Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 447: How about you let me eat two more? 【Eighth update! 】

Chapter 447 How about you let me eat two more? 【Eighth update! 】

It's a pity that the little tree man saw through Lin Yuan's intention at a glance, and said fiercely: "You should give up, the Holy Spirit Fruit in my hand is not for you to eat!"

He plucked two Holy Spirit Fruits from the Holy Spirit Tree this time because he took the current situation into consideration.

However, this extra Holy Spirit Fruit was not prepared for Lin Yuan.

“Old Shi, take this Holy Spirit Fruit and eat it!”

Without saying a word, the little tree man directly threw the Holy Spirit Fruit in his hand to Shi Jingtian.

"Let me take it? I'm afraid it's not good for such a precious thing..."

Shi Jingtian took the Holy Spirit Fruit in shock and hesitation, as if he was a little afraid to swallow it.

However, the little tree man angrily said: "You can eat what I tell you to eat, why is there so much nonsense!"

"Oh well."

Seeing the little tree man's persistence, Shi Jingtian simply stopped resisting and directly put the Holy Spirit Fruit into his mouth.

 The moment Shi Jingtian swallowed the Holy Spirit Fruit, the Holy Spirit Tree beside them immediately changed!

The gray light suddenly emerged from the tree crown. Although it was not as dazzling as Xiaoyou's black light, it was still clearly visible.

 What the Holy Spirit Tree is showing now should undoubtedly be Shi Jingtian’s qualifications and talents!

Looking at the scene in front of him, the little tree man suddenly became excited, dancing and laughing: "Look, I said it's not the problem of the Holy Spirit Tree, it must be you! There is something special about you that obscures the secret of heaven, The induction of the Holy Spirit Tree is blocked, so the Holy Spirit Tree cannot detect your talent..."

I have to say that this little tree man is really smart, and he was able to deduce the general truth of the matter based on just some clues!

However, even so, Lin Yuan did not panic at all.

 After all, whether he cheated or not, and you can’t detect my talent, is it still my problem?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan said leisurely: "Senior Tree Spirit, compared to why the Holy Spirit Tree failed, I am more concerned about whether I have passed this test."


  The cheerful look on the little tree man's face froze in an instant.

To be honest, he was extremely confused in his heart.

If you want to let Lin Yuan pass the level, the Holy Spirit Tree has not yet been able to detect his talent.

However, it would be too arbitrary to judge that Lin Yuan failed the trial because of this reason.

 After all, a person who can connect two levels in one breath and be appreciated by Shi Jingtian is definitely a person who only comes across once in a thousand years.

 It would be a pity if Lin Yuan was let go so easily.

After pondering for a moment, the little tree man finally made up his mind: "Okay, I don't want to embarrass you anymore, just think you pass."

Lin Yuan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, Senior Shu. If I have a chance next time, I will come to you to ask for the Holy Spirit Fruit."

Lin Yuan thought about it, even if the Holy Spirit Tree bears one fruit a year, even if the consumed ones are excluded, in the past nearly ten thousand years, it would have accumulated at least eight or nine thousand fruits, right?

If this allows him to pack it up and take it away, Lin Yuan even feels that his soul strength will make a qualitative leap!

However, seeing how distressed this little tree was after just taking three Holy Spirit Fruits, Lin Yuan estimated that it would be harder than climbing to the sky to defraud this guy of the Holy Spirit Fruits.

Sure enough, after Lin Yuan said these words, the little tree man's expression changed immediately. He blew his beard and glared: "I've let you pass the test and leave quickly. Why don't you get an advantage here and act like a good boy!" Lin Yuan smiled happily. After two sounds, he turned his head and said, "Okay, Senior Shi, let's go."

 “Brother Shu, say goodbye!”

Shi Jingtian said goodbye to the little tree man and left with Lin Yuan.


Halfway through, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Although that senior tree spirit is a bit unforgiving, he is quite a nice person."

 “Don’t underestimate him.”

Shi Jingtian gave a rare smile: "As a tree spirit of the Holy Spirit Tree, this guy has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his strength is more than what he appears on the surface."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Is he that strong?"

“Well, it’s no exaggeration to say that even if I tried my best, I couldn’t hurt him at all.”

Shi Jingtian said calmly: "And he only needs one simple move to defeat me."

Lin Yuan frowned, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

 In his opinion, Shi Jingtian is already considered very strong, at least he has definitely reached the strength level of the Supreme King.

And someone who can defeat a Supreme King with one blow must have stellar strength at least, right?

 About the division of this strength realm, Lin Yuan learned about it from the mouth of the Dark God Lord.

 Although the Dark Lord has brought a lot of destruction to the world, it is undeniable that he has also brought a lot of useful information to the earth.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that when the Dark Lord was defeated, he did not have time to bring Angelo with him.

In other words, after the defeat of the Dark God Lord, Angelou naturally became a prisoner of the Human Parliament!

During the previous period, the human parliament tortured a lot of information about the universe and stars from Angelou's mouth.

 Although most of it is basic information, for humans who know nothing about the universe, even just some basic information is extremely precious!

If enough information had not been tortured from Angel's mouth, the human parliament would not have been so eager to launch the two projects of "Hope" and "Fire".

 This intelligence information contains the division of strength realms that is common in the universe.

In the information given by Angelou, the monks in the universe are divided into five levels. This level system was formulated by the forces of the Universe Monk Alliance.

 These five levels, from low to high, are planetary level, star level, black hole level, immortal level and cosmic level!

 Planetary level corresponds to the Heavenly King Realm on Earth.

All Heavenly King realm warriors who have their own domain can be counted as planet-level.

 As for the ultimate kings like Lin Longshou, Roderick, and Gabriel, they are already considered the pinnacle of the planetary level.

 And Angelo, who was captured by them, can also be included in their list.

 Above the planetary level, it is the stellar level!

 For Lin Yuan now, a star-level strongman can already be called an invincible existence.

Among them, there are only two star-level experts that Lin Yuan has encountered so far, and that is the Dark God Lord and Wei Jingguo!

 (End of this chapter)

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