Chapter 429 Human Meeting

 Five days later, the human parliament held a meeting on a remote island.

Although the scale and momentum of this meeting were not large, all the major powers in the world sent representatives to participate.

 Because what was being discussed at this meeting was exactly how to prevent the Dark Lord from following his revenge.

At the meeting, a tall man in a suit and leather shoes looked around at the people around him and said in a deep voice: "Everyone who comes here today must be for the same thing, which is the future destiny of mankind."

“Five days ago, a black battleship came to this earth with a mysterious star warrior. Most of New York City was destroyed. The strong human race who went to intercept it suffered countless casualties.”

The starry sky warrior mentioned by this man in a suit is the Lord of Darkness.

Since the Dark God Lord was the first warrior to descend from the starry sky, the human council directly named him Starry Sky Warrior.

This man in a suit is also a person. His identity is the Secretary-General of the current Human Parliament, which is also the chief administrator of the Parliament.

Although his personal strength is not strong, only at the level of an eighth-level venerable, his abilities are extremely special.

 First of all, he personally has an IQ of 150+, which can be regarded as a genius level existence even in the world.

  Secondly, his superpower is called "Super Brain", which allows the brain to maintain high-speed operation even under overload conditions.

 The existence of this special ability has greatly improved his calculation and analysis abilities.

 According to legend, when he was only a fifth-level warrior, he used his extremely high IQ and astonishing analytical ability to plot against a seventh-level master in actual combat.

However, after he joined the Human Parliament, he rarely took the initiative and focused more on mobilizing troops and making suggestions for the Human Parliament behind the scenes.

He once said that anything that can be solved with power can also be solved with wisdom.

This is why, although he is only an eighth-level venerable, he is qualified to represent the human parliament in this meeting concerning the future destiny of mankind.

"Fortunately, we won that war in the end, but at the same time... I believe everyone here knows that we are not qualified to take it lightly."

"Because the initiator of this disaster, that is, the powerful starry sky warrior, who came here in the name of the 'Dark God Lord', did not just kill him, but escaped from our encirclement and suppression."

“Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to give up so easily.”

“So, before the Lord of Darkness comes back, we must be fully prepared to face any situation that may happen next.”

At this moment, a king of the pantheon couldn't help but speak: "But the problem is... hasn't the Dark Lord been so severely damaged by us that only his soul is left?"

“In this case, are you sure he still has the capital to make a comeback?”

After hearing the other party’s questioning, the man in the suit raised his head, glanced at him calmly, and asked, “Are you questioning my judgment?”

The king of the temples stammered: "I...I just feel that we are a little too conceited."

 In the heart of this king of the temples, it is more of a fluke.

 What he was thinking more about was that if the Lord of Darkness needed a long time to recuperate, would that mean that the earth could escape the disaster?

Moreover, there are not a few people like him who have a similar mentality of luck. Behind this kind of luck, there is the fear and fear of the dark god.

 The battle five days ago resulted in countless casualties and left an almost indelible impression on everyone present.

 The Lord of Darkness... is simply too powerful, and his ability to destroy the world is completely beyond their understanding of the powerful.

Had it not been for the strong players coming out one after another on the Chinese side in the end, I'm afraid no one would be able to restrain this devil.

However, even if they were able to push back the Dark Lord this time, it did not mean that they would be able to do it every time.

After all, the Chinese side has already made a statement that the energy used by Lin Yuan to force back the Dark God Lord is time-sensitive and cannot be maintained for a long time.

In other words, when the Dark Lord comes to the earth next time, they will have no countermeasures at all.

 “What’s wrong with the situation? Are you trying to say that we are worrying in vain?”

The man in the suit smiled and said calmly: "But what I want to tell you is that the situation...may be even worse than you imagined."

“Although it is true that the Dark Lord was injured, we currently have no evidence that he is the only cultivator in the vast universe.”

“The Lord of Darkness is not scary, and the injured Lord of Darkness is even less scary.”

"The scary thing is...will he ask for the assistance of other star warriors next and invade the earth with them?"

The man in the suit said in a deep voice: "Based on the information available so far, I can deduce that this guy is a very cautious person. In other words, the next time he invades the earth, he must be fully prepared. when."

“For him, the earth is like a piece of cake. Since he can’t eat it by himself, he will naturally find someone to share it with.”

 “For us, that’s the really scary thing.”

  After the man in the suit finished speaking, everyone present could not help but fall into silence for a while.

 Because his judgment is not based on imagination or unfounded worries, but uses the most rational attitude to analyze the most likely situation under the current situation.

 Although, the final conclusion deduced made everyone feel chilling.

You must know that a dark **** lord is terrifying enough.

If they are asked to find a few strong men of the same level to help them, then they can give up resistance directly.

 After a long silence, someone finally spoke.

Rodrick rubbed his temples and said with a wry smile: "Isn't it that your human parliament convened this meeting just to attack us and make us despair?"

"of course not."

The man in the suit calmly shook his head and said calmly: "There is no complete hopeless situation in this world. In any case, you can always find a way."

 (End of this chapter)

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