Chapter 464 Chaos, Elos

Although Wei Jingguo's words were a bit direct, this was the purpose of his coming to meet these ancient monks as mentioned by Lin Yuan.

As far as the current situation of the earth is concerned, if the Dark God leads other space monks to invade the earth, they can be said to have no room to fight back.

 At that time, it will only be a matter of time before the earth falls.

“Well, I have also discussed these issues with Lin Yuan.”

Cang nodded and said calmly: "This is not only your home, but also our homeland. No matter what, we will never allow them to behave like this."

 “That’s really great.”

Wei Jingguo's face couldn't help but reveal a bit of joy.

He had just experienced Cang's strength.

If Cang is willing to help, he will definitely be able to share a lot of pressure on the earth.

By that time, even if the Dark Lord really leads his people to capture the earth, they may not be without the power to fight!

No one would have thought that Lin Yuan would find a new way out for the crisis-ridden earth in just eight months.


 The Milky Way, on a dark blue nameless planet.

The dark star, like a sleeping dragon, is waiting on this dark blue land.

 The Lord of Darkness stayed in the nutrition cabin of the Dark Star, silently repairing his injuries.

However, the injuries he suffered in that battle were so severe that even his physical body was completely annihilated, leaving only his soul to escape.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to completely return to the previous state with just a few months of recuperation.

Now, there are only two ways left before the Lord of Darkness.

 Either, through a long period of latent cultivation, a body can be re-condensed.

 In this way, although one's own strength can be fully restored, it will also take a long time.

 As short as a few years, as long as more than ten years!

If it were normal times, the Lord of Darkness would definitely take this path.

 After all, the body you condense is the body that best suits your soul.

 It’s just that the current Dark God Lord simply cannot afford to waste this time!

 In a few years or even more than ten years, who can guarantee that no other cosmic monks will discover the existence of the earth?

Such a resource-rich planet is like meat and potatoes. Once discovered, it will inevitably cause a pack of wolves to rob it.

Taking a step back, even if no other cosmic cultivator discovers the earth, after his last invasion, the cultivators on the earth will definitely seek changes on their own initiative and contact the universe as much as possible.

 At that time, if you want to invade the earth, you will inevitably have to bear several times or even dozens of times more variables than now!

 So, no matter what, I can’t delay it for that long!

Since the Dark God Lord cannot afford to waste time re-condensing his body, he can only choose another path now.

 That is...seeking help from others to help him find a suitable body so that he can temporarily integrate his soul with it.

 In this way, although the soul and body cannot be perfectly integrated, it can at least restore nearly 70% to 80% of the strength.

 For the current Dark God Lord, it is enough.

What he wants to do most now is to unite with others after regaining his strength, flatten the earth together, and massacre Lin Yuan, Wei Jingguo, Lin Longshou, and Gabriel's group!

Calculating the time, the people I contacted should have arrived on this planet.

While the Lord of Darkness was thinking this way, a rumble and roar suddenly came from above his head.

Without hesitation, the Lord of Darkness opened the hatch of the Dark Star, walked out of the spaceship, raised his head, and looked towards the sky above his head.

Only a black dot was seen. After breaking through the atmospheric barrier, it was quickly landing towards his location. Its speed was getting faster and faster, and the black dot at the beginning gradually turned into the outline of the spacecraft!


 Finally, the spaceship crashed heavily next to the Dark Star with the force of a meteor.


 The next second, the hatch opened, and two tall figures walked out of it.

 It is worth mentioning that the faces of these two people are very similar, and they are obviously twin brothers with the same blood.

However, it is very simple to distinguish the two brothers.

The elder brother’s name is ‘Kaos’, his skin is red, and his eyes seem to be burning with eternal flames.

The younger brother’s name is ‘Ellos’, his skin is ice blue, and the coldness in his ice blue pupils is like eternal frost.

 Furthermore, these two brothers are also extremely powerful.

 Brother Kaos is stronger. Even compared to the Dark God Lord at his peak, he is only slightly inferior.

Although his younger brother Elos is slightly less powerful, he cannot be underestimated. He can definitely be regarded as the best among stellar monks.

 The most important thing is that these two brothers have always fought together.

They have the same mind, and when they work together, they have a natural sense of tacit understanding.

If the two brothers join forces, I am afraid that even the Dark God Lord at his peak state will be defeated!

"You guy, how did you end up in such an embarrassing end? Tsk tsk...did you suffer a defeat? Why was your body even destroyed?"

 After meeting, Kaos looked at the soul of the Dark Lord up and down without hesitation, and spoke straightforwardly.

The Lord of Darkness gritted his teeth and said: "There were some mistakes in the original plan, and I suffered some small losses. Not only was my body destroyed, but all my subordinates were also wiped out."

" doesn't matter. What I am best at is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

 “I will get this debt back!”

Chaos raised his eyebrows: "Did your enemy do it? You, a guy with no bottom line, have made a lot of enemies in the past few years."

"No enemy has ever been able to push me to this point. I will tell you the specific reason later."

The Lord of Darkness took a deep breath and suddenly changed the topic: "Before this, is it suitable for me to bring my body?"

"Of course, according to your request, I chose a body with the highest dark attribute for you, which cost me a lot of money."    "Even if the fit does not reach 100%, it can definitely reach 89%. "

With that said, Chaos snapped his fingers and said, "Ellos, take out the prepared body!"

