Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 502: Feng Chumo’s true identity!

Chapter 502 Feng Chumo’s true identity!

 At the entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm, above the Broken Star Ring.

An old man with gray-black fur all over his body and an ape-like face chuckled and said, "Ghost Eyes, your Demonic Abyss Academy should have a lot of good prospects this time, right? After the end of the Star Sea Secret Realm last time, your academy has The number of surviving monks is at the bottom among the four major colleges!"

"Looking at what you said, aren't the people sent by your demon seminary the geniuses and demons?"

“The secret realm of the Star Sea has not yet been opened, so what’s the point of arguing over it verbally?”

After the old ape man spoke, an old man with a gloomy face spoke in a conspiratorial tone, his voice hoarse as if two pieces of rusty iron were rubbing against each other.

The pupils in his eye sockets have no whites at all, and are a pure black color like an abyss. They look extremely weird!

"Gui Yan's words are quite right. Our four major colleges have been fighting for so many years, but we have not always come out with a result. You are always first this time, and I am first next time. This time he is at the bottom, and next time he will be the first. It’s not sure who’s turn it will be.”

At this moment, a short old man with a white beard also spoke cheerfully: "So, there is no need to argue about this before the secret realm is opened."

Although this old man with a white beard is as short as a dwarf, he is carrying a huge heavy sword as tall as a person on his back, which looks extremely inconsistent.

 After the white-bearded old man spoke, the last old man also spoke.

This old man is wearing a white robe, which has a somewhat fairy-like air, and the sleeves of the robe are also embroidered with shining silver stars!

 Such a unique logo clearly indicates his identity.

 The guardian from Silver Star Academy!

At this moment, he looked at the short old man, smiled and said: "Kendaozi, there is such a feast in the Xinghai Secret Realm, is your beloved disciple here to participate?"

 “Don’t mention that traitor.”

With a depressed look on his face, Jian Daozi said, "I don't know which of the brat's tendons were wrong. A few days ago, during a sparring session, I accidentally killed someone and was directly expelled from our Tianyuan College."


A look of surprise flashed across the face of the white-robed old man, and he smiled and said, "That boy is your disciple of Sword Daozi! Is your Tianyuan Academy so disrespectful to you?"

"Haha... It's not because Tianyuan College doesn't give me face. It's clearly because my traitor doesn't give Tianyuan College face."

Ken Daozi said with a depressed look on his face: "Do you know how arrogant that kid was at the academy's court hearing? He actually said plausibly in front of everyone that he didn't kill the person intentionally. He was really too weak. No, he has no choice.”

 “, this apprentice, really have quite a personality.”

 After listening to Ken Daozi’s explanation, even the old man in white robe couldn’t help laughing.

Even the other people mostly suppressed their smiles.

Had it not been for my identity, I would have laughed out loud on the spot.

 Ken Daozi, this apprentice, is so arrogant!

If Lin Yuan were present, he would definitely be surprised.

 Because the disciple mentioned by Jian Daozi was none other than Feng Chumo who was traveling with him all the way!

 It seems that Arturo still doesn’t know enough about Feng Chumo.

They just knew that he was a student who was expelled from Tianyuan College, but they didn’t know that he was also the disciple of a peak black hole level powerhouse! Moreover, this black hole level powerhouse is also one of the guardians of the Star Sea Secret Realm!

Then, Kendaozi continued to speak; "However, being expelled from Tianyuan College is not a big deal. Anyway, he is still my disciple of Kendaozi."

“After being expelled, I, Sword Daozi, will provide the resources that Tianyuan Academy does not provide me! How can I, a monk at the peak of the black hole level, not be able to support my own disciples?”

“As for whether this kid will come to the Star Sea Secret Realm this time, given his warlike temperament, I guess he will probably come.”

“However, I’m too lazy to get him a spot in the Star Sea Secret Realm. I let him figure it out on his own.”

 Actually, it’s not that Kendozi is really that lazy.

However, as one of the guardians of the Xinghai Secret Realm, in order to avoid suspicion, it is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to get a place for Feng Chumo to come back.

Then, Ken Daozi changed the topic, blew his beard and glared: "But you old guys are really treacherous. You were all apprentices at the same time. It's better for you, each one is better at hiding than the other, and you hide it more tightly. To be honest, until now, I don’t even know what your apprentice looks like!”

"What? Are you afraid that I will eat your apprentice?"

The old ape man smiled and said calmly: "That's not the case. It's just that my bad disciple's talent is mediocre, and he may not be able to break through to the black hole realm. He is incomparable with your beloved disciples. There is no need to pull him out and embarrass himself."

“Brother Ape, what you said is too modest. How did I hear that your apprentice is now the leader of the younger generation of Demon Seminary?”

The old man in white robe smiled and exposed the old ape man in just one sentence.

The latter looked embarrassed and coughed twice: "Rumors, those are all rumors!"

“I asked you, each of you, can you tell the truth in your mouth?”

Ghost Eye finally couldn't help but speak: "As long as we take another half step, we will all be immortal monks, but we are still here playing tricks on each other for some junior matters."

“Wouldn’t it be good if you have some free time to go into seclusion and practice for a while? Why bother testing each other here and doing such boring things!”

“What’s more, when the Star Sea Secret Realm ends, won’t it be clear at a glance whose disciple is stronger and which academy has gained the most?”

The old man in white robe smoothed his beard and said with a smile: "What Brother Guiyan said is true, but... in fact, we don't really want to fight to the death for these juniors, but just guarding the entrance is too boring, so Just having some fun.”

“Furthermore, if the immortal realm is really that easy to break through, then I would have gone into seclusion a long time ago, why would I still stay here and waste time?”

“Right now, I’m just looking forward to the secret realm of the Star Sea being opened soon, so that I can have some fun with this old bone...”

As soon as the old man in white robe said these words, everyone couldn't help but laugh!

 Yeah, how can there be such an easy breakthrough in the Immortal Realm!

Even if they are only half a step away from the immortal realm, this last half step is still like a chasm, difficult to cross!

If not, they should be practicing hard in seclusion now instead of coming to the Broken Star Ring to guard the secret realm of the Star Sea for the academy.

 (End of this chapter)

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