Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 503: Enter the secret realm!

 Chapter 503 Entering the secret realm!

 “The time has come.”

 “The Secret Realm of Star Sea…is officially opened!”

 I don’t know how much time has passed.

A sound like rolling thunder came from above the Broken Star Ring, exploding in the ears of all the monks!

 “Great, the Secret Realm of Star Sea is finally open!”

   "Mad, I am getting impatient to wait..."

“Monks from Silver Star Academy, gather here quickly!”


 After the thunderous voice announced that the Star Sea Secret Realm was officially opened, the surrounding area quickly became agitated.

 The noise is endless.

However, just as the monks were preparing to enter the secret realm of the star sea with great excitement, the sound of thunder rang out again.

"Everyone, enter the secret realm in order, and anyone who disturbs the order...beheaded!"

This time, the sound of thunder carried a chilling tone, which made people feel frightened, as if they were standing in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

 “What a domineering person.”

Even Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

 But it has to be said that domineering is domineering, and the effect of this sentence is quite significant.

After hearing these words, no one dared to disrupt the order. Even the previous noisy sounds had subsided a lot. All the star-level monks flew in an orderly manner towards the entrance of the Star Sea Secret Realm. They entered the secret realm one after another.

The four peak black hole level guardians were waiting on top of the Broken Star Ring, silently watching below.

Although they did not take action, the coercion they exuded was enough to intimidate this large group of stellar monks.

There is no doubt that the previous thunderous sound full of chilling meaning was uttered by one of these four people.

Once someone refuses to listen to dissuasion and insists on disrupting order, he will definitely not be disturbed by the guardian of the peak black hole level.

“Lin Yuan, enter the Star Sea Secret Realm as soon as possible so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment inside more quickly. I’m going to take the first step, so hurry up and follow me!”

Arturo waved at Lin Yuan, and then took Alfonso directly into the air in the direction of the entrance to the secret realm.

However, Lin Yuan is not in a hurry. He doesn't bother to fight for such a quarter of an hour and two quarters of an hour, and there is no need to fight.

 Furthermore, after entering through the entrance of the secret realm, where you will be teleported to in the secret realm is all random.

Even if two people enter at the same time, they may not be teleported to the same place after entering the secret realm.

Just as Lin Yuan was slowly flying towards the entrance of the secret realm, another white figure rushed past him!

Lin Yuan looked intently and found that the person passing by him was none other than Feng Chumo!

At this moment, he no longer had the lazy temperament he had before. He had a flying sword at his feet and was walking with the sword. His aura was as sharp as an unsheathed sword!

 “This guy…is really not simple.”

Lin Yuan sighed secretly in his heart, and then continued flying towards the entrance of the secret realm. Although viewed from a distance, the entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm is pitch black and no light can be seen.

But when Lin Yuan got closer, he discovered this time that there was actually a layer of ripples like a lake at the entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm.

It’s like there’s a whole new world on the other side of the ripples!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, and without much hesitation, he chose to take a direct step forward and stepped into the lake-like ripples in front of him!


The moment Lin Yuan stepped into the secret realm, the scene in front of him changed instantly!

What appeared in front of him was no longer a pitch-black entrance and a broken star ring, but a brand new starry sky!

Here, countless stars are densely packed, emitting their own radiance, and it is so beautiful that it is dizzying.

Lin Yuan quickly made a judgment.

 It seems that he has passed through the entrance and entered the secret realm of the sea of ​​​​stars.

However, he was not the only one who was teleported here.

 Around him, many figures began to appear one after another out of thin air!

There is no doubt that these people are all monks who were transported here!

Like Lin Yuan, they began to quickly look at their surroundings after being teleported in, as if they wanted to use this to determine their location.

 Fortunately, among the monks teleported here, there is no such thing as the kind that kills embryos at the slightest disagreement.

 Although killing people is an extremely common thing in the secret realm of the Star Sea, no one wants to be the one who stands out before everyone is familiar with the environment.

 All the monks looked at each other, and no one had any intention of taking action, maintaining a delicate sense of balance.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, took out the soul seal from the system space, and injected a trace of soul power into it.

 Subsequently, he quickly sensed the locations of Arturo and Alfonso!

It's a pity that the distance between him and the two of them is quite far, at least tens of billions of kilometers!

With such a long distance, even if Lin Yuan wanted to find them, it would probably take some time.

Lin Yuan naturally cannot waste such precious time in the early stage of the secret realm on looking for someone. The first thing he needs to do is to get familiar with this secret realm as soon as possible!

Seeing the monks around him flying towards the nearest stars one by one, Lin Yuan recalled that Old Bern once told him that Xinghai Sand, a specialty of the Xinghai Secret Realm, usually floats in the stars. Between them, and these stars in the secret realm, this is where the four major colleges place their secret treasures!

  In other words, every star may have a secret treasure that has been placed by the four major colleges in advance!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but get excited. He immediately locked onto the dark red planet closest to him and flew quickly over it.

At this moment, another green figure suddenly appeared beside him, keeping pace with it.

Lin Yuan turned around and saw that the person following him was a handsome young man with long dark green hair.

Although his face is handsome, his eyes have vertical pupils, and they are also a rare dark green color, which looks very strange.

After feeling Lin Yuan's gaze, the young man with long dark green hair grinned and said straight to the point: "Brother, I am a monk from Demon God Academy. Do you want to form a team temporarily? The monks who are eyeing this planet... Not a few."

“How about if the two of us join forces to capture the treasure and split it 50-50?”

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that this young man with long dark green hair would actually come to him to form a team.

However, he finally shrugged and said calmly: "Sorry, I don't need it."

 (End of this chapter)

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