Xiaoyou came out from behind him, as if responding to what the latter said.

Then, Lin Yuan chuckled softly: "If you want to believe it, I came back specially to help you... kill this guy."

Wei Jingguo was slightly startled, because from the words of the young man in front of him, he heard a wave of violence and murderous intent!

 (End of this chapter)

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