Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 430: Someone is carrying your weight in the dark

Chapter 430 Someone is carrying your weight in the dark

 The man in suit's words obviously aroused Roderick's interest.

You must know that he has never participated in any meeting of the Human Parliament. This is a rare exception, just to hear how the Human Parliament wants to deal with this matter.

Rodrick raised his head and looked directly at the man in the suit in front of him: "Then you should tell me what good ideas your human parliament has."

Under the terrifying pressure of 'Blood King' Roderick, the man in the suit remained calm and said calmly: "Time."

 “Our biggest advantage now is time.”

“Based on the information we know now, it is not difficult to infer that traveling between stars takes time.”

Hearing what the man in suit said, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

You must know that the Dark Parliament has existed in this world for a long time, at least a few years.

Logically speaking, during this period, the Dark God Lord had many opportunities to conquer the earth, but he has yet to take action.

The only reasonable explanation is that during this time, the Dark Lord has been on his way to Earth.

"We don't know now how long it will take for the Dark Lord to find helpers and invade the earth again. It may be a few months, or it may be a few years, or more than ten years."

 “But no matter what, this period of time is an advantage we can take advantage of.”

Rodrick snorted coldly and said, "I thought it was some good idea, but is this the only one?"

“Even if we can be given more than ten years, what’s the use? It’s just lingering.”

“What you said is not unreasonable, but this is our advantage after all, isn’t it?”

Facing Roderick's cold face, the man in the suit still looked as normal and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "It is a good thing for us to have more time to prepare."

“As for the specific plan, the Parliament has certainly not given it any thought.”

“In order to deal with this unprecedented crisis, the Human Parliament has prepared two plans in advance, named the ‘Hope’ Plan and the ‘Fire’ Plan.”

 After the man in the suit finally got to the point, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on him.

Then, before Rodrick could continue to ask, the man in the suit continued to speak: "Before I elaborate on these two plans, I would like to ask you a question first."

“That’s...the root cause of this situation. What is it?”

“In other words, why is the earth in such a predicament?”

“Is it because of the Dark Lord? I think that’s not necessarily the case. Even if the Dark Lord doesn’t come, there will still be other star warriors eyeing our earth.”

“The fundamental reason is that we are too weak.”

"Our strength is too weak. The strong ones in our eyes are as insignificant as ants in the eyes of those starry sky warriors."

 “Weakness is our real original sin.”

After the man in the suit said these words, everyone present couldn't help but fell into silence for a while.

 Although what he said was cruel, it was also a **** reality. Being weak is the original sin.

"However, although we are not strong enough now, it does not mean that we will continue to be weak."

  “I remember I once read such a sentence in a book.”

 “Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, arrogance is.”

“We know very little about the starry sky above our heads, so we need to explore it with a humble attitude, instead of blindly closing the country and passively waiting for the arrival of the invaders.”

“The two projects ‘Hope’ and ‘Tinder’ are products based on this principle.”

“It’s not so much a plan as it is the preparations made by the human parliament in advance to prevent human extinction.”

“Let’s talk about the ‘Hope’ plan first. The purpose of this plan is to send some warriors into the starry sky first to seek cultivation resources outside the earth in order to achieve a rapid improvement in strength.”

 This plan is naturally reasonable.

 The reason why there are no powerful men of the Dark Lord's level on the earth is precisely because the resources for cultivation are really limited.

Even if he is as talented as Wei Jingguo, he has wasted most of his life in the realm of the Supreme Heavenly King and has been unable to take that step for decades.

Just as the Lord of Darkness himself said, if Wei Jingguo and he were allowed to practice under the same circumstances, the achievements that the latter could achieve would definitely be far above him!

 The resources and environment of the outside world are even more important than one’s own talents.

Just like going to school, no one from a small mountain village may be able to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University for decades. But for those students from prestigious schools, getting into Tsinghua University and Peking University is as easy as picking up something in a bag.

 This is the saying goes that it is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family.

After everyone's attention was aroused, the man in the suit continued: "The best case scenario is that we first send a group of extremely potential kings into the stars, and after they grow up, we can Return to the earth and help us resist the invasion from the outside. "

Rodrick looked at him in surprise: "Does the human parliament now have the technological means to travel between stars?"

If even interstellar travel cannot be achieved, then the so-called Hope Project will naturally become nonsense.

"Well, you don't have to worry about this. The Human Parliament began to research and develop related technologies as early as ten years ago, and it has made some achievements in this area. Although there are still many shortcomings, as far as simple interstellar travel is concerned, But it’s not difficult to do.”

 “Is this true?” Roderick asked uncertainly, “Why have I never heard of it?”

“It’s very simple. In this era when martial arts is prosperous, everyone is focusing on the endless stream of strong martial arts masters, and almost no one pays attention to these things.”

The man in the suit smiled: "But we must also remember that the reason why we can feel relaxed is precisely because someone is carrying the burden for us in the dark."

“Looking far ahead, everything is sad.”

“Although these researchers are all unknowns, it is precisely because of their existence that they have given us a glimmer of hope today.”

  After hearing what the man in the suit said, even a cynical man like Roderick couldn't help but nodded: "It's indeed respectable."

 (End of this chapter)

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