Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 441: Xuanxu Cave, a test of strength! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 441 Xuanxu Cave, a test of strength! 【Second update! 】

Shi Potian seemed to have expected that Lin Yuan would ask such a question, and explained in a leisurely manner: "If you want to obtain the inheritance of Lady Nuwa, it is actually very simple. You only need to pass the inheritance test."

 “Inheritance trial?”

Lin Yuan asked: "What kind of trial is it probably?"

"I'm not sure about this either." Shi Potian replied, "But what I can tell you is that the trials that each inheritor receives at Kunlun Ruins are different."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Why is this?"

“Of course it’s because everyone’s characteristics are different.”

Shi Potian smacked his lips and said eloquently: "As strong as you are, the trials will be more focused on testing your potential, upper limit of strength and cultivation talent."

“For ordinary people who have never practiced cultivation, the trials at Kunlun Ruins usually do not test their personal strength, but rather test their temperament, patience, understanding and talent.”

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "This is quite fair."

 For ordinary people who have not experienced cultivation, it is indeed more reasonable to examine these aspects.

However, this Kunlun Ruins trial is definitely not as simple as I imagined.

 Otherwise, no one would have received Nuwa’s inheritance for so long.

“Then, Senior Shi, when can the inheritance trial begin?”

Lin Yuan looked at Shi Potian and asked respectfully.

 “You can start at any time if you want.”

Shi Potian said: "But I can remind you in advance that everyone only has one chance to test. If you can't pass the test, you will have to stay in Kunlun Ruins for the rest of your life."

“Although it’s not a bad thing to stay, I still hope you can think about it carefully.”

Lin Yuan barely hesitated and said straightforwardly: "I'm ready, let's start the trial now."

 He is not going to waste too much time in this place.

If you can obtain inheritance, that would naturally be the best.

 But if he failed to pass the inheritance test, Lin Yuan would definitely try his best to leave Kunlun Ruins.

"Since you have made up your mind, then come with me."

After Shi Potian finished speaking, he turned around and started walking in front of Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan followed Shi Potian all the way, walking on the path between the mountains and forests.

The air in Kunlun Ruins is extremely fresh, which can be said to be fascinating.

 The sound of birds chirping and insects chirping all around can be heard all around. Being in it makes you feel like you are in a fairyland on earth.

 Under the leadership of Shi Potian, Lin Yuan soon came to a cave.

The cave was deathly silent and pitch black, and it was impossible to see what was inside the cave entrance.

However, at the entrance of this cave, four characters were carved in ancient Chinese characters - Xuanxudongtian.

  Judging from the calligraphy, it should be the same hand as the "Kunlun Ruins" on the entrance stone tablet.

"We have arrived. You can start your inheritance trial by entering this Xuanxu Cave."

After arriving at the destination, Shi Potian sat down directly and said with a silly smile: "Okay, go in quickly, I'll be waiting for you at the door." "If you fail, come out quickly, I'm still waiting. Tell me what interesting things happened outside recently!"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

I have to say that this silly stone man is really good at chatting. He chatted to death in just a few words, and he didn't even think that he could successfully pass the trial.

"That may require you to wait a little longer, but it is not to wait for me to fail, but to wait for me to successfully complete the trial and take you away from Kunlun Ruins to see the outside world for yourself."

 After saying that, Lin Yuan walked straight into the Xuanxu Cave.

Shi Potian was slightly stunned at first, and then he couldn't help but muttered: "I take back my previous evaluation of you. You are not only the most rude inheritor, but also the most arrogant inheritor in history..."

However, even so, Shi Potian still did not think that Lin Yuan could really obtain Nuwa's inheritance.


 “The inheritance trial, the first level, the trial of strength.”

After Lin Yuan stepped into the Xuanxu Cave, the scene around him began to change instantly.

 Subsequently, a deep voice rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

It seems that his guess is correct. This so-called Xuanxu Cave is not just a cave, but a barrier-like existence.

“Is the trial of strength a level that tests strength?”

 Listening to the words ringing in his ears, Lin Yuan murmured to himself thoughtfully.

If Shi Potian is right, for a practitioner like him who already possesses a certain level of strength, the inheritance trial will be more focused on testing his strength.

 Then he raised his head and looked at his surroundings.

The space here is not narrow, it can even be described as vast.

It’s just that it’s not the kind of endless expanse.

Everywhere Lin Yuan looked, there were boundaries. Each side was uneven, showing gray-white stone walls, completely isolating this space from the outside world.

“What is the purpose of the so-called test of strength? Do I need to break these stone walls to pass the test?”

Just as Lin Yuan's thoughts were racing, an extremely tall figure descended in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Are you the inheritor who will enter the Kunlun Ruins this time? Very good...come and be my opponent. !”

After hearing this voice, Lin Yuan's face clearly showed a bit of surprise.

 Because this voice sounds so familiar!

 The next second, Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the other party in great surprise.

What appeared in front of him was Shi Potian, who had previously sent him into the Xuanxu Cave!

“Senior Shi, why are you here?”

Looking at the stone man that appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan asked directly.

 However, the other party seemed not to have any impression of him, and asked in a deep voice: "Do you know me?"

"Of course." Lin Yuan said: "Senior Shi, didn't you bring me to this mysterious realm? You also said you would wait for me to come out at the entrance..."

Before Lin Yuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by the stone man in front of him: "I think you must have mistaken the person. The person responsible for guiding the inheritors in Kunlun Ruins is my compatriot, Shi Potian. "

“As for me, you can call me... Shi Jingtian.”

 (End of this chapter)

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