Chapter 505 Li Chaoge!

"Kill out? Is it just you and me?"

 Lin Yuan did not agree in a hurry, but instead said jokingly: "You want me to join forces with you, two against eight? Are you crazy, or do you think I am crazy?"

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't seem ready to agree to his proposal, Li Chaoge instantly became anxious.

"That's not the case. As long as we create a gap among these people, we will have a chance to escape!"

Lin Yuan looked at Li Chaoge calmly, believing him in his heart.

 Many things can be deceived, but the desire for survival in his eyes cannot be deceived.

 This guy really wants to survive.

Afterwards, Li Chaoge continued to speak eagerly: "I admit, I was stupid this time! I didn't expect that I would encounter a trap as soon as I entered the secret realm! But... please believe me, I am very strong! As long as the two of us If we work together, we will have a chance to escape from here!”

 “Really? How strong can you be?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked straight to the point.

Li Chaoge was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Lin Yuan to be so direct.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said seriously: "I can deal with at least two of the star-level monks on the opposite side! No...three!"

After hearing the other party's answer, Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but flash a look of surprise.

I really didn’t expect that this kid’s strength is pretty good. Even among the four major colleges, he can barely be regarded as a genius.

It's a pity that strength comes down to strength. This guy's brain... is really not very easy to use, giving people a naive feeling.

He was able to reveal his true identity so easily, which really surprised Lin Yuan.

If Lin Yuan really wanted to take advantage of him, he could have sold him at the critical moment and looked for opportunities to escape while he was fighting with several other people.

 It seems that Arturo was indeed right.

 The students of the four major colleges have all stayed in the college for too long and do not understand the dangers of this world at all.

 Subsequently, before Lin Yuan could speak, Feng Tu directly asked his men to kill him!

A star-level monk who practices light attributes instantly turned into a white light and stalked towards the direction of Lin Yuan and Li Chaoge!

 Behind him, there were at least thousands of lightsabers condensed!

Li Chaoge said anxiously: "If you don't agree, it will be too late!"

Lin Yuan was completely speechless and cursed: "Are you a fool? The enemies have already been killed in front of you. Now you still have to ask me whether I answer or not. Does it make sense?!"

Li Chaoge was slightly stunned, and instantly realized what Lin Yuan meant.

He was overjoyed and said quickly, "Okay, I'll trap him, and you'll be responsible for killing him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chaoge's eyes were stern and he raised his arms without hesitation!

 The next second, four water pillars rose into the sky, like angry dragons, strangled in the direction of the light attribute monk! Seeing Li Chaoge's sudden attack, the monk did not panic at all. He directly controlled the lightsaber behind him and flew towards the former's position!

It is indeed difficult to restrict the water column, but as long as Li Chaoge's body can be threatened, the immediate crisis... can naturally be solved!

 “Armor of Heaven and Water!”

Facing the densely packed lightsabers in front of him, Li Chaoge was not afraid. The water element instantly condensed around him and formed a pair of armor!

 Obviously, he was preparing to use his own body to challenge the opponent's lightsaber!

 In normal times, Li Chaoge would never take such a risk.

 It's just that now he is trapped in a tight siege. If he wants to have a chance to fight out, he must be ruthless!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

Countless dazzling lightsabers pierced through Li Chaoge's body!

Among them, most of the lightsabers were blocked by the Heavenly Water Armor on Li Chaoge.

 But as the cracks on the Tianshui armor became more and more numerous, the water element became thinner and thinner. The lightsaber in front of him could already directly penetrate the Tianshui armor and forcibly pierce Li Chaoge's flesh and blood!

However, in contrast, the light attribute monk was also trapped in place by the four water pillars condensed by Li Chaoge!

Those four water pillars, like angry dragons, swept over the opponent's body over and over again, causing the light attribute monk's internal organs to suffer severe damage, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Had he not been quite strong physically, he would have been directly strangled to death by these four water pillars in less than ten breaths!

 “Then let’s compete and see who is more ruthless!”

The light attribute monk clenched his teeth, and his body began to light up with a light like the morning sun, and he was constantly repairing his injuries.

 He was not panicked at all.

 After all, their side has an absolute numerical advantage!

As long as Li Chaoge can't kill him for a while, then the one who dies... must be Li Chaoge!

It’s just that this light attribute monk didn’t expect that there was a person who could shoot faster than his companion!

The moment he took action, Lin Yuan took out the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword with his backhand!

 After the opponent was controlled by Li Chaoge, Lin Yuan immediately chose to take action!

 He was not going to waste the opportunity that Li Chaoge had fought so hard for himself.

 The majestic power of thunder was instantly injected into the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in Lin Yuan's hand!

 The next second, the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword was instantly activated, and countless blue lines lit up from the sword body, as bright as stars!

Lin Yuan has never been a man of faith or a good woman. When he draws a is meant to kill people!

He held the hilt of the sword tightly and took a step forward into the void. After the power of thunder completely exploded, he slashed the sword in the direction of the light attribute monk without hesitation!

 The sword moves.

 Thunder Dragon Roar!

The Thunder Dragon Soul in the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword was summoned by Lin Yuan, and with the power of thunder, it strangled in the direction of the light attribute monk!

 Thunder is vibrating in space!

 The space around the sword body was torn apart!

 The sound of the dragon's roar is even better like thunder!

 The monk trapped in the water column had a look of horror on his face.

 He originally thought that Li Chaoge, who came out of Tianyuan College, was their most difficult enemy.

Now it seems that the strength of the unknown young man in front of him is no worse than Li Chaoge.

Even in terms of the power of this sword...Lin Yuan's strength may still be higher than Li Chaoge's!

 (End of this chapter)

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