Eros nodded and walked into the spaceship behind him expressionlessly.

After a while, he walked out carrying a freezer.

The corpse in this freezer is the body container prepared for the Dark God Lord!

 “Is this the body?”

The corpse in the freezer is very handsome, with a crescent-shaped black line between its eyebrows, which adds a bit of evil to it.

 Subsequently, the Lord of Darkness closed his eyes and began to feel the breath of the corpse carefully.

 After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of the Dark God Lord's lips: "Not bad."

 The next second, the soul of the Dark God Lord suddenly poured into the corpse like a tide!

After the influx of soul, the corpse in the freezer suddenly opened its eyes and began to tremble violently!

 Seeing this vision, the two brothers Kaos and Elos were very calm, because they both knew that this was a normal reaction when the soul and body merged.

 Furthermore, since it is not the original soul of the main body, the body will be somewhat repulsive.

 The more severe the trembling, the stronger the repulsion.

However, Kaos believes that the Dark Lord himself can definitely solve such a small trouble.

Sure enough, within ten breaths, the violently shaking 'corpse' in front of him gradually calmed down.

 Then, he directly opened the door of the freezer, walked out, and sighed with a sneer: "The feeling of being reborn... is really good."

 Chaos smiled and asked: "How is it? Old ghost, is this body suitable enough for you?"

"Well, it did not disappoint me." The Lord of Darkness said calmly: "You only need to give me two more months to get familiar with it. I can say that I will be able to exert nearly 80% of my peak strength!"

 “As long as you are satisfied.”

Chaos smiled, and then the conversation suddenly changed: "However, if you are satisfied, then you must also satisfy me."

"You have to know that it is quite difficult to find a corpse that can carry the soul of a star-level monk on the market. It is even more difficult to find one that matches your attributes. You are already an adult. Love.”

“And, not only that, I’ve traveled thousands of miles to send you to this remote place where birds don’t shit.”

"Old ghost, if you can't give me some satisfactory reward, then my approach is very simple."

"I will join forces with Elos to make you, and then leave in your Dark Star. If I remember correctly, your Dark Star also cost a lot of money to build, right? Even if it is second-hand Yes, there are definitely people who want it.”

 The relationship between Kaos and the Dark Lord is not a friendship, but more like a partnership.

 Because they are all the same type of people, they are all ferocious wolves.

In front of a jackal, friends are meaningless. If you want to be friends with a jackal, you must be prepared to be eaten.

However, as long as you can produce a large enough benefit, you can also gain the allegiance of the jackal for a short period of time.

 This is the situation before us.

 The reason why Kaos and Elos spent a lot of money to prepare the body container for the Dark Lord's reincarnation and traveled thousands of miles to send it to him was precisely because this man could often bring them some wonderful opportunities.

“Chaos, I seem to have told you more than once.”

The Lord of Darkness smiled and said: "If you want to make a fortune, you must not be too short-sighted."

"Kill me and you will get nothing but the Dark Star, because all my property is stored in the Alliance Bank. No one can open it without my password."

“As for this Dark Star…how much is it worth?”

"If you can do this with me, the wealth you will gain will definitely be far greater than that of this broken spaceship!"

 The words of the Dark God Lord completely aroused Kaos's interest.

He crossed his arms over his chest and said with a smile: "Then tell me what you are planning and what benefits I can get from it."

The Lord of Darkness smiled and calmly stretched out a finger: "A resource planet."

At the end, he added: "An...unowned resource planet that has not been registered in the alliance!"

 Suddenly, the breathing of the two brothers, Chaos and Elos, became rapid!

Of course they know very well how much wealth a resource planet symbolizes!

Even Elos, who looked as cold as an iceberg that has lasted for thousands of years, lost his composure and asked first, "How did you find out?"

The Lord of Darkness raised his eyebrows: "Do I need to report this to you?"

“You just need to know that without me, you will never find this resource planet, that’s enough.”


Eros sneered and said nothing more.

 He is not good at negotiating, especially in front of an old fox like the Lord of Darkness.

Therefore, he simply stopped talking to avoid being led by the Lord of Darkness during the conversation.

Chaos calmed down his mood, chuckled and said, "However, there should be many strong people on this ownerless resource planet, right?"

 “If it weren’t for this, you would never have revealed this news to us.”

“I don’t think you know how much benefit you can gain by monopolizing a resource planet.”

"The reason why you told us is because you need our help, because this time... you are already a little unable to do it on your own. You can't eat such a large piece of cake by yourself."

"If I'm not wrong, your body must have been destroyed by the powerful people on that planet, right? It's really embarrassing."

Chaos’s IQ is not low, and he quickly straightened out the entire incident and outlined it in just a few words.

 “I told you, it was just an accident.”

The veins on the Dark God Lord's forehead twitched, and he suppressed his anger and said: "However, I did fail, so if you want to use this to laugh at me, that's understandable."

"No, no, no, I'm more interested in another thing than laughing at you..."

Chaos paused, then smiled and said: "That is, after the matter is completed, what percentage are you willing to share with me?"

 “Negotiating with smart people is fun.”

 The Lord of Darkness also laughed.

Then, he raised his hand and held out three fingers: "Thirty percent, if you two brothers are willing to take action, I am willing to give you 30% after the matter is completed!"

 (End of this chapter)

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