Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 522: Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast

Chapter 522 Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast

 Lin Yuan was very tired.

 Originally, only one Li Chaoge followed him.

 Now, in the blink of an eye, there are three people!

 Feng Chumo, Li Tianran, Li Chaoge!

 Who is riding the horse, who have you offended? !

I just want to be a quiet and handsome man. Is it really that difficult? !

What is most difficult for Lin Yuan to accept is that after these people joined the gang, almost no one dared to take the initiative to rob him!

 Speaking of it, a team composed of four stellar monks must be weighed carefully by everyone.

This simply made Lin Yuan want to cry without tears, and his attitude towards Feng Chumo and Li Tianran couldn't help but become a bit worse.

These two evil men are simply cutting off their own financial opportunities!

“Boss, where should we go next?”

Li Chaoge happily approached Lin Yuan, and even his address began to sound like a dog-like thing.

These days, they have been wandering aimlessly in the secret realm. Although they have found a lot of treasures, these gadgets can no longer catch their eyes.

 “Leave me alone, stay here, it’s best to get away and see if you can attract a few tribulations...”

Lin Yuan felt melancholy and waved his hands, ready to send Li Chaoge away.

“Brother Lin Yuan, there seems to be someone in front of you!”

At this moment, Feng Chumo suddenly spoke.

 “Is there anyone?!”

Lin Yuan’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Are you here to rob the Tao?!”

Please God open your eyes and send two robbers with better wealth quickly!

 The family is so poor that it’s almost too late to open the pot!

However, after Lin Yuan opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and saw the faces of the two people clearly from a distance of nearly 10,000 meters, he couldn't help but curse!

 Because what appeared in front of them was not a robber at all, but two brothers, Arturo and Alfonso!

 When entering the secret realm of the Star Sea, Lin Yuan also determined the location of the two of them based on the soul seal.

However, the distance between them was too far, so Lin Yuan gave up the idea of ​​looking for them.

 But just when Lin Yuan had already forgotten about this matter, the two brothers happened to appear in front of him!

 “Finally found you, but it took us a lot of effort.”

After arriving in front of Lin Yuan, Arturo complained at first, and then immediately glanced at him: "Brother Lin Yuan, it seems that you have made many reliable companions during this period of time."

“Huh? Feng Chumo, why are you here too?”

 Arturo's eyes glanced around, and soon he saw a familiar face!

Feng Chumo smiled naively and said without hesitation: "I'm here to discuss with Brother Lin Yuan."

 “So that’s it.”

 Arturo nodded, and then asked again: "What about the other two?"

 Lin Yuan had so many companions gathered around him, but Arturo was actually not very happy in his heart.

 After all, the only person he invited to join the team was Lin Yuan.

 Lin Yuan's actions obviously did not take the agreement with him to heart.

However, despite this, Arturo still did not show it on his face.

After Arturo asked, before Lin Yuan could explain, Li Chaoge took the initiative to speak: "Brother, I think you must have misunderstood. I am not Lin Yuan's companion. I just want to follow him." Follow him?

 What is this operation?

Arturo was confused and looked at Li Tianran subconsciously.

The latter had an indifferent look on his face and said concisely: "I am not his companion either. I am here to kill him."

 Arturo: “???”

 What the **** is killing him? !

 Is there still a normal person among you? !

“Ahem, let me introduce it to you.”

Lin Yuan coughed twice and took the initiative to say: "This is the genius of Tianyuan Academy, Li Chaoge."

"No, no, no, brother Lin Yuan, I can't be called a genius."

After Lin Yuan said these words, Li Chaoge waved his hands repeatedly.

 Just kidding, in front of Feng Chumo and Li Tianran, how can he be called a genius?

However, being called a genius by Lin Yuan, Li Chaoge was still quite happy!

 It seems that my talent and strength can still be recognized by Brother Lin Yuan!

 “Brother Chaoge!”

Arturo and Alfonso smiled and nodded, politely greeting each other.

Of course, in their hearts, they didn’t take Li Chaoge seriously at all.

In their view, how can such a submissive and unconfident monk be called a genius?

Even if they are from Tianyuan College, they are probably just students who are hanging around in the college at most, so the two of them will naturally look down upon them.

Then, Lin Yuan introduced again: "As for the one who said he wanted to kill me, he is the genius of the Demon Seminary, Li Tianran!"

At the end, Lin Yuan added with a smile: "This guy has a bad temper, so you'd better not provoke him casually."


Li Tianran snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

To be precise, he didn't bother to answer Arturo and Alfonso at all.

 In his opinion, introducing his identity to a casual cultivator of this level is a waste of time.

“Brother Tianran, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

 Arturo smiled again and nodded.

  However, this time, he had a hot face but a cold butt.

Because Li Tianran just glanced at him coldly without any intention of responding, Arturo felt somewhat embarrassed and extremely annoyed.


These college monks really have eyes higher than their heads, and they only have to use their nostrils to see people!

I really don’t know...why Lin Yuan hangs out with these people!

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally spoke again. He leaned next to Arturo and said softly: "Brother, you have also seen the situation here. These people are really more difficult to deal with. , 80% of them want to follow me.”

“So, if you want to find a more reliable teammate, you should consider other people!”

Lin Yuan’s words were very sincere and he was completely considering the other party!

However, Arturo seemed quite helpless and said: "Actually, we are not here to come to you just to form a team, but to invite you to hunt the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast together."

“Alfonso and I are really powerless to face an entire herd of Star Sea Sand Dragons.”

"Originally, we wanted to find you first and then win over other monks, but have so many companions around you, which saves us a lot of effort."

After Arturo finished speaking, Lin Yuan was slightly startled: "What is the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast?"

 (End of this chapter)

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