Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 462: Experience the Shi Potian of life

Chapter 462 Shi Potian experiencing life

The huge earth dragon appeared in front of everyone with an extremely terrifying pressure and a sense of intimidation. The earth-yellow dragon scales around it were like a layer of solid armor, full of thickness.

When the local dragon glanced around, everyone was afraid and subconsciously took a step back.

 However, there was one person who did not retreat.

 That is Shi Potian next to the contractor.

Although the former was a little greedy, he still had some conscience. When he saw Shi Potian standing there blankly, he gritted his teeth, stepped forward, pulled his sleeves, and roared in a low voice. : "Come here quickly! I don't want to kill you!"

It’s just that with his strength, he naturally cannot pull Shi Po Tian.

Shi Potian's eyes fell directly on Dilong, and he laughed naively, muttering to himself: "Is this the monster of this era? Its strength doesn't look very good."


After the earth dragon sprang out from the ground, Lin Yuan's face showed no trace of nervousness at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "This earth dragon is quite unlucky."

If it were normal times, this ninth-level alien beast that broke through the Demon City's defense system from underground would not be able to escape the fate of being suppressed, but it would still cause large-scale destruction before being suppressed.

 But at this moment, the situation is a little different.

These people present, whether they are Lin Yuan, Wei Jingguo, Nuwa Lingshi, Shi Potian, are all characters who can kill this earth dragon with one finger...

 “Do you want to be in the limelight?”

Wei Jingguo smiled and said: "If you are too lazy to be in the limelight, then I can just kill this earth dragon."

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, let's just watch."

Nuwa’s spiritual consciousness also laughed: “Yes, just leave it to the little stone.”

On the other side, the earth dragon has already set its sights on the strong man standing upright in front of it with a silly smile on his face.

 Because it can feel that the guy in front of it... doesn't seem to be afraid of itself.

 This makes it feel particularly angry!

It suddenly took a step forward, causing the earth to tremble!

 Subsequently, the earth dragon opened its huge mouth and roared at Shi Potian with a thunderous roar!

However, Shi Potian's figure remained motionless.

“Little dragon cub, do you want to compete with me in strength?”

Shi Potian raised his head and smiled naively at Dilong.

Subsequently, his figure expanded rapidly, bursting through his clothes, revealing his thick rock body.

 This is what Shi Potian looks like.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone present could not help but widen their eyes.

They obviously didn’t expect that this big man who looked extremely honest and honest would actually be a ‘superpower’!


 Another roar!

Dilong directly expanded his domain!

 The surrounding soil quickly covered its body, which was equivalent to covering it with a thick layer of earth armor, making its dragon body appear even larger.

In front of this earth dragon, Shi Potian was as small as an ant.

However, facing the behemoth in front of him, Shi Potian's face did not show the slightest hint of timidity.


Shi Potian laughed naively and kicked his right foot suddenly on the ground. The next second, his figure suddenly rose into the air, and he calmly raised his right fist, and then... aimed at the Earth Dragon's head, and smashed it down hard!


This ordinary punch, without any fancy, just landed on the head of the earth dragon, and a muffled sound like a drum broke out!


However, countless overlapping crisp sounds followed closely behind, ringing in everyone's ears one after another!

 A scene that no one could have imagined occurred.

The thick earth armor on the Earth Dragon's body quickly shattered under this punch!

 No, this can no longer be described as cracking.

To be more precise, under this punch, the entire earth armor that Earth Dragon had condensed with the power of the domain was shattered into powder!

  What is the concept of 鑑粉?

The originally intact stone was crushed into hundreds of millions of dust by sheer force!

This is enough to show how terrifying Shi Potian's power is.

  Along with the earth armor, the head of the earth dragon exploded.

Shi Potian's punch went straight to the vital point. After shattering the earth armor, he smashed Earth Dragon's head to pieces!


At this moment, the power of Shi Potian's punch finally passed along Earth Dragon's body to the ground!

In an instant, with a roar, the land suddenly collapsed, forming a deep pit!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile and joked: "Shi Potian is quite sensible. He even knew how to dig a hole and bury him after killing him."

Nuwa’s spiritual consciousness couldn’t help but laugh out loud, covered her mouth and said with a smile: “What you described is really vivid.”

 The reason why they are so calm and calm is because they understand Shi Potian's strength.

However, the people around him all widened their eyes and looked at Shi Potian standing in front of Dilong's corpse in disbelief.

"Really or not? Such a big beast was killed by a punch..."

 “It’s so scary, what’s the origin of this guy?!”

“It’s really scary. Why would such a fierce person come to our construction site to move bricks?”

“Who knows, I’m probably here to experience life…”


As for the contractor behind Shi Potian, his face turned green with fear!

Brother, you had to tell me earlier that you are so fierce, why would I go to great lengths to deduct your salary? !

How dare I!


This ninth-level earth dragon died suddenly under Shi Potian's fist in less than a minute after it appeared on the stage.

This crisis has been resolved before it completely erupted.

 Lin Yuan yawned lazily. If he had encountered such a ninth-level beast two or three years ago, he would have been too lazy to run away. He would have just lied down and died.

As for now, with Lin Yuan's strength, he can kill a ninth-level beast with one punch like Shi Potian did. It depends on whether he is willing or not.

 “Okay, don’t gather here anymore, irrelevant people, leave here quickly!”

After Dilong's death, Wei Jingguo finally stepped out to maintain order. He first dispersed the crowd here, and then took out a phone, apparently preparing to contact the Ministry of Military Affairs and ask them to come over and deal with the aftermath.

 (End of this chapter)

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