Chapter 523 Set off immediately!

“It seems that Brother Lin Yuan’s understanding of this secret realm of the Star Sea is still not thorough enough.”

Arturo smiled, and then explained: "You should know that the specialty of this secret realm of Xinghai is Xinghai sand, right?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

 Of course he knows this!

 Then, Arturo continued: "And this Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is a strange beast that specializes in swallowing Star Sea Sand!"

Lin Yuan blinked, he really didn’t know this!

There is such a creature in this secret realm of the sea of ​​​​stars?

“Of course, it’s normal that you don’t know, because this Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is rare even in this Star Sea Secret Realm.”

  Arturo said: "Moreover, this kind of creature usually lives in groups. Either you don't encounter one at all, or you simply encounter a large group."

Lin Yuan nodded and asked again: "Is this Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast very strong?"

"In terms of individual strength, it is not too strong, but it also has the strength of a high-level star-level monk. In other words... in a one-on-one situation, I also need to spend some time to solve a star sea Sanddramon."

Arturo said with a smile: "However, even so, the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is still a favorite in the eyes of many people."

Lin Yuan was puzzled: "Why is this?"

“Have you forgotten what these guys eat for a living?”

 After Arturo said these words, Lin Yuan reacted immediately!


These strange beasts all make a living by devouring the sand of the star sea!

In other words, all that should be stored in their bodies is the star sea sand that has not been completely digested!

 Suddenly, Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up!

What kind of Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is this? This is clearly a moving treasure of Star Sea Sand!

 Lin Yuan couldn't help but grinned, as if he had seen the white Galaxy Coins waving towards him.


Li Tianran on the side snorted contemptuously, looking extremely disdainful.

Lin Yuan ignored him, but stretched out his hand, patted Arturo's shoulder vigorously, and said: "Brother, believe me, you coming to me to cooperate is definitely the wisest decision you have ever made in your life! "

"Okay, now tell me about those treasures... Oh no, where are those Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts! Let me kill them all!"

  Arturo was slightly speechless: "Brother Lin Yuan, I think it's better for us to discuss this matter in the long run..."

 “Think about it in the long term? No need!”

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said with great pride: "Without further ado, let's leave now! If we are late, those precious sand dragon beasts will not be able to share with us!"

  Arturo: "…Don't worry about this. I made a rough estimate. The number of those star sea sand dragon beasts is at least thirty!"

“Therefore, it is impossible for an ordinary team of monks to eat such a huge herd of Star Sea Sand Dragon beasts!”

 “Thirty heads!”

Lin Yuan’s eyes became brighter!

How much does this cost?

 Arturo: “???”

I told you that there are thirty Xinghai Sanddrakes living in a group to express that they are dangerous, and I did not make you show such an expression!

 For a moment, Arturo didn't even know how to communicate with Lin Yuan, because he felt that their thinking was not at the same level at all, and their brain waves simply didn't match up...

"But, having said that, if you can persuade your companions to join us, then the number of people will be almost enough." Arturo said: "The two of us, plus the four of you, there are six constants in total. Star monk!"

“So, even if we face a herd of sand dragons, we will still be able to fight!”

"It's just that when I say that I have the power to fight, I don't mean to fight them head-on, but to use guerrilla fighting to solve them one by one, and finally eat them up completely!"

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

If it were a head-on battle, even the black hole-level monks might not be able to cope with the siege of more than thirty Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!

 However, it is quite feasible and reliable to defeat them one by one and slowly eat them up!

"If you think it is feasible, then I will formulate a corresponding plan. As long as we strictly follow the plan, there will not be too much risk."

Arturo paused for a moment, then changed the topic and said, "However, there is something I still have to say up front."

  “But it’s okay to say it.”

“I want to discuss the distribution of the spoils in advance before we cooperate!”

  Arturo said: "Since we are all going to be companions, I don't want to cause any unpleasantness in this matter."

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Of course it should be."

  However, Li Tianran on the side said very coldly: "Just divide the small amount of money between yourselves. There is no need to count me in."

As the son of the contemporary dean of Demon Seminary, Li Tianran certainly cannot be short of money.

At this moment, Feng Chumo said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I wasn't planning to split it at first, but my master recently cut off my supply and asked me to rely on myself, so I am inevitably a little short of money... So, I still Count me in."

 In the absence of supplies, the cost of sword repair is quite high!

Not to mention anything else, just maintaining the hundreds of flying swords in his sword box is a huge expense!

"no problem!"

Lin Yuan laughed loudly and said: "If you work hard, you should be rewarded. There is nothing to be embarrassed about!"

 Then, he turned to look at Arturo: "Well, I'll make a distribution plan, what do you think?"

“You collected the information about the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, so you should get 10% of it first!”

“Then, you, me, Alfonso, Feng Chumo, and Li Chaoge, each of you will get 10%!”

When counting heads, Lin Yuan simply ignored Li Tianran.

 At any rate, this guy said he didn’t want it, but he didn’t force him to want it!

If this guy is just right, he can still get an extra share!

“As for the remaining 40%, it depends on the efforts of the few of us and the size of our contribution!”

“Those who work harder will win, and those who work less will get less. This shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

 “No objection, it’s fair.”

Arturo grinned and accepted the distribution method given by Lin Yuan.

After Arturo gave his consent, Alfonso, who was standing beside him, naturally also chose to acquiesce.

As for Feng Chumo and Li Chaoge, it's even more casual. They don't care how they divide it. Anyway, as long as they can get their own share in the end.

 (End of this chapter)

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