Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 432: Candidates wishing to plan

Chapter 432: Candidates for the Hope Plan

 Under the other party's inquiry, Lin Yuan nodded calmly to show his acquiescence.

 The man in the suit smiled faintly, and then said: "All of us here should thank you."

"If it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't have the chance to sit here and discuss countermeasures today."

Lin Yuan did not deny his achievements, but said humbly: "It is related to the survival of mankind. This is just what I should do."

“You said we need to fight, but I would like to hear how you are going to fight?”

The man in the suit asked calmly: "You shouldn't have the power to rival the Dark Lord now, right?"

"What's more... wait until the next time, it may not be just the Dark Lord who comes to the earth."

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "I just think that we should not give up so easily. The earth is our homeland, just like the root system of an ancient tree in the sky."

“The roots are dead, how can the leaves still live?”

“If the earth has fallen, then what’s the point of implementing the so-called Fire Plan and continuing the fire of human civilization? In the end, it’s just a rootless root.”

What Lin Yuan didn't expect was that the man in a suit nodded in agreement with his idea: "You are right."

“The earth is our homeland and our home. No one wants to leave their homeland unless it is absolutely necessary.”

“Therefore, we will never implement the ‘Tinder’ plan until the last resort, because this is the last resort for us humans.”

“I also agree with what you said. We must fight no matter what. We must fight for every inch of ground we must not give in.”

“It’s a pity... we don’t have the capital to fight against each other now.”

“Since you can’t fight, you can only endure it, you can only endure it!”

  "Endure it until the day we have the strength to protect our homeland with our own hands, and endure it until the day the earth truly rises!"

“On that day, we can truly guarantee that the earth will not be invaded by any force, and we can declare with the most proud attitude that only we are the true masters of the earth!”

The man in the suit's words were very calm, not too shocking, and even slightly helpless.

 But under this helplessness, there is blood boiling and surging!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and said calmly: "I'm sorry, senior, I misunderstood your intentions."

 Yeah, who doesn’t want to fight? Who wants to give up their home?

 It’s just that sometimes, tolerance requires more courage than resistance.

 Because fighting means breaking up without hesitation.

To be forbearing is to compromise for something precious.

 The man in the suit nodded and said calmly: "Thank you for your understanding. Everything we do is for mankind."

Subsequently, Lin Yuan's conversation suddenly changed: "However, I still have something to say."

“What I want to say is that I understand your approach, but I also stick to my own ideas.”

"No matter what, I will fight against the Lord of Darkness to the end." "Even at all costs, I will not let anyone or any force occupy the land under my feet or the planet under my feet!"

"To be honest, I don't have any lofty ambitions. I just hope that the people around me, my relatives, and my friends, can live a happy and stable life. That's all my wish."

“But if someone refuses to let me realize such a small wish, then no matter who is standing in front of me, I will not make it easy for him!”

 Lin Yuan finished these words word by word, without gritting his teeth or shouting hoarsely. All he had... was just a calm and firm tone.

 Everyone present could see a stubborn belief in the eyes of this black-haired young man.

 His firm eyes seemed to be saying that as long as there is something I want to do, there is nothing I can't do.

“So, I don’t object to your implementation of the ‘Hope’ plan and the ‘Fire’ plan, but I will also protect this planet in my own way.”

 Everyone’s eyes were focused on Lin Yuan.

The words of this Chinese young man are not very appealing, but they can make people believe them.

 After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan sat down again.

The meeting continued, and the focus of everyone's attention was still on the two plans of 'Hope' and 'Tinder'.

 After all, compared to illusory miracles, these two plans are truly feasible.


 The meeting lasted for a full ten hours.

During this period, the Human Parliament even directly finalized the list of the first batch of Heavenly King Realm warriors to be sent into the universe.

 Among them, there are also some acquaintances that Lin Yuan knows.

'Blood King' Roderick decided to join the 'Hope' project. He said that the earth was too small and not big enough for him to deal with alone. It was just a good opportunity to take a look at the vast universe.

Lin Longshou decided to join the 'Hope' project. After being defeated by the Dark God with almost crushing power, he deeply realized his shortcomings in strength. He also wanted to enter the universe to seek a breakthrough. opportunity.

In addition, various forces around the world have also selected suitable candidates to join the "Hope" project.

 It is worth mentioning that even Wang Zhanlin applied to join the ‘Hope’ project, and it was approved by the Human Parliament!

To be honest, Lin Yuan has always regarded Wang Zhanlin as an old-timer like Nan Yunjing.

 But in fact, there are still some differences between the two people.

Nanyun Jing's end was approaching, so he devoted all his efforts to Jingwu, hoping that China could prosper.

Although Wang Zhanlin is also the principal of Mowu University, he has not devoted all his efforts to Mowu University.

 For Wang Zhanlin, the position of principal of Mowu is just a position and a responsibility, not the entire meaning of his existence.

 Because his vigor has not completely dissipated.

 In short, his warrior heart that longs to become stronger has not yet completely cooled down.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to keep a magic sword for seven years!

With this mentality, it is not so surprising that Wang Zhanlin would choose to join the "Hope" project.

 (End of this chapter)

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