Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 471: Suppress the Dark Lord

Chapter 471: Suppressing the Lord of Darkness

The overflowing star power formed a silver-white star armor directly on Lin Yuan's body!

 The power of the stars attached to Lin Yuan's body greatly enhanced his strength, speed, and explosive power!

 His strength now cannot be compared with before!


The next second, Lin Yuan's figure instantly turned into a silvery-white stream of light, rushing towards the direction of the Dark God Lord!

 Its speed is so fast that even the naked eye cannot catch it!

Almost in an instant, Lin Yuan was in front of the Dark Lord!

Following his punch, the power of the stars poured out crazily from the front of his fist like a flood that opened a floodgate!

"This level of strength is interesting... Otherwise, even if I kill you, I won't feel anything."

After Lin Yuan used the power of the stars, the Dark Lord could not help but reveal a sneer on his lips.

 There was a huge black glow around him, and the black mist spread out like clouds, covering the entire surrounding space!

 “It’s a’s still too weak!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Dark God Lord directly attacked Lin Yuan, and the strength of the Dark Sky Demon Body completely exploded. Under the attack of his fists, the power of darkness was like an angry dragon, heading towards Lin Yuan. Sweeping away in the direction of Yuan!

 “Whether we are weak or’s not up to you to decide!”

Lin Yuan sneered, and without hesitation chose to activate his own power, the Thorns of Divine Punishment!

This is the product of the fusion of Cursed Thorns and Resurrection Vine, and the effect is very significant!

After Lin Yuan activated it, dense vines immediately grew out and twined in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

With such dense thorns and vines, it is impossible for the Dark God Lord to completely avoid them.

The moment the divine punishment vines wrapped around the body of the Dark God Lord, Lin Yuan immediately poured his own thunder power into it!

The characteristic of the Divine Punishment Vine is that it can absorb Lin Yuan's own energy to evolve!

After Lin Yuan poured the power of thunder into it, the blue thunder quickly spread along the divine punishment vines, paralyzing the body of the Dark God Lord!

At the same time, entangled by the thorns of divine punishment, the Dark Lord’s own momentum was also falling crazily, obviously being restricted accordingly!

Lin Yuan seized this opportunity and once again used another killing move!

 Soul-calming banner!

You know, in the past few months, Lin Yuan has taken several Holy Spirit Fruits almost every day!

 Under the influence of the Holy Spirit Fruit, Lin Yuan's own soul power is being nourished almost all the time!

Now Lin Yuan's soul power has advanced to a very powerful level!

 And what is needed to activate the soul-suppressing exactly the power of his soul!

 “The souls of all directions are silent!”

Lin Yuan's heart was filled with excitement, and he frantically injected his soul power into the soul-suppressing flag without hesitation!

 In an instant, countless dark and dead souls, like extremely hungry ghouls, flew out of the soul-suppressing flag and attacked in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

Due to the extremely fast speed of these dark souls, and the body shape of the Dark God Lord is restricted by the divine punishment vines.

 So, before he had time to dodge, these dark souls instantly penetrated his body!

However, these dark souls did not cause any injuries to his body.

 Because, the soul-suppressing flag is not a magic weapon that targets the body at all, but a magic weapon that directly attacks the soul!

At the moment when he was penetrated by the dark soul that flew out of the soul-suppressing flag, the Dark God Lord felt a sudden pain that seemed to be completely torn apart from his soul!

Such pain made his mind go blank, and even his consciousness fell into a trance!


The Lord of Darkness bit the tip of his tongue, trying to free himself from this chaotic state. It’s a pity that the wounds on the soul are not so easy to recover!

Taking advantage of the dark lord's will, Lin Yuan made a prompt decision and raised his hand again to condense a long star-thunder blade!

 The starlight and thunder light intertwined together, making it look so dazzling and beautiful!

 It’s just that the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!

"Dark God's time to hit the road, I'm here to give you a ride!"

Lin Yuan held the Starlight Thunder Blade and let out a low roar!

At the same time, all the strength in his body exploded instantly, causing his body to leap into the air like a furious lion!

 Cut, chop, chop!

With the increase in Lin Yuan's power, the starlight thunder blade in his hand tore an arc in the air and slashed desperately toward the location of the Dark Lord's head!

Lin Yuan wanted to use this sword to cut off the head of the Dark God Lord and end his life completely!

 “Damn it… I won’t let you… succeed…”

Just when the long star thunder blade in Lin Yuan's hand was about to be chopped down, the Lord of Darkness finally recovered part of his sanity!

He endured the pain in his soul, just like a drowning man grabbing the last straw to save his life!

 He raised his hand with difficulty and blocked his right arm in front of Lin Yuan's blade!


With a soft sound, the right arm of the Dark God Lord was cut off abruptly!

However, the Lord of Darkness, who had lost his arm, also took this opportunity to avoid Lin Yuan's killing move.

He used the amputated arm to gain a chance to escape. He quickly retreated backwards and immediately opened a corresponding distance from Lin Yuan!

 Kaos and Elos on the side also saw the embarrassment of the Dark Lord escaping with his arms broken.

“Eros, it’s time for us to take action.”

Chaos smiled, and the eyes that seemed to be filled with red flames were dancing with scorching fire!

 “No problem, brother.”

Ellos laughed calmly: "Everyone has to be honest. Since this guy has given a high enough price, we should also return the corresponding value."

 “Let’s go and help him!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kaos' body suddenly ignited with thousands of flames!

 His figure instantly turned into a red afterimage and disappeared from the place!

 Eros also followed closely behind him. Behind him, ice condensed in the air, forming large tracts of blue ice mist!

 Obviously, the target of brothers Kaos and Elos is precisely Lin Yuan, who is fighting a fierce battle with the Lord of Darkness!

However, before the two of them could rush to Lin Yuan, three figures... blocked them!

 (End of this chapter)

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