Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 439: Shi Potian, Nuwa, the place of inheritance!

Chapter 439 Shi Potian, Nuwa, the place of inheritance!

 In this vortex formed by energy, the energy has almost become so dense that it has condensed into substance.

Xiaoyou lay on Lin Yuan's shoulder with a look of enjoyment, absorbing the energy in the vortex.

Since the energy condensed by Lin Yuan is too turbulent, even a small part of it is enough to satisfy Xiaoyou.

What Lin Yuan didn't know was that on a dark red planet hundreds of thousands of light years away from him, a beautiful woman frowned slightly.

“Someone is actually absorbing the energy in Kunlun Ruins? Is it the person who mistakenly entered the inheritance place before?”

The beautiful woman frowned slightly and thought to herself.

You must know that all the energy in Kunlun Ruins is provided by her, so it is so rich.

 Otherwise, no matter how mysterious a holy land is, it would be impossible to maintain such a high density of rich energy for nearly ten thousand years without dissipating.

“Forget it, let this little thief absorb some energy, it’s not a big deal, just ignore it.”

The beautiful woman shook her head gently to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart.

Even if Lin Yuan absorbs all the energy of the entire Kunlun Ruins, to her, it is just a drop in the bucket, and there is nothing worth paying special attention to.

However, even if she doesn’t care, naturally there are still people who care.

Before Lin Yuan could absorb it, a huge figure appeared in front of him, and shouted angrily: "That's enough, stop!"


After hearing this angry voice, Lin Yuan was slightly startled for a moment, then looked up directly.

He saw an extremely tall stone man standing in front of him with an angry look on his face.

 The reason why it is called a stone man is because this guy's body is completely made of rock and looks extremely hard.

 “Don’t stop yet?!”

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't respond, the stone man in front of him became even more angry. He directly raised his huge stone fist and slammed it down at him!

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that the other party would choose to attack without any explanation. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and his body instantly turned into a beam of lightning, barely avoiding the stone man's punch!


The stone man's fist hit the ground hard with a loud bang!

The cracked lines quickly spread from the place where his fist fell to the surroundings, and finally the entire ground collapsed!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

I didn’t expect that this stone man, who looked ordinary in appearance, could be so powerful.

If the punch he just fired was converted into the power of qi and blood, it would be equivalent to the explosion of a million points of qi and blood power!

In other words, in terms of strength alone, this stone man is already comparable to the current Lin Yuan.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that this stone man has not even used all his strength.

Seeing Lin Yuan being attacked by the stone man, Xiaoyou on the side was instantly angered. He roared loudly and spit out a blast of frost dragon breath from his mouth!

 “Little dragon cub, you are looking for death!”

The extremely cold frost quickly spread on the body of the stone man, but the latter's actions did not seem to be greatly affected. Instead, after roaring, he turned around and stepped out, running directly towards Xiaoyou!

 “Senior Stone Man!”

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally spoke: "We have no intention of becoming your enemy. Are you the guardian of Kunlun Ruins?"

After Lin Yuan spoke, the stone man finally stopped what he was doing. He put away his fists, turned around, looked Lin Yuan up and down, and said angrily: "As for the guardian... I can't be called a guardian. Just think of me as a gatekeeper."

“After all, the inheritors haven’t waited much in these years, and there have been quite a few snow monsters that have wandered in by mistake, which is really annoying.”

Lin Yuan considered the other party's words carefully and asked softly: "Senior Shiren, I wonder if you can tell me what a successor is?"

The stone man glanced at him and explained: "The so-called inheritors are cultivators like you who happened to enter the Kunlun Ruins by chance."

"However, among so many inheritors, you are the most rude one. As soon as you came in, you began to absorb the energy of Kunlun Ruins without any reason. And you absorbed the energy really fast. If it weren't for An Shi Po God discovered it just in time, and all the energy in Kunlun Ruins will be absorbed by you alone!"

If ordinary people were to absorb some energy in the Kunlun Ruins, Shi Potian would simply turn a blind eye. But the speed at which this kid absorbed energy was really too weird. He was not absorbing energy at all. This is clearly sweeping away energy!

Lin Yuan was quite embarrassed and said sheepishly: "Senior Shi, I'm really sorry. I thought these energies were ownerless things, and the energy here was too strong, so I couldn't hold it back for a while..."

Although at most a few minutes had passed from the time Lin Yuan started absorbing energy until he was discovered and interrupted by Shi Potian, within this period of time, he had absorbed a massive amount of energy, even the upper limit of his energy and blood. An increase of nearly 30,000 to 40,000 points!

 “Things without an owner?”

Shi Potian snorted coldly: "What you think is quite beautiful. I might as well tell you that all the energy in Kunlun Ruins comes from Lady Nuwa and is a gift from Lady Nuwa."


  After hearing this extremely familiar name, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be slightly startled.

As a descendant of Yan and Huang, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to be insensitive to this name.

You must know that in ancient Chinese myths and legends, the Reverend Nuwa exists like a creator god.

The legend that Nuwa used loess to create humans has been passed down for thousands of years.

Although Lin Yuan had been fully prepared mentally when he accepted the task of ‘inheriting myths’, he still felt somewhat disillusioned when myths and legends overlapped with reality.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but swallowed, suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked softly: "So, does the great goddess Nuwa mentioned by the seniors... live somewhere in the Kunlun Ruins?"

However, Shi Potian shook his head and said calmly: "Nvwa has already left Kunlun Ruins nearly ten thousand years ago. To be more precise, she left the land under our feet."

Hearing what the other party said, Lin Yuan was slightly startled for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

The words Shi Potian said about leaving the land under his feet should mean leaving the earth, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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