Chapter 433 Kunlun Mountain!

Of course, since someone chooses to take this step towards the universe, it is natural that someone needs to choose to stay on the earth.

For example, Wei Jingguo and Nan Yunjing both chose to stay on earth.

On the one hand, if there is no strong person in charge, not to mention resisting foreign enemies, even the original order of the earth may not be able to be maintained.

Secondly, warriors of their age have almost reached their upper limit in terms of potential and strength.

Even if you step into the universe, there may not be a big improvement.


“I never thought that one day I would leave the planet beneath my feet.”

 After the meeting, Wang Zhanlin walked directly to Lin Yuan and sighed with a smile.

 For him, both the starry sky above his head and the boundless universe are quite distant words.

Before the arrival of the Lord of Darkness, Wang Zhanlin never even thought that there were other cultivators in the vast universe.

“The world is unpredictable, and some things are unexpected.”

Lin Yuan smiled and patted Wang Zhanlin on the shoulder: "Principal, since you have decided to go, I can only wish you a safe journey."

Wang Zhanlin said with a smile: "Don't worry, the fortune teller told me when I was a child. He told me that I have no other abilities. I just have a very hard life and will never die no matter where I go."

"But... what I didn't expect is that you didn't join the 'Hope' project."

In Wang Zhanlin’s view, Lin Yuancai should be the most suitable candidate for the ‘Hope’ project, and it can even be described as ‘no one’.

 After all, among the martial arts geniuses in the world, Lin Yuan is the most dazzling one.

 At Lin Yuan's age, there is no one else with his level of strength, even in the whole world.

 For a peerless genius like Lin Yuan, the earth seems a bit too small and cannot accommodate him at all.

 Only the vast and boundless universe is a bigger stage.

Wang Zhanlin can hardly imagine how dazzling Lin Yuan will be after leaving the earth and entering the universe.

However, at the meeting, Lin Yuan made it clear that he would not leave the earth, let alone participate in the so-called "Hope" project.

Facing Wang Zhanlin’s doubts, Lin Yuan did not explain much. He just smiled lightly and said: “Of course I want to leave the earth, but it’s not the right time yet.”

"If the scourge of the Dark God Lord is not solved, it is impossible for me to leave the earth with peace of mind."

 It is true that based on Lin Yuan’s contributions to mankind, his family and friends are definitely qualified to be included in the list of the ‘Tinder’ project.

However, Lin Yuan is not prepared to let his relatives and friends stay in a spaceship that will never see the sun, wandering in the dark and cold universe for tens or hundreds of years.

Wang Zhanlin did not question Lin Yuan's decision. He just looked at him deeply and asked, "Are you sure about it?"

According to his understanding of Lin Yuan, the latter would never do anything he was unsure of. "Of course I'm sure, but I can't guarantee 100%." ​​Lin Yuan said softly: "However, I will ensure that I do my best."

"That's good, I won't ask any more questions. I want to believe you." Wang Zhanlin nodded: "But if you really can't do it, don't show off."

 “Okay, I understand.”

After Lin Yuan responded, Wang Zhanlin patted him on the shoulder and said calmly: "Don't put all the burden on your own shoulders. You are not the only one protecting the earth."

"Perhaps after I return from traveling in the universe, I will be able to cultivate much better than the Lord of Darkness. By then, I will risk my life for whoever dares to occupy the earth."

Lin Yuan was also amused by Wang Zhanlin's stinky look. He covered his mouth and said with a smile, "I hope there will come a day. When that happens, I will have to rely on Principal Wang to protect me."


 After the meeting, Lin Yuan did not return to Mowu with Wang Zhanlin. Instead, after saying goodbye to him, he left alone.

Lin Yuan would choose to leave alone, naturally because he had other things to do.

 The cause of the incident starts three days ago.

 After repelling the Dark God Lord, Lin Yuan also received corresponding system rewards.

 In addition to the basic rewards of blood power and spiritual power, the system also awarded him an additional high-level ability card and a special mysterious reward.

After getting the reward, Lin Yuan has been curious about what this so-called mysterious reward will be.

 After he opened it, Lin Yuan was shocked to find that the so-called mysterious reward turned out to be a simple sheepskin scroll.

The history of this sheepskin scroll seems to be extremely long, and it is covered with traces of time, but the content recorded in the patterns on it is still clearly visible.

Lin Yuan studied for nearly a night and finally discovered the clues.

 This sheepskin scroll should be a map, and judging from the trend of the mountains and the general outline, it should be exactly the map of China in ancient times.

On this sheepskin scroll, there is another location that was clearly marked with a kind of oracle bone inscription.

Although Lin Yuan could not understand the meaning of these words, he was able to deduce through simple logic that this place marked with words definitely hid a mystery!

After making this discovery, Lin Yuan was no longer idle. He went directly to the library of Wudu University in the Magic City. While flipping through the maps of various ancient dynasties, he compared them with the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

 Finally, Lin Yuan finally determined that the marked place was none other than the Kunlun Mountains, known as the "No. 1 Sacred Mountain in China"!

 Kunlun Mountains, also known as Kunlun Xu, Mountain of Ten Thousand Ancestors, and Kunlun Qiu, start from the eastern part of the Pamir Plateau in the west, traverse between XJ and XZ, and extend to Qinghai, with a total length of about 2,500 kilometers.

In ancient mythology, Kunlun Mountain is also a very famous fairy mountain.

The Kunlun Mountains are considered to be the dragon veins of China. There are even rumors that there is an immortal called the Queen Mother of the West living in the Kunlun Mountains. She has the head of a human and the body of a leopard, and is served by two blue birds.

Just after Lin Yuan learned this information, the system's prompt tone also rang in his ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the randomly selected mission ‘Mythic Heritage’. Do you accept it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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