Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 419: Don't you have any special fetish for baby dragons?

Chapter 419 Don’t you have any special hobby for baby dragons?

However, what Lin Yuan himself did not expect was that after he finished speaking these words, the option to select the system was actually triggered again!

  【Option 1: Gather the power of all the powerful human beings and kill the Dark God Lord on the spot. The reward is 400,000 points of vitality, 400,000 points of spiritual power, 2,000 points of star power, a high-level power card, and a mysterious reward. 】

  【Option 2: Gather the power of all the powerful human beings and join forces to drive back the Dark God Lord. Reward 250,000 blood points, 250,000 spiritual power points, 1,000 star power points, a high-level power card, and a mysterious reward. 】

  【Option 3: Lead all the powerful human beings to escape from this place in order to preserve the human race's fire. If the number of deaths exceeds ten, the mission will be considered a failure. Reward 150,000 points of vitality and blood, 150,000 points of spiritual power, and 5,000 points of star power. 】

 Lin Yuan took a cursory glance and saw that the three optional tasks given by the system were in order of difficulty from high to low. They were to kill the Dark God Lord, drive back the Dark God Lord, and lead everyone to escape.

 Lin Yuan would certainly not choose the last option. He was not cowardly enough to do so.

Furthermore, even if we can escape this time, what about next time?

Next time, when the Dark Lord is wreaking havoc in China, can they still stay out of it and be alone?

 No one understands the principle of cold lips and teeth dying.

 So, Lin Yuan has made up his mind to kill the Lord of Darkness.

  No matter how bad it is, we must expel it from this planet!

 “Come on, let me see what step I can take.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and thought, the killing value mall immediately appeared in front of him.

 Lin Yuan now has three thousand kill points for him to use!

 A variety of fighting states appeared in front of him again.

But this time, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all.

 Because Lin Yuan had already made a judgment before he arrived.

 “Exchange, Dragon Elephant Suppressing Prison Body!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the ‘Dragon Elephant Prison Body’, which lasts for thirty minutes and deducts 1,800 kill points!”

 Suddenly, Lin Yuan's killing value was reduced by more than half in an instant.

 Then, he took a deep breath and said again: "Exchange, nine transformations of gods and demons!"

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the ‘Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons’, which lasts for one hour and deducts 800 kill points!”

 After the battle status exchange was completed, Lin Yuan's body immediately underwent drastic changes!

A huge force like a dragon and elephant surged out of Lin Yuan's body like a volcano erupting, filling his limbs and bones.


Lin Yuan exhaled a breath of scalding hot air, feeling that the blood all over his body was boiling, and with it, the fighting spirit in his heart rose as well!

 Because the energy in his body was so violent that Lin Yuan desperately needed an outlet to vent it!

If Lin Yuan could see the specific value, then he would definitely be able to see that his blood value was rising at a rocket-like speed!

 900,000…one million…1.2 million…1.5 million!

In just a few breaths, Lin Yuan's own qi and blood soared to the 1.5 million point mark!

You must know that if the Qi and blood exceed one million points, it is considered to have entered the realm of the ultimate king.

  In other words, Lin Yuan's current strength even far exceeds that of the ordinary Supreme King!

However, despite this, 1.5 million points of vitality and blood are still not Lin Yuan's current limit.

You must know that the 'Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Body' alone can give Lin Yuan the power of nine dragons and nine elephants, which is...a full 900,000 points of energy and blood!

In other words, if Lin Yuan fully activates the power of the Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Body, his ultimate energy and blood can even reach 1.8 million points!

 Such a terrifying power of energy and blood, I am afraid that even the ultimate king of Lin Longshou’s strength may not be able to achieve it.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yuan's strength is now completely superior to Lin Longshou! And this is also Lin Yuan’s confidence.

If he couldn't even show this bit of strength, Lin Yuan wouldn't dare boast about killing the King of Darkness in Haikou.

 The fluctuations of Qi and blood in Lin Yuan's body finally slowly stabilized after the initial crazy increase.

The strange thing that happened to Lin Yuan was naturally noticed by everyone around him.

Wei Jingguo was right behind Lin Yuan, so he was particularly sensitive to the rising momentum of the latter.

 His eyes couldn't help but reveal a strange color.

Although the Ministry of Military Affairs mentioned to him that Lin Yuan's talent is very high, the problem is... no matter how high his talent is, he is not such a high-level magician!

This does not mean high talent, this is clearly cheating!

Not to mention Wei Jingguo, even Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin, who thought they were very familiar with Lin Yuan, were stunned on the spot.

Feeling Lin Yuan's aura that seemed to reach the sky and the earth, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty: "Is this guy... really Mr. Lin?"

Nan Yunjing also looked a little confused: "I'm also...not sure."

 They had no idea why Lin Yuan had such an astonishing change after he came back from outside.


"Is this... using some secret method?"

Looking at Lin Yuan, whose momentum was rising crazily, a strange color flashed across the eyes of the Lord of Darkness.

However, even though Lin Yuan's strength has improved a bit, the Dark Lord still doesn't take him to heart.

 After all, even if Lin Yuan's momentum reaches the extreme, his strength has not yet reached the level of Wei Jingguo before.

A young man whose strength is not even as strong as his defeated generals, naturally cannot make the Dark God Lord too vigilant.

However, his attention was quickly attracted by Xiaoyou who was whistling and flying beside Lin Yuan.

"This is…"

 The eyes of the Lord of Darkness showed an indescribable look of astonishment, as if he could not believe his own eyes.

"How can it be."

“How could the legendary Star Eater appear on such a remote planet?!”

“But this aura is definitely that of the Star Devourer…”

The Dark Lord's eyes were fixed on Xiaoyou, his expression was indescribably weird, and he was still mumbling to himself, making the scene look extremely weird.

 After noticing this scene, even Lin Yuan felt a little confused.

This guy in front of me...could he have some special hobby for baby dragons? !

 (End of this chapter)

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