Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 521: Bloodline talent skills!

Chapter 521 Bloodline Talent Skills!

 Under this wolf howl, a wolf shadow appeared again behind Li Tianran!

 It’s just that this wolf shadow is different from the previous wolf shadow of the Moon-Eating Sirius!

The Moon-Eating Sirius that Li Tianran used previously was just an energy aggregate.

At this moment, the huge wolf shadow behind him is not just a simple energy shadow, but also carries an extremely special bloodline aura...

It is as if this giant wolf shadow came from the ancient times to protect his descendants!

 “This is... a bloodline talent skill?!”

 Feng Chumo blinked and took a breath of cold air!

 No wonder Li Tianran is known as the number one among the younger generation of Demon God Academy. Just relying on his bloodline talent is enough for him to walk sideways!

The so-called bloodline talent skills should start from the Demon God Academy!

 In the Milky Way world, there are four major colleges, Silver Star College, Tianyuan College, Demon God College and Demonic Abyss College!

 Among them, Demon Seminary is the most special!

 Because this college recruits almost all the descendants of some of the great stars in the sky!

And a very small number of these descendants of the Starry Sky Demon can awaken their bloodline talents!

In layman's terms, the so-called bloodline talent skills are the genes imprinted in their bloodline from birth!

It’s just that few demon cultivators can awaken this part of the gene!

 Obviously, Li Tianran... is one of these very few demon cultivators!

 After the shadow of the ancient giant wolf was summoned by Li Tianran, the change in front of him was not over yet!

 Under Li Tianran's control, the huge shadow of the ancient giant wolf actually took the initiative to merge with his figure!

As the shadow of the ancient giant wolf continued to merge into Li Tianran's body, the latter's figure was also expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was about to grow into a giant wolf that could swallow the sky and the sun. !

Feng Chumo took a deep breath, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

Originally thought that after he displayed the "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Origin", Li Tianran would no longer be his opponent.

 But...even Feng Chumo didn't expect that Li Tianran would master the bloodline talent skill!

Furthermore, in his opinion, Li Tianran's mastery of bloodline talent skills has reached the second stage!

 At the very least, it has reached the point where it can be integrated with itself!

 After transforming into a giant wolf, Li Tianran roared and rushed towards the sword array in front of him!


The flying swords, emitting silver light, pierced Li Tianran's wolf body one after another, leaving countless **** holes in his body!

As long as Li Tianran can withstand this wave of offensive from Wan Jian Guiyuan, he can take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack!

However, the flying swords flying down from above his head seemed to be endless. Even if Li Tianran used his bloodline talent skill, he was unable to resist!

Hundred sword blades fell, and Li Tianran's figure was completely annihilated into a pool of flesh and blood!


Li Chaoge stared blankly at Li Tianran who had turned into a pool of flesh and blood, his eyes full of disbelief.

"No, this guy's vitality has not been completely wiped out, and he should be able to be resurrected."

At the end, Lin Yuan added again: "However, even if this guy comes back to life, he will probably be severely damaged and will no longer be able to fight with Feng Chu."

As expected, just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the pool of flesh and blood condensed and took shape again, turning into Li Tianran's body.

 It is not unusual for geniuses of their level to be able to master some secret skills of blood rebirth.

However, even after reshaping his body, Li Tianran's aura was no longer what it used to be.

"I lost."

Li Tianran lowered his head.

Even as arrogant as he is, he has finally admitted his failure.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit off. I don't have any energy left." Feng Chumo smiled and did not choose to continue.

Even though he went into the battle with a life-and-death attitude, now that the outcome was decided, there was no need for him to kill Li Tianran.

 After all, there was no deep hatred between the two.

“You two, are you done competing?”

After the two stopped fighting, Lin Yuan took Li Chaoge and walked over.

“I’m sorry, Brother Lin, in my current state, I’m afraid I won’t be able to spar with you again.”

Feng Chumo looked ashamed, as if he was sorry that he could not fight Lin Yuan again.

Lin Yuan: "...just have a good rest!"

 Brother, you are like this, and you still want to compete with me? !

 Please, please let me go!

However, I have to say that Feng Chumo's move of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Yuan really shocked Lin Yuan.

He thought for a moment that if it were him who resisted, he would definitely not be able to withstand these hundreds of flying swords without using the power of creation!

Lin Yuan was even suspicious that Feng Chumo's move Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Yuan was enough to kill a black hole level monk!

“Boy, don’t be too proud. When I recover from my injury, you will be the first one I kill!”

Li Tianran turned his head, gave Lin Yuan a cold look, and said in a cold tone.

Lin Yuan glanced at him lazily and said very casually: "Okay, just shut up. Believe it or not, I will kill you now. With your current state, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to deal with a guy like Li Chaoge. Really Think I can’t kill you?”

Li Chaoge scratched his head, what does it have to do with me?

 “Hmph, villain, despicable person!”

Li Tianran snorted coldly and turned his head away, no longer looking at Lin Yuan.

 He is indeed no match for Lin Yuan now.

Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool.

As for Lin Yuan, as long as Li Tianran didn't take the initiative to stir up trouble, he wouldn't be too lazy to take advantage of others' danger.

 Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere became extremely subtle.

Although Li Tianran came to kill Lin Yuan, he now had to heal his wounds first.

 Furthermore, after the battle with Feng Chumo, Li Tianran's mentality was somewhat shaken.

 Nearly all geniuses practice the invincible path.

 No one should think that they are inferior to others!

The defeat in this battle was, after all, a blow to a proud man like Li Tianran.

As for Feng Chumo, although he is also recuperating, the purpose of his recuperation is to fight Lin Yuan again!

 And this... is also what gives Lin Yuan the most headache.

Now he just wants to find a way to divert Feng Chumo's attention as quickly as possible so that he can give up the idea of ​​competing with him.

 Otherwise, if this guy gets a whim, a set of Ten Thousand Swords Guiyuan will come down and who can withstand it?

 (End of this chapter)

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