Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 446: Systems with built-in firewalls [Seventh update! 】

 Chapter 446 A system with its own firewall [Seventh update! 】

After all the light beams were gathered together, the dazzling black light suddenly exploded from the tree crown, as if the entire space was enveloped in the dark light!

Lin Yuan stared blankly at the shocking scene in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Although Lin Yuan is not sure what kind of criteria the Holy Spirit Tree uses for judging talents.

 But as far as the scene in front of him is concerned, Lin Yuan believes that Xiaoyou's talent is absolutely impossible to be any worse.

Sure enough, looking at the black light that almost swept the world in front of him, the little tree man's eyes widened, and he was almost speechless: "I said... you, this little dragon cub of yours, what is the background? !”

Lin Yuan chuckled and asked, "Senior Tree Spirit, I wonder what my dragon beast's training qualifications are like?"

“One in a million, a talent at the level of the Demon King of Destruction.”

The little tree spirit took a deep breath and said softly: "I have lived for nearly ten thousand years, and I have only seen one person whose Holy Spirit qualification is pure black, and the black light he emits is so dazzling!"

 “Is there anyone else?”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, obviously he did not expect that in the mouth of the little tree man, there could be someone with the same level of talent as Xiaoyou.

You must know that Xiaoyou has the bloodline of the ‘Star Devouring Beast’, which originally made even the powerful ones of the Dark God Lord’s level covetous.

What's more, during the time that Xiaoyou was with Lin Yuan, the latter did not treat him badly. All kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were sent to his mouth without any loss.

 In this case, it would be a disaster if Xiaoyou's talent is not good enough.

"Well, you've probably heard of that man's name - the leader of the Jiuli tribe, the devil, Chi You!" The little tree man said lightly: "When he was alive, his name was Dark Symbol.”

Hearing this familiar name, even Lin Yuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He really didn’t expect that on the earth in ancient times, there would be such a fierce man, whose talent in cultivation was even comparable to that of the Star-Eating Beast!

 It seemed that the planet beneath his feet was far from as simple as he imagined.

 Because Xiaoyou's talent was too high, the black light that bloomed from the tree crown took a long time to dissipate.

The little tree man obviously did not expect that such a mistake would happen. After pondering for a moment, he said helplessly: "Forget it, I will get you another Holy Spirit Fruit, and you just stand here. Don't move."

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 Why does this sound weird to you?

 Then, the little tree man climbed up the Holy Spirit Tree again and took down a Holy Spirit Fruit for Lin Yuan.

 After all, the Holy Spirit Tree bears fruit once a year. Although the number is not large, there is still some stock.

This time, Xiaoyou finally obeyed. Although he was still coveting the Holy Spirit Fruit in his hand, he still did not act rashly.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the Holy Spirit Fruit into his mouth. This crystal clear fruit was extremely full of juice. He took a bite of it, and the sweet juice gushed out from the gap in the fruit. It flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

 Furthermore, this Holy Spirit Fruit should have other effects besides detecting talent.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that after taking this Holy Spirit Fruit, his soul power had been significantly improved!

 “Come on, let’s see what your talent is.”

The little tree man said happily: "However, you don't have to worry too much. If you can have half the talent of this little dragon cub, you can pass this level smoothly."

However, just when everyone's eyes fell on the Holy Spirit Tree, the crown of the Holy Spirit Tree did not change at all, nor did it shine even a little bit of light. Suddenly, the atmosphere around him froze.

Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment and asked in a low voice: "Is this thing broken?"

It can’t be that his talent is so low that even the Holy Spirit Tree can’t detect it, right?

That would be...too embarrassing.

 “It’s impossible, it’s could this happen?”

The little tree man also had a confused look on his face: "Did something go wrong? Are you sure you swallowed the Holy Spirit Fruit?"

Lin Yuan said helplessly: "Didn't you see me eating this with your own eyes?"

 “That’s really strange, how could this happen?”

The little tree man scratched his head and couldn't think of a reason for a long time. He muttered in a low voice: "There can't be something wrong with the Holy Spirit Tree, right?"

Thinking of this, the little tree man gritted his teeth: "Forget it, I'll get you another Holy Spirit Fruit!"

 After finishing speaking, the little tree man climbed along the trunk of the tree and climbed to the crown of the Holy Spirit Tree.

This time, he picked two Holy Spirit Fruits in one go.

 “I’ll feed you this time!”

The little tree man jumped up and jumped directly onto Lin Yuan's shoulders. After opening his mouth, he stuffed the Holy Spirit Fruit directly into it.

 However, the Holy Spirit Tree beside it was still dead and had not changed at all.

However, this time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

“Ding, the system automatically detected that someone is using special means to check the host body, and has been blocked by the system. Do you want to cancel it?”

After the system prompt sounded, Lin Yuan finally realized what was going on.

 It turns out that his system actually has a function similar to a 'firewall'. The Holy Spirit Tree's method of detecting talents was directly blocked by his system.

Lin Yuan almost did not hesitate and replied silently in his heart: "It will not be lifted."

 Just kidding, with such a great good thing, why do you still want to undo it?

After figuring out the whole story, Lin Yuan felt relieved, but the little tree man beside him was not relaxed and happy at all.

Two consecutive Holy Spirit Fruits failed to take effect, which made this guy start to doubt his life. He kept mumbling: "Something is wrong, it doesn't make sense, how is it possible..."

Lin Yuan came to his side, smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, give me another Holy Spirit Fruit to try, maybe this time it will work."

Lin Yuan's words were of course purely to deceive the little tree man, and the purpose was to trick him into eating two more Holy Spirit Fruits.

 After all, this thing has such a good nourishing effect on the soul. Even if it is eaten as a treasure of heaven and earth, it is still a profitable business!

Furthermore, with the systematic shielding function, even if Lin Yuan ate ten or twenty Holy Spirit Fruits, the Holy Spirit Tree would never be able to detect his talent.

 (End of this chapter)

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