Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 425: Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no self!

Chapter 425: Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no one who has no self!

“I want nothing in this world that I can’t cut with the sword in my hand.”

“I want nothing in this world that I can’t cut with the sword in my hand!”

Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath and spoke as if mumbling to himself.

 At the same time, he felt as if the Zhanshen Sword in his hand had turned into a raging whirlpool, and began to absorb his power crazily!

As Wang Zhanlin's own power continues to pour into it, the power of the sword on the God-cutting Sword is also constantly rising!

However, Wang Zhanlin soon discovered that the God-Zhanping Sword in his hand was simply an unfathomable bottomless pit!

Even if he poured almost all his strength into it, it would still be like a drop in the ocean, unable to fill the gap!

Fortunately, Nan Yunjing quickly noticed something strange on Wang Zhanlin's side, and immediately opened the Fengyun Domain, raised his hands and reached towards the latter, pouring the power of Fengyun into the God-Zhancing Sword in Wang Zhanlin's hand!

Although this power does not come from Wang Zhanlin, the God-Zhanbing Sword seems to accept all comers and absorbs them all into it. A more dazzling light shines out from the blade again!

 “Not enough…not enough!”

Wang Zhanlin gritted his teeth and spoke loudly.

Even the combined strength of him and Nan Yunjing is not enough to drive this sword that he has raised for seven years!

 He needs...more energy!

"let me help you!"

A rough voice sounded, and Odin's figure appeared directly beside Wang Zhanlin, pouring all his thunder energy into the God-killing Sword!

"And I."

After Odin appeared, Zeus followed closely behind. Both of them used energy with the attribute of thunder. After being poured into the God-Zanthe Sword, it suddenly added a touch of blue and sharp thunder. !

 “God’s blessing, God’s gift!”

 Gabriel closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and softly chanted a spell.

Immediately, a shadow of a cross condensed out of thin air behind her, pouring bright holy light in the direction of Wang Zhanlin.

Those holy lights, like fireflies, were quickly absorbed into the God-Zhanbing Sword and turned into part of the sword's power!

Every strong man present sacrificed their energy without any hesitation, just to help Wang Zhanlin make this shocking sword!

“My life is worth it.”

Wang Zhanlin grinned and held the handle of the God-Zhancing Sword tightly with his right hand.

 He could clearly feel how terrifying the energy contained in the God-Slaying Sword was at this moment!

 Now he is no longer a person, but a carrier, a carrier that carries the strength and hope of countless people!

 “Don’t worry, this time... I won’t lose.”

Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath and locked his eyes firmly on the body of the Dark Lord.

You know, he has been raising this divine sword for seven years.

 Seven years are even enough to sharpen a piece of ordinary iron into a peerless sword!

From the moment he drew his sword, Wang Zhanlin never thought that he would lose!

“Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no one without me!”

Wang Zhanlin shouted loudly, and all the energy and blood in his body exploded in an instant. He took a step forward and slashed out in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

The astonishing power of the sword was like the first thunder that tore apart the nine heavens!

Under the power of this sword, large areas of void were torn apart and collapsed, as if space had no meaning in front of this sword.

 Before this, no one knew what the so-called tearing of heaven and earth meant.

 However, at this moment, they felt such a majestic momentum from this sword!

It's as if the sky and the earth have condensed into a line, condensed into this line of extremely dazzling sword light!

After making this sword strike, Wang Zhanlin seemed to have exhausted all his energy, and could no longer maintain the state of flying in the air. His figure was like a fallen leaf, falling downwards.

 Fortunately, Nan Yunjing on the side caught him in time.

Wang Zhanlin turned his head slightly, and then realized that after making this shocking sword strike, the God-Slaying Sword in his hand had been annihilated into ashes.

 “Old friend...thank you for your hard work.”

Wang Zhanlin chuckled softly and watched as the ashes transformed by the God-Slaying Sword were scattered in the breeze. Obviously, the material of the Divine Sword is not enough to support such a powerful sword.

 After the load exceeded the blade body, the Zhanshen Sword naturally broke apart.

 When the sword comes out, it is the day when the sword is broken.

 Fortunately, the Zhanshen Sword... finally completed its mission.


“How can a mere planetary level possess such terrifying power?!”

Looking at the light of the sword in front of him, even the Lord of Darkness couldn't help but have a look of horror on his face!

Even he himself couldn't believe that he actually showed fear before the opponent's sword!

 It's a pity that his fear has no meaning at all.

  His figure was tightly sealed in place by the sealing power that surged from the Qiyao Divine Scepter.

This is... Lin Yuan dug the grave for him in advance!

 “Let it end.”

Lin Yuan smiled, looking at the sword light in front of him that could tear the heaven and the earth apart, he closed his eyes slightly tiredly.


 The sword light finally slashed down, cutting off the body of the Dark God Lord.

Although there was only one blade, when it exploded, it seemed as if thousands of blades fell on the body of the Dark God Lord, cutting the latter's body into countless fragments of flesh and blood. .

In this way, no matter how powerful the Dark Lord's self-healing ability is, it will ultimately be impossible to recover.

“I never thought that one day, I would be able to be the savior of mankind...”

Although Wang Zhanlin was exhausted to the extreme, he still managed to squeeze out a smile.

Nan Yunjing on the side smiled and said: "This is not the opportunity that Mr. Lin created for you, but I have to say that the power of your sword... is really amazing. Even my old bones will be destroyed. You were frightened."

“Yeah, let’s not talk about you. I didn’t even think about it. This is the first time I have kept a knife for so long.”

At this point, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but grin: "Isn't it just for the glory of this moment that I have been holding back for so long?"

Seeing the Lord of Darkness being destroyed by Wang Zhanlin’s sword, all the strong men present could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

 This finally over.

However, Lin Yuan's expression was still a little unusual.

 He always felt that this matter was not over yet so quickly.

Just when Lin Yuan was confused as to where the accident happened, a flash of lightning suddenly seemed to flash across his mind!

 He finally realized what was wrong.

Even though the figure of the Dark God Lord was cut into countless pieces of flesh and blood by Wang Zhanlin's sword, Lin Yuan still did not receive any notification that the mission was completed.

 In other words...the Lord of Darkness is not dead at all!

After Lin Yuan realized this, he directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and looked in the direction of the body of the Dark Lord.

 (End of this chapter)

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