Chapter 504 Trap!

"Are you sure? In this secret realm of the sea of ​​stars, there is danger everywhere."

“Moreover, if you and I join forces, not only can the risk be halved, but we can also increase the chance of winning the treasure!”

Although Lin Yuan rejected the other party outright, the young man with dark green hair in front of him was still unwilling to give in and kept talking.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and said coldly: "I told you, it's not necessary. I'm not in the habit of working with strangers."

The green-haired young man seemed to want to speak, but after seeing Lin Yuan's eyes as cold as ice, he finally restrained himself and closed his mouth.

"Since your will is so determined, I won't bother you anymore."

 After saying that, the young man with dark green hair turned around and left, obviously preparing to find his next partner.

Not long after, Lin Yuan's figure landed on this dark red planet.

However, just when Lin Yuan arrived on this planet, several awe-inspiring murderous intentions were already locked on him!

After sensing the murderous intention, Lin Yuan did not act rashly, but stood calmly, waiting for the other party to appear.

“Not bad, boy, your perception is quite keen...”

 Several figures suddenly emerged from the shadows.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a majestic face, who was staring at him with a gloomy face.

 Obviously, they originally planned to hide in the dark and ambush Lin Yuan.

However, before they showed up, Lin Yuan sensed their presence in advance.

 At this moment, two more figures descended from the sky.

One of them is the green-haired young man who previously wanted to win over Lin Yuan to cooperate!

“I didn’t expect you to be here too.”

After seeing Lin Yuan, the green-haired young man was slightly stunned at first, obviously feeling a little surprised.

Then, he grinned and said with a smile: "You are going to die in the end anyway, so you might as well have walked with me just now."

 “This...can also make me a fortune.”

 After the green-haired young man said these words, the expression of the man next to him changed instantly!

He had already sensed that something was not right about the atmosphere around him. After the green-haired young man said these words in front of him, he became even more uneasy.

 He turned around and asked face to face: "Didn't you say you want to cooperate with me? What do you mean by that?"

"Cooperation? Hahahahaha... the monks from the four major colleges are so naive! Do you really think that I will cooperate with you?"

The green-haired young man laughed loudly: "You are wrong, I just want your head money!"

The green-haired young man has already said this, even the most stupid person should react!

 The so-called cooperation is just a pretense!

The other party’s real purpose is to lure people here and hunt them!

While the two were talking, Lin Yuan opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and quickly glanced around.

 There are seven stellar monks present!

 If you include the young man with dark green hair, there are eight!

 Eight stellar warriors!

 No wonder...they had the confidence to lure the monks here to trap and kill them.

 For ordinary stellar monks, this is indeed a dead end.

"By the way, you are here to search for secret treasures, right?" "It's a pity... you came too late. An hour ago, the only secret treasure on this planet, the Red Ridge Star Grass, It’s already in our pocket.”

The middle-aged man with a majestic face smiled and took out a red fairy grass with a faint starlight from the space ring!

Suddenly, an extremely rich fire-attribute spiritual energy suddenly spread from the Chiling Star Grass!

Lin Yuan was secretly shocked. Even from such a long distance, he could feel the aura escaping from this fairy grass. This was enough to show how otherworldly this Red Ridge Star Grass was!

 For those monks with the fire attribute, this spiritual grass is simply a treasure!

Even if Lin Yuan does not practice fire-attribute skills, he can still sell this Red Ridge Star Grass on the black market for millions of dollars!

“Before you die, let me give you a piece of advice.”

The middle-aged man put away the Red Ridge Star Grass in his hand and said with a sneer: "Although everyone who enters the secret realm of the Star Sea will be teleported to different locations, there are still traces of the teleportation point..."

"Haven't you noticed that many monks happened to be teleported to your side? This is no coincidence."

“Furthermore, the planets around the teleportation point have long been explored by the first group of monks to arrive.”

"The monks who still want to gain something on these planets are just ignorant fools with whimsical ideas. Just like you, they are extremely naive."

 Listening to what the other party said, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

 It seems that my preparation is still not sufficient.

 There are many things that I have not considered, and I don’t know enough about the secret realm of the Star Sea.

What happened this time was that he learned another lesson.

 In this secret realm, if you are not cautious enough, it will be a dead end!

“Feng Tu, why are you talking so much nonsense to them! Just kill these two people, I’m still waiting for the money!”

The green-haired young man finally became impatient and started urging him directly.

"Ye Sheng, there is no need to be so anxious, your indispensable for you!"

Feng Tu glanced at him sideways and said calmly.

At this moment, the man next to Ye Sheng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Of course he knew that he had fallen into a trap.

 But...he doesn't want to die yet!

 He still wants to live!

 Now, he has only a slight possibility of survival!

 That is to join forces with Lin Yuan!

 Because now they are...completely like grasshoppers on the same line!

Thinking of this, his figure flashed and flew towards Lin Yuan quickly!

Lin Yuan frowned and subconsciously distanced himself from the other party.

Although on the surface, this guy is a victim deceived by Ye Sheng, who knows that it is not a drama between them?

 Lin Yuan would never take it so lightly that he would expose his flaws to the other party before it was completely clear whether he was an enemy or a friend.

Lin Yuan's wariness was obviously noticed by the other party. He was slightly startled at first, then gave a helpless smile and said in a low voice: "Brother, I don't mean any harm! I am a student of Tianyuan College, Li Chaoge!"

"I know you may not completely trust me, but if you want to get out of here, the only way... is for you and me to join forces!"

 (End of this chapter)

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