Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 524: The first star sea sand dragon beast

Chapter 524 The First Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast

 After agreeing on the distribution plan, everyone had a brief exchange and immediately chose to set off.

Among these people, the only one who is somewhat unsociable is probably Li Tianran.

  Listening to the people around him discussing with great interest the plan on how to hunt down the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast, Li Tianran was left alone and silent.

Now he feels a little confused.

 Didn’t you come here to kill Lin Yuan in the first place?

How come after so many times, I started to help him kill the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast?

 For a moment, Li Tianran suddenly had the illusion that he was about to work for others for free!


 According to Arturo's information, the activity range of the group of Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts is nearly two days' journey from them!

 Moreover, he was still driving at full speed!

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Yuan and the others also formulated several plans to trap and kill the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast based on its habits.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

 “It’s right ahead.”

After nearly two days of travel, Arturo finally stopped and looked far ahead.

Lin Yuan stood still and looked away. Sure enough, he found countless giant beasts of staggering size, swimming slowly among the stars in front of him, and making a roaring sound from time to time!

“Is this the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast?”

Lin Yuan silently looked at the group of dragon beasts in front of him. These starry sky beasts had the heads of Western dragons, but their bodies were as huge as deep sea whales!

If there is only one Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, it is nothing.

 But when more than thirty Xinghai Sand Dragon Beasts gather together, the visual impact is enough to shock people!

What a spectacular sight!

“Now that we’re here, get ready to take action. According to the original plan, I’ll set up the bait first.”

After Arturo finished speaking, he directly chose a location that was a moderate distance away from the Star Sea Sand Dragon herd and began to splash the Star Sea Sand.

Moreover, there is still a lot of Xinghai Sand!

Since the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is a species that feeds on the Star Sea Sand,... they can often smell the special smell emitted by the Star Sea Sand.

 No star sea sand dragon beast can resist the fragrance emitted by this large amount of star sea sand.

 These star sea sands are naturally used by Arturo to lure the lone star sea sand dragon beasts to the bait.

 After all, if you are reluctant to leave your children, you cannot trap the wolf.

 After Arturo laid the trap, everyone began to wait patiently.

 Time passes by minute by minute.

 Many Xinghai Sand Dragon Beasts smelled the aroma of Xinghai Sand.

 It's just that the location over there is too far away from their herd, and those Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts don't seem to be willing to break away from the group.

 Arturo was not in a hurry. The most important test of this kind of thing is patience!

 After waiting quietly for nearly three hours, there was finally a Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast that could no longer stand the temptation of the Star Sea Sand. Looking at the slowly wandering Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

 They all deliberately concealed their auras. Under such circumstances, it was almost impossible for the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast to notice them.

 After all, no matter how powerful the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is, it is still just a strange beast.

 An ordinary starry sky beast, usually without a very high IQ.

“According to the plan, as soon as this Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast approaches, take action immediately to kill it as soon as possible, and it is best not to attract the attention of its companions!”

 Arturo spoke in a deep voice, waiting for the Xinghai Sanddramon to enter the net.

It has to be said that this Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast was quite vigilant. It even deliberately wandered around for a while. After finding that there was no danger, it swam towards the Star Sea Sand and began to gulp down the food. Devoured it.

 “Do it!”

Following Arturo's loud shout, five people, including Li Tianran, chose to take action at the same time!

 The first ones to take action were Arturo and Alfonso!

 Speaking of which, this was the first time Lin Yuan saw the two of them take action, and their strength was completely beyond his imagination!

I saw Arturo chanting and developing rapidly, and hurricanes surged around him, forming thousands of tornadoes like blades, and immediately headed towards the strangulation where the Xinghai Sanddramon was!

Alfonso also did not hold back. He took out a skull scepter, and a strong death aura suddenly spread around him!

Different from Arturo who uses wind spells, this guy is a necromancer who majors in the necromantic system!

 Subsequently, one rotten and dilapidated corpse after another was summoned under his chant, and like an innocent soul, they quickly climbed up the huge body of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast!

 “Corpse explosion!”

Following Alfonso's soft drink, these hundreds of corpses exploded at the same time. The corpse water splashed, and the energy impact generated by the corpse explosion directly blasted through the flesh and blood of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast!

Originally, Lin Yuan thought that Arturo and Alfonso were just ordinary casual cultivators.

Now it seems that the strength of the two of them is no less than that of the academy's genius!

Even if he can't compare with the geniuses like Feng Chumo and Li Tianran, he can definitely be compared with Li Chaoge.

Lin Yuan's mind was racing, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

He was holding the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword, and the power of thunder in his body completely exploded, condensing into a majestic and vast thunder dragon, and slammed into the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast in front of him!

When the two collided, thunder exploded all over the sky. With just one blow, this starry sky beast was seriously injured!

As for Feng Chumo, Li Tianran, and Li Chaoge, they also displayed their own unique skills. Since they had prepared for it, before the poor Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast could react, it had already After a whole round of offensive!

Even a black hole-level monk may not be able to withstand an attack by six top star-level monks with full firepower, let alone a mere Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast.

This Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast had completely lost all its vitality before it could even let out a scream.

Looking at the nearly mangled body of this Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, even Arturo couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

 These people are really ruthless when they take action!

Moreover, what surprised Arturo even more was that these companions of Lin Yuan all showed extraordinary strength!

It seems that maybe Lin Yuan really didn't lie.

It is very possible that these people around him... are indeed the geniuses of major colleges!

 (End of this chapter)

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