Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 470: Successful sneak attack

Chapter 470 Successful sneak attack

 “I think you are really about to die and you don’t even know it!”

Facing Lin Yuan’s ridicule, the Dark God Lord had no intention of swallowing his anger. He immediately turned into an afterimage and headed towards the former to kill him!

During the flyby, the Dark God Lord also activated the three levels of Darkest Sky Demonic Body in succession!

 He understands Lin Yuan's strength, so he is not ready to test him with any pretense.

 Once you take action, it’s a killing move!

 He wanted to kill Lin Yuan as quickly as possible!

  It’s just that what the Dark Lord now occupies is not his own body.

 So, even if the ‘Darkest Demonic Body’ is used, the full strength of this secret technique cannot be exerted.

 The current Dark God Lord is somewhat weaker than the Dark God Lord who came to New York City before.

However, Lin Yuan was not much better.

  After all, he does not have the status bonuses of "Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Body" and "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons".

At this moment, all Lin Yuan can rely on is his own strength.

 Fortunately, even if it is just his own strength, it is already different from what it used to be!

 Lin Yuan now has 1.8 million points of qi and blood power and 190 Hz of spiritual power!

These two items alone are enough to give him the power to fight against the strong men at the beginning of the stellar level.

Not to mention, Lin Yuan now... is far more than just a few means!

 “The Darkest Demonic Body?”

Lin Yuan grinned and smiled wildly: "I want to see what qualifications you have to be called a demon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan instantly launched the Thunder Domain!

 The next second, the power of thunder in the domain and the power of qi and blood in Lin Yuan's body completely exploded!

He took a step forward in the air, directly towards the direction of the Dark God Lord, and blasted this thunder fist!

Although it was the Lord of Darkness who struck first, Lin Yuan struck later, forcing the other party to take over!

The Lord of Darkness couldn't avoid it. He roared, and activated the power of the Dark Sky Demon Body to the extreme. Black mist surrounded his right arm, and he also punched Lin Yuan!


When the two fists collided, the blue thunder and the dark magic mist suddenly exploded, and the aftermath of the energy was like a sharp wind, sweeping towards the surroundings, like a knife cutting the face!

As the fists collided, the figure of the Dark God Lord remained motionless, but Lin Yuan was forced back nearly a hundred meters!

 The strength between the two is decided!

The aftermath of the energy backlash made Lin Yuan's internal organs tumble, and a trace of blood could not help but flow out from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yuan raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and had a rough judgment on the strength of the Dark God Lord.

 Just relying on the power of thunder and blood is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

Although Lin Yuan was forced to retreat, the Dark Lord obviously had no intention of letting him go.

The demonic mist around the latter quickly condensed into one dark and sharp demonic spear after another, piercing towards Lin Yuan's position!

Fortunately, Lin Yuan was fast enough, and his body turned into thunder, and he quickly avoided the first black mist magic gun that was as black as ink!

  It’s just that the Dark Lord’s methods are far more sinister than he imagined.

Just as the Black Mist Demonic Spear passed by, this spear made of black mist suddenly exploded next to Lin Yuan!

 The energy aftermath of the explosion impacted Lin Yuan once again!

 At the same time, several more black fog demonic guns followed closely behind, swooping in the air and attacking!

"Divine power, open!"    Lin Yuan's combat experience can be said to be quite rich. Facing the black mist magic gun that cannot be evaded by speed, he opened the divine power space without hesitation and teleported himself into in!

Under such circumstances, even if the Dark God Lord detonated all the black mist spears, it would not be able to harm Lin Yuan at all!


Looking at Lin Yuan who was teleported into the divine power space in front of him, the Lord of Darkness frowned slightly.

 Then, he said in a cold voice: "Lin Yuan, do you think hiding will be useful?"

“You can hide, but can your companions hide?”

“If you want to continue hiding, I can kill your companions first!”

I have to say that the Lord of Darkness is quite smart and quickly found a way to force Lin Yuan to show up!

 And just as he finished speaking, the twisted divine power space once again opened in front of his eyes!

However, Lin Yuan’s figure did not appear at the entrance to the Divine Power Space.

“Are you still going to hide? Oh, then I’ll…”

Before the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that there was a murderous intention locked on him!

His mind was frightened, and he turned around decisively!

 However, what greeted him was a sharp thunder blade shining with starlight!

**** it…

This kid actually attacked him from behind!

 The Lord of Darkness gritted his teeth and punched forward without hesitation!

Unfortunately, his movements were still a beat too slow.

The starlight thunder blade in front of him first pierced his body, and then was smashed to pieces by his punch!

Lin Yuan succeeded in the attack without any hesitation in fighting. He quickly retreated and distanced himself from the Lord of Darkness!

The reason why this sneak attack was successful was not because the Lord of Darkness was too negligent, but because Lin Yuan used a clever deception method!

 He first opened the entrance to the Divine Power Space, attracting the attention of the Dark God Lord to the entrance.

 Subsequently, he used the art of divine concealment to hide his figure, quietly sneaked from the entrance to the back of the Dark God Lord, and gave the latter a fatal blow!

It's just that Lin Yuan couldn't use the same move a second time.

With the Dark God Lord on alert, it would be almost impossible to get close to him and sneak attack him through stealth.

 Next…it will be a competition of physical strength between the two!

The injured Dark God Lord became more and more violent, his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards Lin Yuan regardless of it!

At this moment, Lin Yuan didn't dare to have any confidence.

His own energy, blood and mental strength alone are naturally not enough to deal with the Dark Lord.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan also possesses two other more advanced and pure energies, namely the power of stars and the power of creation!

Now the power of the stars possessed by Lin Yuan has successfully exceeded the one thousand point mark.

In other words, ten dazzling stars have been condensed in his body!

Lin Yuan made an immediate decision and activated all the stars in his body!

 In an instant, all the power of the stars surged out from his body, instantly filling Lin Yuan's limbs and bones!

 (End of this chapter)

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