Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 443: The outcome is decided! 【Fourth update! 】

Chapter 443 The winner has been decided! 【Fourth update! 】

 “Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!”…

Lin Yuan's fists, like a gust of wind and rain, hit Shi Jingtian's body one after another!

Each punch contains millions of points of energy and blood!

Every time a punch lands, a dull roar will erupt!

However, although Lin Yuan's offensive seemed extremely fast, its effect was quite limited.

Even under such a crazy attack, Shi Jingtian's figure remained motionless, just like a rock in the torrent.

“Is your power only up to this level? If that’s all, then you are probably not worthy of accepting the inheritance of the Great God Nuwa.”

Shi Jingtian shook his head, took a step forward, and punched Lin Yuan's chest with his right fist!

Under this punch, Lin Yuan's body was once again pushed back violently!

 The latter launched several rounds of offensives, but failed to do anything to defeat him.

But Shi Jingtian only threw one punch and easily forced Lin Yuan back!

 The power gap between the two has even reached an irreparable level!

 “Are you very unwilling?”

Shi Jingtian said calmly: "You may be thinking in your heart, if you can use other means, how can I be your opponent."

“It’s a pity that the test of strength is like this. If your own strength is not enough to defeat me, then you are destined to be unable to pass my level.”

 “Not willing to give in? The outcome has not yet been decided, so why should I not be willing to give in?”

Lin Yuan grinned and bent his legs like a cheetah. When his power fully exploded, his figure was like a sharp arrow, flying towards the location of the Dark God Lord!

“No matter how many times you try, it’s useless. You can’t defeat me with your own strength!”

Shi Jingtian stood still, spread his legs, and the soles of his feet were firmly attached to the ground, as if they were tree roots rooted in the earth.

 “Who said that what I used before was all my strength?!”

Lin Yuan shouted loudly, and a new wave of energy naturally surged out of his body, spread to his limbs and bones, and turned into his body strength!

"how come?"

Shi Jingtian was slightly absent-minded. He obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan's power could be improved by such a large amount!

  Could it be that... this guy just kept his hand?

 No, that’s not right!

The power coming out of Lin Yuan's body now is clearly completely different from the power of Qi and blood he used before!

As this energy continued to surge out, Lin Yuan's body even glowed with a faint silver star!

 What he used was the power of the stars!

Although the laws here banned most of Lin Yuan's abilities, he discovered that the power of the stars in his body was not blocked by the laws!

In other words, the power of the stars in Lin Yuan's body is regarded as his own power by the laws here!

Just when Lin Yuan rushed to Shi Jingtian, four of the nine bright stars in his body had already been lit up by him!

The power of the stars within these four stars is all blessing Lin Yuan's body!

 “Come on, let’s punch him again!”

 After receiving the increase in the power of the stars, Lin Yuan became so powerful that he directly chose to confront Shi Jingtian head-on!

As the gatekeeper of the strength trial, the latter naturally had no reason to escape. After roaring, he also rushed forward and used all his strength to punch Lin Yuan head-on!

“Boom—” As the fists collided, invisible air waves suddenly swept around like a hurricane.

However, Shi Jingtian was not so relaxed this time.

 Under the force of the recoil, Lin Yuan and Shi Jingtian flew backwards one hundred feet away!

 But even under this situation, Lin Yuan's momentum is still rising!

 Because the nine bright stars in his body have not been fully lit yet!

Lin Yuan and Shi Jingtian fought together again and again. Although the former was superior in strength, the latter's stone body also gave him a great advantage in close combat.

 Finally, with the passage of time, all nine stars in Lin Yuan's body were activated.

The dazzling silver light was like a layer of silver-white armor, covering Lin Yuan's body, making it look so dazzling.

However, in this state, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to take action.

He just calmly took a step forward and said calmly: "Senior Shi, there should be no need to compete anymore, right?"

 “Well, the victory has been decided, and I am no match for you.”

Shi Jingtian nodded and accepted the defeat quite readily.

He is the gatekeeper of this trial. Since Lin Yuan has enough strength to defeat him, there is no need to insist on not admitting defeat.

Then, Shi Jingtian spoke again: "Your power is very pure and terrifying. It shows that you are very talented, but... your control over this power seems to be very limited, and the use of it is also very rough. If it can be trained accordingly, it will definitely be able to exert greater power. "

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that Shi Jingtian would reveal his current problem with one sentence. After being stunned for a moment, he bowed slightly to the latter: "Thank you, senior, for your advice."

“I can’t talk about advice. If you have the opportunity to obtain inheritance, I can teach you some methods to control your own power.”

Shi Jingtian stared at Lin Yuan and said calmly: "I have to say that you are the most promising person I have ever met in the past ten thousand years."

“Besides, you have a pretty good character. You know etiquette and know how to advance and retreat. You are a good seedling worth cultivating.”

  After being praised for no reason by the other party, even Lin Yuan himself felt a little embarrassed. He quickly lowered his posture and said humbly: "Senior, you are so complimentary."

"Well, but you should also know that although I am very optimistic about you, it does not mean that you will be able to pass the next trial easily."

Shi Jingtian glanced at Lin Yuan and said, "Don't take it lightly."

 Lin Yuan nodded: "Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

"Well, I have said everything that needs to be said. As for whether you can obtain inheritance, it depends on your personal destiny."

 After saying these words, Shi Jingtian walked straight forward: "Come with me, I will take you to the next trial."

 After Shi Jingtian said this, Lin Yuan quickly followed his pace.

I have to say that this senior Shi Jingtian looks quite cold on the surface, but in fact he is also a cold-faced guy with a warm heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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