Chapter 466 Half a Year

 Half a year has gone by in a blink of an eye.

This period of time seemed to be extremely peaceful.

Except for some of the powerful Heavenly King Realm being sent into space by the spacecraft of the "Hope" project, the entire world has hardly undergone any major changes.

 Since the Dark Parliament has been uprooted, almost no force can threaten the order of the world.

 It is no exaggeration to say that the entire world is under the control of the human parliament.


 Mortal city, suburbs.

"Choo Choo Choo-"

"Choo Choo Choo-"

Xiaoyou’s wailing sounds came and went.

Standing in front of him was a white-haired old man with a smile on his face.

This old man is none other than Cang, who left the Kunlun Ruins with Lin Yuan!

I have to say that although this guy looks a little wild, he is actually quite reliable.

After leaving Kunlun Ruins, Cang did live a life of entertainment and dissoluteness for a while, but he did not forget the important thing he had promised Lin Yuan, which was to train Xiaoyou for him!

Cang looked at Xiaoyou who was wailing in sorrow, and said with a smile: "Don't act like a spoiled brat, don't ask for mercy, you know I won't let you go today."

“Unless you can avoid my ten lashes, today’s mission will be considered completed.”

 After saying that, the golden light in Cang's hand flashed, and another whip shadow flew towards Xiaoyou's direction and flew away!

This whip shadow was extremely fast, and even caused bursts of sonic booms in the air!

At such a fast speed, Xiaoyou had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the whip, leaving another **** mark on his body!

I have to say that this old guy Cang is really ruthless and doesn’t even show mercy during training.

 “Faster, faster!”

“How could you avoid the ‘Dragon Training Whip’ in my hand at such a slow speed?!”

"I have only used half of my strength now. If you concentrate your mind and judge the trajectory of my whip, you will definitely be able to avoid it! Come on, come again!"

 After saying that, Cang whipped out again!

Only this time, Xiaoyou's body flashed and instantly turned into an ice-blue afterimage. His speed exploded to the extreme, and he narrowly avoided Cang's whip!

"Choo Choo Choo-"

After successfully dodging the whip, the sadness on Xiaoyou's face disappeared in a flash, and was soon replaced by a look of pride!


 As a result, what greeted him was...another whip!

 “Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!”

Xiaoyou was extremely sad and angry, and seemed to be scolding Cang for being shameless and carrying out a sneak attack!

However, Cang didn't care. He just chuckled and said, "You have to focus, your enemy won't let you get distracted! There are also nine whips. If you can avoid them all, today's training mission will be completed." "

The 'Dragon Training Whip' in Cang's hand can be regarded as a sacred object.

 In the past, Cang used this whip to scold the younger generations, so that the whip body was stained with the blood of countless ancient dragons.

 And the blood of these ancient dragons has also been integrated into this long whip, giving it even more powerful destructive power and explosive power!

 Over time, this long whip became Cang’s exclusive dragon training whip!

 Originally, before meeting Xiaoyou, Cang thought that he would no longer be able to use this thing.

I didn’t expect that there would be a little dragon cub that came to my door.

"Senior Cang, are you training Xiaoyou again? Thank you for your hard work." At this moment, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly came from not far away.

Cang turned his head and looked around, and sure enough he saw that familiar figure. He smiled and said, "Brother Lin, why do you have time to come over and look at my old bones today?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Well, on the one hand, I wanted to take a look at Xiaoyou. On the other hand, I also wanted to send a message to Senior Wei to ask if you are free tonight. I would like to invite you." Enjoy a hot pot meal.”

  After Cang entered the world, he couldn't get enough of the delicacies in this world, especially the hot pot, which made Cang full of praise, thinking that this thing was just because it exists in heaven, it can only be tasted in the world several times.

The most exaggerated time was when Cang ate hot pot with Wei Jingguo for two weeks in a row, to the point where the owner of the hot pot restaurant almost knew them.

This means that both of them are practitioners with some strength. If they were ordinary people who dared to eat hot pot like this, they would have been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

 “Tonight? I’m free.”

Cang smiled cheerfully and said, "I just happened to have an appointment with two beauties, so we can have hot pot together in the evening."

Lin Yuan: "...You are really old-hearted."

 He just imagined two beauties and two old men sitting in a hot pot city eating hot pot.

 Haha, that picture is too beautiful to look at...

However, Cang just looks a little older. If he wants, he can completely change his appearance into a young man in his twenties or thirties, but he doesn't bother to do so.

 In his words, skin is not important. Only the beautiful girl attracted by the soul is true love.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan almost didn’t know where to start complaining.

How can an old dragon have true love with a human being? Do you know what reproductive isolation is? !

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After seeing Lin Yuan, Xiaoyou instantly turned into an afterimage, flew towards the former, and suddenly threw himself into his arms!

Looking at this scene, Cang cursed angrily: "I know you are lazy! If you could have been so fast when dodging the whip just now, which whip could you not avoid?!"

Lin Yuan touched Xiaoyou's dragon head, smiled and said, "Thank you for your trouble, senior."

  “It’s hard to talk about it.”

Cang waved his hand and said with a smile: "It is rare to see a piece of jade in the rough. If it is not carefully carved, I will be itchy."

“Besides, let this little guy grow up as soon as possible, and he will be able to help you as soon as possible.”


Lin Yuan smiled and nodded: "I hope so."

Then, Cang asked: "By the way, where did Xiao Nuwa and Xiao Shitou go recently?"

"Oh, Senior Lingshi signed up for a tour group and planned to go to the Japanese island country recently to experience the customs and customs there. Shi Potian originally wanted to follow, but Senior Lingshi thought he was too big and an eyesore. Don't let him follow you for life or death."

“As for Shi Potian, this guy has not forgotten his original intention. He is still working at the construction site and has already become a contractor..."

“When I chatted with him last time, he also said that he wanted to take his brother Shi Jingtian with him to contract another construction site, so that he could get double wages..."

The corner of Cang's mouth twitched fiercely: "...This guy is really stupid."

 (End of this chapter)

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