Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 444: Pass easily and test your talent! 【Fifth update! 】

Chapter 444 Pass easily, talent test! 【Fifth update! 】

 “Inheritance trial, second level, speed trial!”

Shi Jingtian took Lin Yuan all the way to where the second checkpoint was.

This is a scalding world. The entire ground is covered with scalding molten lava, and there are only a few places where there are black rocks that can stay on.

Moreover, in addition to this, there are countless scorching meteors that are constantly falling from the sky and smashing into the molten rock beneath your feet!

 “Let me explain to you the rules of this level.”

Shi Jingtian said calmly: "The speed test, as the name suggests, tests your speed, sensitivity and reaction ability."

“Although some people are extremely powerful, they often do not have the corresponding speed. This can be regarded as an extremely serious flaw for ordinary practitioners.”

“It is naturally impossible for people like this to meet the standards of inheritance.”

“So, if you are eliminated at this level, you will also lose the qualification to receive inheritance.”

Lin Yuan nodded: "Senior, I understand all this, so what are the specific rules for this level?"

“The specific rules are very simple, just avoid the magma spewing out from the ground and the meteorites falling from above your head.”

Shi Jingtian explained: "The further you get to the end of the trial, the faster the magma erupts and the meteorite falls. You must know that this is not an ordinary magma and meteorite. Even if my body of rock is stained, I am afraid it will It has to be melted directly, but just be careful."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but become more afraid of the magma and meteorites in this world.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan asked again: "Then are there any restrictions on this trial?"

"The restrictions in this level of trial are not as strict as the strength trial, but they are still there." Shi Jingtian said: "The only restriction is that in this level of trial, you cannot fly in the air, you can only You can jump back and forth on these black rocks that symbolize a safe zone. If you accidentally fall into the lava, your life will probably be lost here, let alone pass the test. "

 “Okay, thank you, senior, for reminding me.”

After roughly figuring out the rules, Lin Yuan turned around and stepped into the magma world without hesitation.

 Good luck to you, boy.

Shi Jingtian watched his departing back and silently blessed him in his heart.


When Lin Yuan found the first black rock to rest on, the speed trial began!

However, Lin Yuan didn't have much fear in his heart.

 After all, without any restrictions, speed...that's his specialty!

Before Lin Yuan could fully prepare, a pillar of hot magma and fire shot out towards his location like the breath of a giant dragon!

Fortunately, Lin Yuan reacted quickly enough and jumped up, instantly jumping to another black rock!

However, the crisis has not been resolved.

 A meteorite burning with raging flames fell rapidly from the sky!

The place where he fell was exactly the black rock standing at Lin Yuan's feet.

 “It really doesn’t stop for a moment…”

Lin Yuan sighed and pushed his right foot on the black rock. His body suddenly flew up like a light swallow and landed steadily on the next foothold.


As for the unlucky black rock, it exploded into pieces under the impact of the red fire meteorite.

 From the beginning to the end, Shi Jingtian's eyes were fixed on Lin Yuan.

I really didn't expect that this kid's body skills were pretty good... Looking at Lin Yuan's dodge movements that could be described as skillful, even Shi Potian looked slightly surprised.

But...this is just the beginning.

 In this trial space, the speed of meteorites falling and the frequency of magma eruptions soon began to increase at an extremely alarming rate!

 The hot magma can sometimes even flood an entire area!

There are also fewer and fewer black rocks for Lin Yuan to stay on.

"Calculating the time, this trial should be coming to an end soon. Based on my body speed alone, I can't keep up..."

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and shouted softly: "Thunder Realm, open!"

 He has never been someone who likes to make things difficult for himself. Since his body can't keep up, he might as well use his field!

Dazzling blue lightning suddenly surged out of Lin Yuan's body!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan's figure seemed to turn into a dazzling lightning, and began to fly quickly between the falling meteorites and the erupting magma!

Lin Yuan, who transformed into a thunder light, was able to avoid even the slightest sparks on his body even when he shuttled between the erupting magma.

 His figure is like a flying bird or a swimming fish, light and swift!

Shi Tianjing, who was watching from the outside, was almost stunned!

To be more precise, with his eyesight, he could no longer keep up with Lin Yuan's movements.

The only thing he could see was a ray of blue lightning, traveling rapidly between the black rocks, as if a peerless pianist was playing an extremely fast melody!

 “What a...terrible little guy.”

 After being silent for a long time, Shi Jingtian finally gave a suitable evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

In terms of age, Lin Yuan can definitely only be regarded as a junior among the juniors in front of him.

 But the strength displayed by this boy surprised him time and time again!

In terms of strength, of course, there is no need to talk about it. I just learned about it not long ago.

But Shi Tianjing never thought that Lin Yuan could possess such terrifying speed!

If the laws of Xuanxu Cave Heaven had not restricted Lin Yuan's strength in the previous level, I am afraid that his astonishing speed alone would have been enough to crush him dozens of times.


With the Thunder Realm enabled, this round of trials was a piece of cake for Lin Yuan, without any pressure at all.

"Senior Shi, I have passed the level. Please take me to the next level."

Lin Yuan walked out with a smile and came to Shi Jingtian.


 After seeing Lin Yuan's ability, Shi Jingtian's expectations for him were even higher.

So, without any hesitation, he led Lin Yuan directly to the next trial.

Just as the scene in front of Lin Yuan began to change again, that familiar voice rang in his ears again.

 "Inheritance trial, third level, talent trial!"

After hearing this voice, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He obviously did not expect that the third level of the inheritance trial would be a mysterious and mysterious talent trial!

 (End of this chapter)

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