Chapter 431 Fire Plan!

“However, the most critical issue in the hope plan is whether we have enough time.”

“It is true that there are many unimaginable cultivation resources in the starry sky, but no one can guarantee whether these king-level warriors we sent into the starry sky can grow up in such a short period of time.”

“Furthermore, along with opportunities, there are also crises. No one can guarantee how many of the batch of Heavenly King Warriors we sent into the stars will survive.”

 It has to be said that the worries of the man in the suit are not unreasonable.

Although the warriors of the Heavenly King Realm are among the most powerful people on earth, once they step into the starry sky, their strength is not worth mentioning at all.

“So, in order to prevent the ‘Hope’ plan from failing, the Human Parliament also specially added the ‘Fire’ plan to make up for the deficiencies of the former.”

“The essence of the so-called ‘fire’ plan is to take its literal meaning and preserve the last fire for the earth.”

“The general content of the plan is to recruit a group of the most talented young people in the world and send them into the ‘Noah’s Ark’ built by the human parliament.”

“When the earth is really about to fall, the human parliament will send ‘Noah’s Ark’ into the starry sky as soon as possible, so that this group of young people who have not yet grown up can inherit the last fire of our humanity.”

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, 'Noah's Ark' is a giant manned spacecraft that the human parliament started building ten years ago. It is no exaggeration to say that this spacecraft was built by the world's top scientific researchers. The spacecraft built by the joint efforts of countless people is one of the pinnacles of technology today. "

Listening to the man in a suit talking about the origin of the so-called "Noah's Ark", Roderick couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Why did you start building a giant manned spacecraft so early?"

 “I said, if you look far away, everything will be sad.”

The man in a suit smiled modestly: "As early as ten years ago, the human parliament had begun to consider in advance what would happen to us humans if the earth were to be destroyed one day."

Rodrick was stunned for a moment, then muttered: "What a bunch of idiots who are worrying about nothing."

Facing Rodrick's incomprehension, the man in the suit was not angry. Instead, he still smiled and said: "It is always necessary to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and someone must always consider the front."

At this moment, Lin Longshou, who had been quietly listening to the man in a suit's narration, also spoke up: "I have a question. How many people can the 'Noah's Ark' you talk about be able to accommodate?"

The man in the suit pondered for a moment, and finally gave an answer: "Nearly 100,000 people. Moreover, Noah's Ark has an extremely complete ecological cycle system, and it can also absorb the energy emitted by the surrounding stars. If there are no accidents, If this happens, this Noah's Ark can even drift in the starry sky for thousands of years."

This number was obviously far beyond Lin Longshou's expectations. After being shocked for a moment, he smiled and said, "It is indeed the ark that can save the world in myths and legends."

The so-called Noah's Ark is a transliteration of Hebrew and is a story in the "Hebrew Bible Genesis".

It is said that Jehovah, the God who created the world, saw that the world was full of corruption, violence, and lawless evil, so he planned to destroy the world with a great flood. However, God also discovered that there was a kind and righteous man named Noah among humans, so he guided Noah to build a huge ark and allowed him to bring his family, livestock, birds, etc. The animals were brought into the ark together.

 The great flood that destroyed the world raged for seven days and seven nights, nearly destroying the entire world.

Seven days later, when the flood receded, Noah left the ark with his family and animals, and built a new home and a new world on top of the ruins.

The human council named the spaceship they built that can carry 100,000 people ‘Noah’s Ark’, which is indeed quite appropriate.

However, the number of 100,000 sounds like a lot, but once it is averaged over the global population of 7.6 billion, it is completely insufficient. It can be described as a drop in the ocean.

"The Human Parliament has also made preliminary considerations on how to distribute these 100,000 places. The first group will naturally give priority to young people with extremely high talents in martial arts. After all, only these people are the hope for the future of the human race. , is the fire we deserve to preserve.”

“As for the second batch, they are naturally the heads of state and political figures of various countries, as well as the family members of those warriors in the Heavenly King Realm.”

“However, except for the warriors of the Heavenly King Realm designated by the Human Parliament, the other warriors of the eighth-level Venerable Realm and above are not allowed to board Noah’s Ark.”

“Because the meaning of the Ark’s existence is to inherit human civilization and continue the fire of mankind, rather than being used as a tool for escape.”

 Letting the family members of Heavenly King Realm warriors board Noah's Ark is not for the purpose of gaining privileges, but has a deeper meaning.

You must know that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. If the day comes when the Lord of Darkness comes again, then there is no doubt that all the powerful people in the Heavenly King Realm on the earth must fight to the end.

It is certainly true that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", but since they have implemented and fulfilled their responsibilities to the death, they should naturally enjoy the corresponding rights and interests.

In this case, only by sending their family members to Noah's Ark and ensuring the safety of their loved ones can they have no worries and fight at all costs!

It has to be said that the human parliament has considered it very carefully. They have made the worst preparations and plans in advance even before the Lord of Darkness has arrived.

After the man in the suit finished narrating everything, everyone present frowned, seeming to be thinking about the future destiny of mankind and the feasibility of these two plans.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly sounded: "Actually, I think... what we should be thinking about now is not how to escape, but how to fight."


After hearing this word, the man in the suit couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and cast his eyes on Lin Yuan who was speaking.

After staring at him silently for a while, the man in the suit asked calmly: "If I remember correctly, you should be the young man who forced back the Dark Lord in New York City, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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