Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 525: I can handle both ends alone

Chapter 525 I can deal with both ends alone

The huge corpse of the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast was quickly dismembered by Lin Yuan and the others.

Countless amounts of Xinghai Sand were taken out from the belly of this dragon beast.

Lin Yuan made a rough estimate and found that the Xinghai Sand in this Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast alone could be sold for nearly 10 million Galaxy coins!

Even if five people share it equally, one person can get at least two million.

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that just a Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast would be so valuable!

 A dragon beast can get two million galactic coins.

 More than thirty Xinghai sand dragon beasts.

 That’s more than 60 million!

 This is simply a huge profit!

“Okay, clean up the body quickly, then change places and wait for the second dragon beast to take the bait!”

After collecting the loot, Arturo immediately waved his hand to signal everyone to move their positions.

 Even if they clean up the corpse of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, there will still be a faint smell of blood in the air.

 This is quite disadvantageous for them to lure the next dragon beast to the bait.


 In one whole day, Lin Yuan and the others used this method to trap and kill a total of six Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!

However, this method seems to be somewhat unworkable.

 Because, after six Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts were missing, the dragon beast group seemed to notice something strange and began to roar uneasily.

Furthermore, no more Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast will break away from the herd because of the temptation of Star Sea Sand.

 “What to do next?”

Lin Yuan looked at Arturo, smiled and asked, "How about going in directly?"

 Arturo glanced at him and shook his head silently: "That's inappropriate!"

“I did the math, at least there are twenty-seven Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts there!”

"If we ignore it and start an all-out war, each of us will have to deal with more than four Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!"

At this moment, Li Tianran suddenly spoke, and said coldly: "I have no problem."

When Feng Chumo saw this, he immediately said not to be outdone: "I don't have a problem either."


 Arturo’s head hurts so much!

How come you two are so competitive? Is this the time for you to compete? !

"Of course there is no problem with you two! But you have to think about it, there is me, Alfonso, Lin Yuan, and Li Chaoge..."

 Arturo said angrily: "You think everyone is fine, don't you?!"

 “If not, then keep thinking of another way!”

Just when Arturo finished speaking, Lin Yuan said happily: "I should have no problem."

Li Chaoge scratched his head, raised his hand weakly, and said in a low voice: "If it's just four Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts, then I... shouldn't have any problems, right?"

 He ​​spoke very quietly, not because he was not confident enough in himself, but because he did not want to appear too confident, thus leaving a good impression of humility in front of Lin Yuan, Feng Chumo, and Li Tianran...

 Arturo: “???”

 Shouldn’t we be discussing plans and countermeasures?

Why are you two coming out to make a fuss? ! Arturo was so tired. He originally wanted to resolve the battle more safely, but unexpectedly, everyone around him was a reckless man, and they were all very powerful. He was not prepared to consider any plans at all, and they were already gearing up to rush forward. Fucked hard!

Everyone said they were fine, except for Arturo and Alfonso, the two brothers who didn't express their opinions...

“Okay, since you all think it’s okay, I don’t have any problem with it either.”

Arturo said helplessly: "Alfonso and I can still deal with the seven or eight Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts together."

  He didn’t finish what he said, he just said that he could deal with it.

 In this way, even if something goes wrong during the process, they cannot be blamed.

 After all, it’s not like they said they were going to be reckless.

“Well, since everyone has no objections, let’s make a detailed battle plan.”

Lin Yuan smiled and took the initiative to say: "Although I also know that no one here is weak."

“However, it’s still a bit difficult for the six of us to deal with a total of twenty-seven Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!”

“So, I want to win this battle with the least loss!”

Li Tianran snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Then you can tell me what should be done?"

 He was actually not interested in Lin Yuan's strategy, he just wanted to make a point.

"It's very simple. Concentrate your firepower first and reduce the size of the dragon beast group in a short period of time!"

Lin Yuan said calmly: "Then, fight with the dragon beasts again and grind them to death one by one!"

The reason why the Xinghai Sand Dragon Herd is so troublesome is not because of how strong it is individually, but because of its numbers!

 Once the number is reduced, the dragon beast group will not be so troublesome.

Arturo nodded and said, "That's a good idea, but how do you do it?"

Lin Yuan stretched out **** and said calmly: "I can kill two dragon beasts by myself."

 “The rest is up to you to discuss among yourselves.”

 For a moment, even Li Tianran was shocked!

How is it possible for one person to take down two Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts? !

You must know that the "solve" in Lin Yuan's mouth refers to instantly killing the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast in a very short time!

Even if I am so arrogant, I don’t think I can do it!

 “Awesome! Brother Lin Yuan!”

Feng Chumo laughed and said: "In this case, I can't be left behind. I can kill a dragon beast instantly by myself!"

Lin Yuan and Feng Chumo both spoke one after another, and Li Tianran finally couldn't help it anymore.

 He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I can handle one myself!"

Lin Yuan happily praised: "Brother Li is really domineering!"

Li Tianran snorted coldly and did not answer.

If he can't do it, wouldn't it prove that he is inferior to Lin Yuan and Feng Chumo?

At this moment, Li Chaoge spoke in a low voice: "I am not very strong. I may not be able to defeat a dragon beast alone. Otherwise... shall I join forces with the other two brothers?"

 The other two brothers he mentioned were naturally Arturo and Alfonso.

 The two of them were overjoyed after hearing what Li Chaoge said!

 This boy is so sensible!

 I am worried that I have no steps to go down!

Arturo pretended to ponder for a moment, and said calmly: "In this case, then you can join forces with the two of us. We should use the three of us to deal with a Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, and we should be able to solve it quickly. fighting!"

Alfonso on the side nodded quickly and said: "That is really the best."

 (End of this chapter)

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