Chapter 465 The Immortal Lizard!

 “Thirty percent?”

Chaos narrowed his eyes and asked calmly: "Is it too little?"

The Lord of Darkness smiled and said: "Don't you know the value of a resource planet? Thirty percent... is already a lot."

“Yes, judging from the value alone, even if it can only be divided into 30%, it is indeed a lot.”

Chaos also laughed and stared directly at the Dark Lord: "But I can't accept it. You just provide a piece of information and you have to divide up 70% of the share."

 He has clearly expressed his attitude.

 That is...he is not satisfied with the distribution method proposed by the Dark Lord.

 However, the Lord of Darkness shook his head and stretched out five fingers again: "You are wrong. I can only get 50%."

Chaos was slightly startled when he heard this, and then quickly responded: "You also invited other people to help?"

The Lord of Darkness smiled and nodded, which was regarded as acquiescence.

At this moment, another black spot appeared in the sky above our heads, falling from the sky, and finally fell heavily to the ground!

Chaos frowned slightly and turned to look at the Lord of Darkness: "You invited two of our brothers, don't you think it's not safe enough?"

 In his opinion, three star-level experts are definitely enough to equalize all resource planets.

 However, the Dark God Lord would rather give out a 20% share and invite another star-level powerhouse to help out.

The Lord of Darkness calmly explained: "This time... we must ensure that nothing goes wrong."

“I see you, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.”

Kaos snorted disdainfully: "As long as you are willing to divide this resource planet in half with me, I don't even need you to do anything. Give me three days, and Ellos and I can help." You slaughtered all the powerful people on that planet!"


The Lord of Darkness smiled and shook his head, without saying much.

 In fact, except for the black-haired young man named "Lin Yuan", the rest of the people were not taken seriously by him.

 But that boy was so weird that even the Lord of Darkness couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

 That’s why he would rather allocate more resources and ensure that this plan to invade the earth is as foolproof as possible!

 “Kaos, do you really want to **** something from me?”

  A hoarse and slightly deep voice suddenly sounded from the ears of the three of them.

Subsequently, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and a figure nearly two meters tall walked out of it. His scarlet eyes scanned Kaos, Elos, and the Lord of Darkness wantonly.

“Oh, Pai Yaqi, I really didn’t expect that he would ask you to help him out.”

After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Kaos raised the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer.

The guy in front of him, named "Paiyaki", is also an out-and-out villain.

Their main business is interstellar pirates, who specialize in robbing lone spaceships in the starry sky.

For this reason, Pai Yaqi was also included in the wanted list by the Universe Monk Alliance, and the bounty was quite large. In addition, Pai Yaqi occasionally takes on some tasks such as assassination and revenge. He and the Dark Lord got acquainted during a joint mission.

Pai Yaqi and the Lord of Darkness both admired each other's strength, and after that mission, they became close friends who often cooperated.

However, both of them have dominant personalities, so they did not choose to go together, they just solidified their relationship on cooperation.

 Speaking of which, the two brothers, Caos and Airos, did not have a deep friendship with Paiyaki. At best, they had heard of each other's bad reputation and had met several times.

However, the reason why Pai Yaqi is so famous is naturally because he is strong enough!

Of course, if you are not strong, you are not qualified to be an interstellar pirate.

 He is a demi-human, with a human body and a lizard head.

  Its body is the ‘Immortal Lizard’, which is a rather peculiar group in the starry sky. It has extremely strong vitality, is almost immortal, and its racial talent is extremely high, so it is named ‘The Immortal Lizard’.

With his scarlet eyes, Paiyaki stared at Kaos coldly, smiled softly and said, "Kaos, are you dissatisfied with me sharing 20% ​​of the profits?"

"If you are dissatisfied with anything, just bring it up and I can fight with you two brothers."

“If you win, I’m willing to give up these two percent!”

Chaos smiled and shook his head: "Who wants to compete with a madman like you? I don't have time to ask for trouble with you."

Although he has not fought against Pai Yaqi, he has heard about the opponent's strength.

This guy is at least on the same level as the Dark Lord, and his vitality is extremely strong and quite difficult to deal with.

 It is no exaggeration to say that even if Pai Yaqi makes dozens of mistakes, he may not die.

 But once they reveal any flaw, the other party will definitely catch them, ranging from serious injury to death!

If an opponent of this level can choose to avoid the battle, Chaos and Elos will naturally not want to fight against them.

What's more, after all, Pai Yaqi was also a helper brought by the Dark Lord to help in the battle. There was no need for conflict between them.

Chaos chose to take a step back, and the plan to distribute the earth was naturally determined.

 Among them, the Lord of Darkness, as the provider of information, exclusively enjoys 50%!

 Chaos and Elos brothers, divide 30%!

 Send one person from Agki and divide it into two parts!

“Since everyone has no objections, after I adapt to this body, I can set off for the resource planet!”

The voice of the Dark God Lord sounded faintly again: "By the way, what I want to tell you is that the indigenous cultivators on that planet are not so easy to give in, suggestion is, don't try in vain. Just make them surrender and kill them all!”

 “Tsk… I’m the best at killing people.”

The Immortal Lizard Pai Yaqi stretched out his long scarlet tongue and licked his lips with a sneer: "I hope there is enough blood on this planet to satisfy my appetite."

Kaos and Elos looked at each other, smiled and said: "Don't worry, for the three-cent dividend you promised, we two brothers will also contribute. As long as you ask, we can make this planet full of corpses." Thousands, thousands of miles of blood!”

 (End of this chapter)

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