Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 445: Holy Spirit Tree, Holy Spirit Fruit! 【Sixth update! 】

Chapter 445 Holy Spirit Tree Holy Spirit Fruit! 【Sixth update! 】

“I can understand both strength and speed, but how do I test this talent?”

Lin Yuan scratched his head, and a trace of confusion flashed across his eyes.

 It was only then that he noticed his surroundings.

 The first level of the trial is surrounded by gray-white stone walls.

 At the second level, it became a world full of molten metal.

Only this third level is quite special. It is surrounded by lush green trees and green grass everywhere. It looks like you are in the Kunlun Ruins.

"Old Shi, why do you have the time to come to my place? Don't you have to guard your own checkpoint?"

Before Lin Yuan could even react, a childlike voice sounded in his ears.

Shi Jingtian explained calmly: "I came to your checkpoint because of course I have business. The little guy in front of you has continuously broken the two levels of strength and speed, so I sent him to your checkpoint. , the third round of talent trial is underway.”

“Oh? This new little guy actually broke through both the strength and speed levels? It’s really interesting.”

“After so many years, I finally have a decent successor.”

"However, even if you can pass the previous levels, it does not necessarily mean that your talent is qualified. You must know that talent is the real cornerstone of a cultivator. Although talent cannot determine the lower limit of a cultivator, it can determine its upper limit. Where…”

Although this voice sounds as childish as a child's voice, the manner in which she talks is comparable to that of a menopausal mother.

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the sound and found that the person who was talking incessantly was actually a palm-sized tree man. He looked small and exquisite, very delicate and cute.

If we insist on making a distinction, then the little tree man in front of us should belong to the same group of mountain spirits as the two brothers Shi Jingtian and Shi Potian.

 “Are you the gatekeeper of this level?”

Although the opponent was not even the size of his own palm, Lin Yuan's tone was not disrespectful at all.

"Well, you should be the inheritor who has connected the two levels, right? It's not bad. It's been a long time since any inheritor has been qualified to come to me."

  The little tree man put his hands on his hips and looked Lin Yuan up and down: "I hope your talent will not disappoint me."

Just when Lin Yuan was confused and confused, Shi Jingtian finally explained to him: "Don't worry, the content of this level is even simpler than the previous two levels. It's just It’s just a test to see if your talent is up to par.”

 “Test talent?”

Shi Jingtian nodded and said: "Yes, but based on the strength you have shown, your talent is definitely not far behind, so don't worry."

Hearing what Shi Jingtian said, Lin Yuan began to feel slightly guilty.

You must know that almost all of his achievements today, except for his personal efforts, are inseparable from the system.

As for what his own talent is, Lin Yuan is really unsure.

However, now that we have come to this point, we can only bite the bullet.

With this thought in mind, Lin Yuan directly followed Xiaoshu and Shi Jingtian to a huge ancient tree!

“This ancient tree, called the ‘Holy Spirit Tree’, will produce a ‘Holy Spirit Fruit’ every year. This fruit has no other functions and can be used to test a person’s talent in cultivation.”

The little tree man raised his head and looked at the ancient tree in front of him, and said proudly: "And I am the tree spirit born from this ancient holy tree!" Lin Yuan also looked up. He picked up this leafy ancient tree and asked, "Then how does this Holy Spirit Fruit detect a person's cultivation potential?"

"You didn't know that." The little tree man chuckled and said, "This ancient holy tree was born in ancient times. People at that time usually used it as an object of worship."

“The fruit of the Holy Spirit from the Holy Spirit tree is used as a basis for testing whether a person possesses the qualifications of the Holy Spirit.”

“Of course, the so-called ‘Holy Spirit Qualification’ is just a term used in our time. Now, I’m afraid it would be more appropriate to use the term ‘cultivation talent’.”

“As for how to detect it, it’s actually very simple…”

Before he finished speaking, the little tree man ran directly to the crown of the ancient Holy Spirit tree in front of him.

About ten breaths later, the little tree man jumped down from the crown of the tree, holding a crystal clear fruit in his arms.

 “Eat it!”

Then, the little tree man directly handed the Holy Spirit Fruit to Lin Yuan, and said with a smile: "As long as you eat this Holy Spirit Fruit, the crown of the Holy Spirit Tree will sense your qualifications and bloom accordingly. !”

“Generally speaking, the higher the qualifications of the Holy Spirit, the stronger the talent for cultivation, and the more dazzling the light from the Holy Spirit crown will be!”

“Furthermore, depending on each person’s innate characteristics, the Holy Spirit Crown will also shine with different light.”

“It is rumored that after the goddess Nuwa took the Holy Spirit Fruit, the canopy of the Holy Spirit Tree bloomed with colorful rays of light, which was beyond beautiful.”

Is this thing so smart?

Lin Yuan looked at the crystal clear Holy Spirit Fruit in his hand and couldn't help but think about it.

However, before he had time to take the Holy Spirit Fruit, Xiaoyou suddenly rushed out from Lin Yuan's side and took the crystal clear fruit directly into his mouth. Then he raised his neck and swallowed it. middle.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

 After swallowing the Holy Spirit Fruit, Xiaoyou roared twice happily, seemingly quite satisfied.

 Xiaoyou had been sleeping on Lin Yuan's shoulder before, and even Lin Yuan couldn't think of him for a moment.

At this moment, after smelling the aroma of the Holy Spirit Fruit, Xiaoyou thought that Lin Yuan had found something delicious again, so he swallowed it without thinking.

 For a moment, everyone present was stunned.

 Before this, there should have never been a situation where the Holy Spirit Fruit was mistakenly taken by a pet beast.

The little tree man said angrily: "You little dragon cub, whoever asked you to eat, spit it out immediately!"

Unfortunately, what he said was too late.

The Holy Spirit Fruit in Lin Yuan's hand had long been swallowed into Xiaoyou's belly like a jujube.

At the same time, the tree of the Holy Spirit in front of them also began to change!

Only wisps of pitch-black light spread out from the trunk of the Holy Spirit Tree, and quickly gathered in the direction of the tree crown...

 (End of this chapter)

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