Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 426: The defeated Dark Lord

Chapter 426: The Defeated Dark Lord

As Lin Yuan expected, under the gaze of the Mangekyou Sharingan, wisps of black mist surged out from the flesh and blood fragments of the Dark God Lord, rising into the sky like blue smoke.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly activated Amaterasu!

Those pieces of flesh and blood were quickly burned to ashes under the burning of Amaterasu's black flames.

 However, the black mist, which was like blue smoke, was not affected at all.

Lin Yuan frowned, obviously not expecting such a situation to happen.

“I didn’t expect that your perception is really sharp... However, I advise you to give up. With your little tricks, it is impossible to hurt the power of my soul!”

The voice of the Lord of Darkness rang faintly in Lin Yuan's ears.

After the other party opened his mouth, Lin Yuan realized that the black mist that looked like blue smoke was none other than the soul of the Lord of Darkness!

Logically speaking, the body is the carrier of the soul. Without the body, the soul cannot live alone.

Now it seems that a powerful man of the Dark Lord's level can completely separate his soul from his body.

 “Boy, I will never forget the loss you made me suffer!”

“Remember it, what you have done to me, I will definitely let you repay it a thousand times in the future, blood debt will be paid with blood!”

Lin Yuan ignored the threat from the Lord of Darkness at all. The barking of the prodigal dog had no meaning at all.

He raised his head, cast his gaze at the many powerful human beings around him, and said loudly: "Everyone, who has the means to attack the soul, come and extinguish this guy's soul for me!"

 “Don’t even think about it!”

Before anyone could take action, the Dark God Lord roared out!

The next second, a large dark cloud-like shadow suddenly descended between the sky and the earth, as if it had completely covered the sky!

"This is…"

Looking at the black shadow covering the sky, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

 Because what appeared in front of him was none other than the huge black battleship ‘Dark Star’!

The reason why Lin Yuan was so impressed by this huge battleship was because it had just opened fire and destroyed most of New York City not long ago!

After the arrival of the Dark Star, countless black cannon muzzles stretched out from the ship's hull, aimed at the powerful human race below, and began to pour out cannon fire wantonly!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

Black-gray stray bullets, like a gust of wind and rain, were fired at everyone, with such force that they seemed to be able to penetrate everything!

These black and gray stray bullets also have energy marks engraved with strange runes. Once they collide with people, the energy in them will burst out, and its power is even as powerful as a full blow from a king-level powerhouse!

 Under such a dense artillery attack, almost everyone can only choose passive defense!

 And this also gave the Dark God Lord time to escape!

His soul quickly condensed into one and flew in the direction of the Dark Star!

As long as anyone wants to chase him, he will definitely be hit by dozens of cannons from the Dark Star!

The Lord of Darkness had a look of resentment on his face. He obviously did not expect that he would suffer such humiliation on such a remote planet!

 For him, abandoning his body and running away can be regarded as a great shame and humiliation!

Even if his body can be restored, it will require a lot of precious resources and materials, and within a short period of time, his own strength will never be able to return to its peak state.

Thinking like this, the Dark Lord's hatred for Lin Yuan couldn't help but become more intense. Lin Yuan's face also looked a little gloomy.

 He did not expect that under such circumstances, the Dark God Lord could actually escape!

 In a blink of an eye, the Lord of Darkness successfully boarded the Dark Star.

 This also means that no one can threaten him anymore.

The Dark Star, which blocks out the sky and the sun, is like an indestructible barrier that no one can destroy.

"Boy... just listen to me, the next time we meet, it will be your death!"

The extremely vicious voice of the Dark God Lord came out from the black battleship. In his words, he clearly pointed the finger at Lin Yuan.

However, the latter was not afraid at all and responded calmly: "If you say the same thing, I will give it back to you. If you dare to step even half a step into the earth, I will teach you how to write the word "death"!

Wang Zhanlin also laughed arrogantly and said: "You're right, if you dare to come again, I will kill you again!"


Following a cold snort from the Lord of Darkness, the Dark Star directly retracted all the gun muzzles into the hull. Then the black battleship adjusted its direction and suddenly turned into a black stream of light, sailing away in the direction of space. And go!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for forcing back the Dark God Lord, successfully completing the selection task, and receiving rewards: 250,000 points of vitality and blood, 250,000 points of spiritual power, 1,000 points of star power, a high-level power card, and a mysterious reward.”

After hearing the system prompt tone, Lin Yuan's face did not show much joy.

 Because, his initial plan was to directly kill the Dark God Lord on the spot instead of just forcing him back.

Lin Yuan also knows in his heart that the consequence of cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots is to leave hidden dangers for the future, just like planting a bomb that will explode at an unknown time.

 “However, I finally got through the disaster.”

Lin Yuan murmured softly, seeming to comfort himself.

He raised his head and looked at the devastated Central Park, which had been almost half destroyed. Then he looked at the strong human beings around him. After experiencing this battle, almost everyone was injured.

 In order to win this battle, everyone paid an extremely heavy price, and many people even died in the battle.

“Inform the Human Council and ask them to find more people to finish the work.”

Lin Yuan walked up to Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin and spoke calmly.

Although the Lord of Darkness has been defeated, there are still many remnants of the Dark Parliament in New York City. This requires the Human Parliament to reinforce some heavenly kings to wipe out all these remnants before this matter can be considered completely over.

"Thanks a lot."

Nanyun Jing patted Lin Yuan's shoulder. He could see the tiredness in the latter's eyes.

 For a young man in his early twenties, the burden on Lin Yuan's shoulders is really too heavy.

 (End of this chapter)

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