Chapter 469 Cang vs Pai Yaqi!

Lin Yuan really didn’t expect that the Lord of Darkness would be so cautious and bring three stellar powerhouses to the earth at once!

Originally, Lin Yuan thought that with the help of Cang and the others, he could be said to be almost certain to deal with the Dark God Lord.

 Now it seems... there still has to be a fierce battle between them!

“Okay, it’s useless to talk anymore, don’t waste any more time, let’s do it!”

Pai Yaqi was the most impatient. After identifying Cang as his target, he immediately rushed forward and revealed his true form as the immortal evil lizard!

Looking at the monster with a human body and a lizard head in front of him, Cang sneered: "How dare the light of a grain of rice compete with the bright moon?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cang also revealed his true form!

 A body covered with red gold dragon scales...a nine-clawed true dragon!

Furthermore, in terms of volume alone, Cang’s body is several times larger than Pai Yaqi’s!

“It’s really interesting... There is a strong person like you on such a remote planet.”

Pai Yaqi laughed loudly, and his figure also began to expand, turning into a huge lizard, attacking and biting in the direction of Cang!

 “Seeking death!”

Cang's face turned cold, and the dragon's claws passed in front of him, immediately creating an extremely sharp red gold claw mark!


The red-gold dragon claw marks immediately slashed across Pai Yaqi's body, tearing out three extremely deep wounds!

 It's just that Pai Yaqi's self-healing ability is far stronger than Cang imagined.

By the time he rushed in front of Cang, Pai Yaqi's injuries were completely healed!

 This... is the advantage that the immortal evil lizard bloodline brings to him!

 Hauntingly powerful self-healing ability!

Cang's offensive failed to cause him any damage, which means... next, it's Yaqi's turn to counterattack!

 I saw him opening his **** mouth, revealing rows of sharp fangs!


 The next second, before Cang could fully react, Pai Yaqi's sharp teeth viciously bit into his dragon body!

The sharp teeth penetrated deeply into the dragon's body, and the golden dragon's blood shot out and scattered in the air.

 Severe pain spread from Cang’s wound instantly!

  A look of surprise clearly flashed through the latter's dragon eyes.

The reason why Cang was surprised was not because of how seriously injured Pai Yaqi's bite was.

But the thing is, he never thought that the opponent's fangs would be so sharp!

You must know that the hard dragon scales on his body are so hard that even the magic weapon cannot hurt him at all!

 But now, it was directly penetrated by the opponent's sharp teeth!

It seems that the enemy in front of you cannot be underestimated!

Thinking of this, Cang put away his thoughts of contempt, turned his head directly, opened the dragon's mouth, and spit out a mouthful of red-gold dragon flames towards Pai Yaqi!

The name of the dragon flame spewed out by Cang... is the Flame of Burning Gold and Refining the World!

 Because, the dragon flame he spits out can not only melt real gold, but can even refine the entire world!

What Cang Cang didn't expect was that when faced with his Burning Gold Refining World Flame, Pai Yaqi wouldn't even dodge it. Apparently he had made up his mind and was not going to let go no matter what!

"I want to see whether you recover faster or my dragon flames burn faster!"

Pai Yaqi’s actions directly angered Cang!

 He is a very arrogant true dragon, and he will never allow anyone to dare to provoke him like this!


Under the burning of the dragon's flames, the flesh and blood on Pai Yaqi's body began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. Blood dripped from his body continuously, and was instantly burned away by the scorching dragon's flames. The steam rose into the sky!

During this process, Pai Yaqi also suffered considerable pain!

Although his self-healing ability is strong enough, the pain caused to him by the injury has not diminished in any way. "Old are so cruel!"

Pai Yaqi cursed in a low voice and had no choice but to let go.

His body was a mess of flesh and blood, covered with charred marks!

If the dragon's flames were allowed to continue burning so unscrupulously, I'm afraid he would really be burned until only his skeleton was left!

However, Pai Yaqi's self-healing ability is still quite amazing.

After being freed from the burning of the dragon's flames, new flesh and blood quickly grew on Pai Yaqi's skeleton!

"Among the opponents I have encountered, your vitality can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful."

Cang looked at Pai Yaqi coldly: "In this case, I am too lazy to try any more."

 “At one go...kill you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a brilliant golden light suddenly erupted from the pale dragon's body, as if it was covered with the afterglow of the setting sun!

 This is one of Cang's killing moves, the golden dragon body of the sun!

 After using this state, he can increase the power of the blazing sun to his dragon body, and the power is naturally otherworldly!

The golden blue dragon instantly turned into an afterimage and headed towards the direction of Pai Yaqi!

Although the latter's injuries have not fully recovered, he is not to be outdone. A fierce cold light flashed in his eyes: "Old guy, either you die today... or I die!"

 For a moment, a dragon and a lizard quickly fought together in the air. Their sharp claws and scales collided with each other, and the dragon body and lizard armor strangled each other!

 The two star-level warriors both unleashed their strongest strength.

 Both of them have one sole thought, and that is to kill each other!

 Kill, kill, kill!

 As the battle intensified, the battle between the two people was quickly pushed to a white-hot stage!


While Cang and Pai Yaqi were fighting fiercely, the Lord of Darkness also came to Lin Yuan.

Some revenge...he must avenge it with his own hands before he feels happy!

“Lin Yuan, we meet again.”

The Lord of Darkness stared at Lin Yuan with a half-smile but not a smile, with a bit of arrogance and madness in his eyes.

Lin Yuan also raised the corners of his lips slightly and chuckled: "Yes, I really didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

"It's just that I won't let you go so easily this time. No matter where your soul escapes to, I will crush it with my own hands to prevent you, a bastard, from having any chance to be reincarnated!"

"Of course, if you are willing, I can also find you the body of a local dog, which will give you some choice. Either die simply, or live in a dog's body, endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and live an ignoble existence. A lifetime...what do you think?"

 (End of this chapter)

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