Chapter 468 Four Stellar Levels!

Yanjing, Kyoto Wuhan University.

 The top of a tall building.

An old man was looking up at the sky with his head raised and solemnly, not knowing what he was looking at.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came to him and stood side by side with the old man.

“Nan Lao, are you still worried about them?”

 The visitor had a scar on his face.

 Those who are familiar with him can easily identify his identity based on this scar.

   Martial Arts Department, "Yaowu" Luohou!

"This war is related to the survival of Yanjing, China, and the world. How can I not be worried?"

Nan Yunjing sighed slightly: "It's just... they are the ones I'm most worried about. I hope nothing happens to them."


Luo Hou also nodded: "I hope they can return in triumph."

Then, Luo Hou smiled brightly and said, "It's quite interesting to say that as early as the time when the Dark Parliament was being conquered, Lin Yuan was just a budding kid."

“Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he has become the backbone of our human race.”

 “If it weren’t for him, we really don’t know what we would do.”


Nan Yunjing sighed slightly again: "At the age of more than 20 years old, it is really not easy for this kid to shoulder a huge burden on his own."

Luo Hou said with a smile: "Anyway, he is better than me, and better than that guy Lin Longshou. I used to hear that 'the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead', but I didn't feel anything about it, but now I really feel it."

“When the wheel of the times rolls over, I won’t say hello to you at all.”

Hearing Luo Hou's words, Nan Yunjing couldn't help but laugh: "You can't compete with anyone, but you have to compete with that kid. That kid has nothing to do with the times. He is a genius who has surpassed this era!"

 Subsequently, Nan Yunjing changed the subject and said, "By the way, why didn't you participate in the 'Hope' project? With your talent, you should be in line with the selection criteria of the Human Parliament."

“And, with your personality, I think you definitely want to have a good time in the starry sky.”

 “Well, that’s natural.”

Luo Hou nodded and said calmly: "But I have already declared to the Human Parliament and been selected into the second batch."

"Because after Lin Longshou left, the Ministry of Military Affairs lost a pillar, so the Ministry of Military Affairs hopes that I can stay for a few more days to share some of the pressure for them."

"I see."

Nan Yun nodded, expressing his understanding, and then said again: "Let's see how this battle ends. It's a pity... with the strength of the two of us, we are not even qualified to participate in the war, so we can only pray silently here. ”

Luo Hou raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes as calm as the deep sea.


 “The time is coming!”

Following Shi Potian's reminder, everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky above their heads.

 I saw three black spots quickly appearing in the distant sky, and they were getting closer and closer to everyone.


Wei Jingguo's eyes sharpened, and a cold and stern look flashed in his eyes. Cang sneered and said, "I've been waiting for a long time!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan immediately issued an order: "Activate the barrier to block these three spaceships and prevent them from entering the territory of Yanjing!"


 After Lin Yuan gave the order, Shi Potian and Shi Jingtian immediately took action!

 The invisible barrier opens like a barrier!

Those three spaceships fell extremely fast, but they seemed to sense the existence of the barrier, significantly slowed down, and finally hovered outside the barrier.

 In such a situation, Lin Yuan quickly led the crowd to surround him.

The next second, with a soft "chi" sound, the hatch of the Dark Star was opened directly from the inside.

 A familiar voice came out faintly.

“We meet again...hehe, there are a few new faces this time, are you trying to stop me?”

 “I really made you worry about it.”

 The one who walked out of the Dark Star was naturally the Lord of Darkness.

 It's just that his appearance is completely different from before.

After seeing it, Lin Yuan was even slightly stunned.

However, he quickly reacted: "After the body is destroyed, can you only use the corpse to resurrect the soul? I don't know if you can still adapt to this body?"

“Isn’t it uncomfortable for the dignified Lord of Darkness to be reduced to such a state?”

Lin Yuan's ridicule made the Dark Lord's face instantly darken.

"Haha, you can just use your words now, I will naturally cut off your head later and make it into a flag for my rule over this planet!"

Lin Yuan shrugged indifferently: "Really?"

 At this moment, the hatches of the other two spaceships also opened one after another!

Chaos and Airos brothers walked out from the left, while Paiyaki strode out from the right. The scarlet lizard eyes were filled with violent emotions.

"I said, was your body destroyed by these people? Are you too careless?"

Pai Yaqi's scarlet lizard eyes glanced at the people around him coldly, and said in a cold voice: "These losers... don't seem to have any fighting ability."

Chaos also laughed: "Paiyaki, don't be so disrespectful to others. No matter what, these people are the strongest on the planet."

"makes sense."

Pai Yaqi shrugged, locked his eyes on Cang, and said with a sneer: "I have no interest in other people, but this old guy has some skills, so I will handle him." ”

Chaos smiled and said: "No problem, since you have chosen first, then leave the rest to us brothers."

At this moment, the Dark Lord finally spoke.

 He ​​stretched out his hand and pointed at Lin Yuan, a ferocious and violent emotion flashed in his eyes: "Give this kid to me, I will... cut him into pieces with my own hands!"

 For Lin Yuan, the Lord of Darkness can be said to hate Lin Yuan to the core.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan, he wouldn't have ended up with his body destroyed.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan, he could have had this resource planet all to himself!

It’s really...damn it!

 Lin Yuan looked at the four people in front of him calmly. When the opponent was choosing his opponent, he was also secretly observing the strength of these people in front of him.

What he really didn't expect was that the four people in front of him, including the Lord of Darkness, were all star-level strong men without exception!

 Completely...four stellar level experts!

 (End of this chapter)

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