Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 440: Nuwa’s inheritance [First update! 】

Chapter 440 Nuwa’s inheritance [First update! 】

After thinking about this, Lin Yuan clarified his thoughts slightly.

If the myths and legends are true, or partially true, then the so-called immortals should be relatively powerful practitioners at that time.

Although in myths and legends, they can call the wind and rain and are omnipotent, which seems somewhat incredible.

But then I thought about it, weren’t the superpowers of their era also able to control wind and rain?

Even for powerful warriors, breaking the void is nothing more than a trivial matter.

However, what Lin Yuan did not expect was that as early as tens of thousands of years ago, there were already practitioners who saw the limitations of practicing on earth and turned to plunge into the infinite universe.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Since the great goddess Nuwa has been away for so long, does Senior Shi know whether she is alive or dead now?"

 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend, I just wanted to ask a simple question.”

“Well, to be honest, I don’t know where Lady Nuwa is now and whether she has died.”

Shi Potian scratched his head and said with a serious face: "I can't understand these things, and I don't want to think about them too much, so I just don't think about them at all."

"What I can do is to obey Lady Nuwa's instructions and guard the Kunlun Ruins. In this way...if Lady Nuwa comes back one day, she might even praise me!"

When he said this, Shi Potian's face was filled with happiness, as if receiving a few words of praise from Lady Nuwa was already a great honor for him.

What a stupid stone man.

Lin Yuan immediately made a conclusion in his mind.

After living for nearly ten thousand years, Lin Yuan's mind is still like that of a child. Apart from "silly", Lin Yuan really can't find any other suitable word to describe him.

However, sometimes, simplicity is not necessarily a bad thing.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan said softly: "According to what you said, the energy of Kunlun Ruins should come from the great goddess Nuwa. Since the energy of Kunlun Ruins has not been exhausted yet, it should be enough to show that she is still alive. Bar?"

“Well, what you said makes some sense, but even so, we still can’t draw such a conclusion.”

Shi Potian scratched his head and said: "Because based on Lady Nuwa's strength, even after her death, her remaining power is enough to supply the Kunlun Ruins for tens of thousands of years."

 After hearing what Shi Potian said, Lin Yuan was completely stunned.

 Originally, he did not have a specific understanding of Nuwa's strength.

According to Lin Yuan's guess, Nuwa is at most a level stronger than the Lord of Darkness.

 But he obviously did not expect that according to Shi Potian, Nuwa's strength was already so strong.

Even after death, the remaining energy is enough to run the Kunlun Ruins for tens of thousands of years. How powerful does one have to be to do this?

“Then I shouldn’t be the only one who has come here over the years, right?”

 After a moment of confusion, Lin Yuan quickly brought the topic back on track.

"Well... of course you are not the only one. Every once in a while, someone will enter this place by mistake. In the past one thousand years, there seems to be... let me do the math..." Shi Potian thought about it and raised his fingers: "Ah ! Apart from you, a total of five inheritors have entered the Kunlun Ruins in the past thousand years."

“Furthermore, for some reason, most of the people who entered Kunlun Ruins were ordinary people before, but now among the people who come in, cultivators like you make up the majority.”

"There are even some cultivators who don't show any etiquette at all. They attack me directly as soon as they see me. However, they are not as strong as you, so they were all badly damaged by me."

 Listening to Shi Potian's words, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart.

With your dignity, those warriors will probably regard you as some kind of special beast. They will not talk nonsense to you. It is common sense to take action directly.

However, those warriors can be regarded as suffering from bad luck for eight lifetimes. As for Shi Potian's punch, which can burst out millions of energy and blood, there are really not many people who can destroy this guy.

Then, Shi Potian continued to speak: "I thought about it carefully, it should be that the outside world has changed."

“Nvwa once told me that every time a period of time comes, a new era of practice will begin.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Now is indeed the age of cultivation."

Then, Lin Yuan asked again: "What happened next? What happened to the inheritors who entered here? Has anyone received the inheritance from God Nuwa?"

"Of course not. If someone really got the inheritance, what would I do in Kunlun Ruins?"

 Speaking of this, Shi Potian smiled honestly: "As for those inheritors...of course they are all dead!"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 Brother, can you stop saying such horrible things with such an honest face? !

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t kill these people.”

Shi Potian seemed to notice that something was wrong with Lin Yuan's mood, and explained with a smile: "Among them, some people died in the inheritance trial, and some people did not intend to participate in the inheritance trial, or in other words I gave up halfway.”

“For this type of people, I will not force them to do anything, but it is naturally impossible to let them go back. If they are allowed to go back, the secret of Kunlun Ruins will be made public to the world.”

"Furthermore, this Kunlun Ruins is not under my control. This place has always had only an entrance and no exit. Only by receiving the inheritance from Lady Nuwa can one leave this place. Otherwise... I have not sent anyone out of Kunlun Ruins. "

Hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

He obviously did not expect that the Kunlun Ruins would be so evil. He could not even leave here before he obtained the inheritance!

Then, Shi Potian laughed heartily: "If you can't get the inheritance, you will probably have to stay with me."

“You are so strong, you will definitely be able to live longer, so I won’t be bored for a long time.”

Lin Yuan was slightly speechless. He obviously did not expect that in Shi Potian's eyes, he had been regarded as an existence that could not be inherited.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Senior Shi, you have said so much, but I still don't know yet, how can I get the inheritance of the Great God Nuwa?"

 (End of this chapter)

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