Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 463: Cang's temptation

Chapter 463 Cang’s temptation

I have to say that the efficiency of the Ministry of Armed Forces is still very high.

After Wei Jingguo made the call, in less than half an hour, someone came to take charge of the aftermath.

The body of the earth dragon that looked like a mountain was quickly disposed of by the commissioners of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

Moreover, they also expressed their gratitude to Lin Yuan and Wei Jingguo.

 Obviously, they believed that it was the two people in front of them who took action to resolve this crisis.

If it weren't for them, this ninth-level earth dragon would have been wreaking havoc in the Demon City for who knows how long and how much damage it would have caused before it was controlled.

In this regard, Wei Jingguo did not explain too much. He just asked them to pay more attention to the omissions in the defense system and fill in all the flaws as soon as possible.

Not long after, Shi Potian also ran over happily, and said with excitement: "Lin Yuan, it's so easy to make money! I just killed a monster casually, and the contractor immediately killed it. All the salary he withheld was given to me!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 Co-author Did you do this just to get back those thousands of dollars in salary? !

 Haha, it was so unjust that this earth dragon died...

 Did you know that even if you break off a scale from someone's body, it can be sold for thousands of dollars on the black market?

Just when Lin Yuan started to complain about this fool, Nuwa spiritual consciousness spoke: "Xiao Linzi, where should we go next?"

“Senior Lingzhi, please don’t call me Xiaolinzi, it will make my crotch feel cold..."

After Lin Yuan said something, he said seriously: "The next step is of course to find Senior Cang. Do you know where he went?"

Nuwa's spiritual consciousness shook her head silently: "How could he tell me this? He disappeared as soon as he entered the city."

“Okay, let me sense it.”

Lin Yuan closed his eyes, activated the power of creation in his body, and began to follow the instructions of the power of creation, sensing Cang's location.


 Fifteen of an hour later.

Starry Sky Bar.

Wei Jingguo, Lin Yuan, Nuwa Lingshi, and Shi Potian stood at the door of the bar with indifferent expressions.

 Finally, Wei Jingguo couldn't help but speak: "Are you sure... you're not looking for the wrong place?"

 First it was a construction site, then a bar.

Are all these ancient monks so good at playing? !

Lin Yuan was also a little numb: "Well, don't doubt it, my perception cannot be wrong."

 “Let’s go, let’s go in and find him.”

Shi Potian was stubborn. Since Lin Yuan said that there would be no mistakes, he rushed in directly.

“I didn’t expect it, but it’s quite beautiful inside. It’s quite like a fairyland.”

After entering the bar, Nuwa's spiritual consciousness raised her head and looked at the surrounding environment, and said with a slight smile.

The reason why this bar is named after the starry sky is precisely because it is decorated to imitate the starry sky. Stepping into it feels like stepping into the world, except for the spotlights that can almost blind people and dogs.

I never expected that a place like this, full of entertainment and entertainment, could be evaluated by the word "wonderland".

It seems that the uncanny beauty of nature in ancient times may not be as good as the beauty of artificial creation today.

 Fortunately, the Starry Sky Bar is not that big, so Lin Yuan and the others found Cang quickly. I saw this old guy, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking like a dog, and he was drinking there with his two young and beautiful sisters in his arms.

Moreover, Lin Yuan could tell from their attire that these two beautiful girls were definitely not escorts in the bar. Most likely, Cang used some unknown method to pick up these two girls from the dance floor and persuade them to come over to accompany them. He drank together.

How can Cang get drunk with such a level of cultivation?

 On the contrary, the two girls who accompanied him were already drunk and staggering, and they were delirious.

There was another one who was holding Cang's neck, smiling coquettishly and about to kiss his old face.

 Lin Yuan couldn't stand it anymore and said speechlessly: "Senior, you have been staying in Kunlun Ruins for ten thousand years. If you don't find something serious to do, why do you start flirting with girls when you come out..."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, flirting with girls isn't a serious matter?"

Lin Yuan looked at the sight of the hugging people in front of him, then looked at the red lip marks on his face, and turned his face away in embarrassment: "You can forget it..."

“Boy, you brought a new friend here, but you don’t know how to introduce him to me?”

Cang pushed away the two women beside him and stood up slowly.

At the same time, the aura around him was also changing rapidly. He almost instantly changed from the dissolute old man to an old man in a suit with bottomless eyes.

 During this process, Cang's eyes kept falling on Wei Jingguo.

 Obviously, the other party attracted his attention.

 “The first time we met, I am Lin Yuan’s friend.”

Wei Jingguo smiled politely and took the initiative to move his hand towards Cang Shen.

Cang glanced at him and also extended his hand.

When the two hands were held together, Cang exerted a slight force, and even his right hand had a faint tendency to turn into a dragon's claw.

Wei Jingguo's face was slightly stern, and he silently exploded his energy and blood, concentrating it on the palm of his right hand. Although no one could notice it, he had already exploded his power to the extreme.

 It’s not that Wei Jingguo is too serious, but he knows in his heart that if he doesn’t go all out, he won’t be able to resist Cang’s grasp!

 After three breaths, Cang smiled and let go of his hand: "Lin Yuan, this new friend you brought here is pretty good."

 “I don’t should I be called respectfully?”

Wei Jingguo smiled and said softly: "I don't deserve the honorific title. My surname is Wei and my given name is Jingguo. Thank you for showing mercy to me, senior."

“There is no need to be modest. The earth today is already in the ‘Dharma Ending Age’. To be able to achieve such achievements in this era, you can be regarded as a dragon or a phoenix among people.”

Cang waved his hand and looked at Wei Jingguo with a slight hint of appreciation.

I have to say that Cang’s vision of people is quite accurate.

 The current Wei Jingguo is the only star-level powerhouse left on earth.

If these ancient monks didn't come out of the mountain, then Wei Jingguo would be able to be called the strongest warrior on earth!

 “The old gentleman is so complimentary.”

After being humble for a while, Wei Jingguo said straight to the point: "In the journey of spiritual practice, you are all seniors, and the juniors feel inferior."

 “However, there is one more thing that requires help from all the seniors.”

"I don't know... Lin Yuan, has this guy ever mentioned to you about the Starry Sky Monk's attempt to invade the earth?"

 (End of this chapter)

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