Chapter 534 Yueyuan’s death

 “The strength is quite good.”

After feeling the opponent's momentum, Lin Yuan praised softly, and then the thunder energy in his body suddenly rippled and passed towards his right arm!

 Then...he punched out with the same punch!

When the two fists collided, the rushing air waves swept in all directions like a strong wind!

Although Lin Yuan's own strength is not too strong, with the blessing of thunder energy, the strength of this punch has reached an astonishing level!

Juque's figure took dozens of steps backwards, and then he barely stabilized his figure!

 “Viper, Yueyuan, this kid is not simple!”

After feeling the qi and blood surging in his chest, Juque said with a gloomy face.

“What are you afraid of! No matter how strong he is, he is still a star! Can he still turn the world upside down?!”

Wearing a silver-white mask, Yue Yuan was a little displeased. He rushed in from the flank and joined the battlefield!

 “The beauty of the moon, Qian Ren!”

Yue Yuan shouted low, and countless silver lights that looked like moonlight condensed around him!

These moonlights quickly condensed into shape, like running water, condensing into countless sharp blades!


With a loud shout, dozens of moon blades slashed in the direction of Lin Yuan!

However, this time... before Lin Yuan could take action, Xiaoyou was the first to react!


 I saw Xiaoyou raising his head with an angry face, cold air surging in his mouth, and with a high-pitched dragon roar, he spit out a stream of absolutely zero-degree frost dragon breath!

Under the effect of the Frost Dragon Breath, frost quickly formed on the moon blade. In just a few breaths, it turned into countless ice sculptures, fell from the air and shattered on the ground!

 “Well done!”

Lin Yuan grinned, drew out the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword, and pressed forward without hesitation, closing in on Yue Yuan step by step!

If he guessed correctly, this guy should be a long-range mage monk. His shortcoming is that he can be beaten up close!

As expected, after being approached by Lin Yuan, Yue Yuan quickly showed his weakness. While fighting, he looked for opportunities to escape!

“With this strength, is it worthy of wearing a silver mask?”

Lin Yuan seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He slashed out with his sword, and lightning surged above the sword's edge!

Yue Yuan stretched out his palms, and the moonlight surged in his palms. He barely caught Lin Yuan's sword and said angrily: "I naturally know whether I am real or not. Do I still need you to judge? "

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you... I have an exact same silver mask on your face."

Hearing this, Yueyuan's pupils suddenly narrowed, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of disbelief.

While he was distracted, Lin Yuan immediately caught the flaw. The Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand suddenly slashed down towards his right shoulder. The majestic and surging lightning also slashed along the edge of the sword. The open wound poured into his body, like a meat grinder, instantly mincing the flesh and blood on Yueyuan's right shoulder!

 “Damn it, you despicable guy... you actually attacked me!”

After Yue Yuan was injured, his face turned as pale as paper, and he immediately distanced himself from Lin Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan curled his lips with disdain.

This is also considered a sneak attack?

This is obviously because you took the initiative to expose your flaws in front of me, okay? !

 It made me feel embarrassed not to do anything.

“Yueyuan, let me help you!”

 After Yueyuan was forced to retreat, Juque on the side finally adjusted his energy and returned to the battlefield again!

Although the individual combat capabilities of these two people were completely crushed by Lin Yuan, when the two of them joined forces, they showed an unexpected tacit cooperation!

After being entangled by Juque, Lin Yuan couldn't separate his mind at all, so he went to attack Yue Yuan personally.

Yueyuan, who had no worries at all, completely transformed into a firepower fort, pouring the Moonlight Blade towards Lin Yuan unscrupulously!

 In just over ten breaths of time, Lin Yuan Shao said that he had resisted hundreds of moon blades!    If the thunder energy in his body was not sufficient, I am afraid that just resisting these moon blades would consume most of the energy.

"Hahahaha... With your strength, you dare to pretend to be a silver mask without shame? Do you know that that ruthless man single-handedly killed an entire team of seven stellar monks?"

“How can a person like you be impersonated by a **** like you?!”

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Yue Yuan with a smile: "So, you admit that you are also a fake?"

 “Heh, what does it have to do with you?”

Yue Yuan sneered, unwilling to explain too much to Lin Yuan.

 Obviously, in his heart, he still respected the mysterious and powerful silver mask.

 The awe of everyone towards the silver mask made him feel extremely envious.

If not, he wouldn't think of pretending.

After Lin Yuan revealed his identity, Yue Yuan was even a little frightened, thinking that he was really the fake Li Gui who met the real Li Kui.

However, after joining forces with Juque to suppress Lin Yuan, Yue Yuan no longer has such doubts!

Are you kidding me? If the real silver mask was present, how could they be suppressed so easily?

From Yueyuan's point of view, the kid in front of him is at most slightly stronger than the average stellar monk, and does not have that kind of dominant strength at all.

In this way, I have nothing to fear at all.

 “Kill him and take the Star-Eating Beast next to him!”

Yue Yuan said coldly: "Be careful not to hurt that star-devouring beast. This thing is more valuable than an entire amethyst mine!"

 The star-devouring beast in his mouth naturally refers to Xiaoyou.

 Originally, he was not sure whether this dragon pet was really the legendary star-devouring beast.

 But when Xiaoyou used a mouthful of Frost Dragon Breath to forcibly defuse his attack, Yue Yuan was convinced that his judgment was not wrong!

 A dragon beast that is only at the pinnacle of the planetary level has combat power comparable to that of a star.

Such a talented starry sky beast, even if it is not of the bloodline of the Star Devouring Beast, it is certainly not much different!

But just as Yueyuan finished speaking, a dagger as black as ink penetrated straight through the back of his heart!

 “When you get carried away, you must be careful behind you, life is very fragile.”

The shadow clone came close to Yue Yuan's ear, and said coldly, and the voice that came out was Lin Yuan's!

 Subsequently, the shadow clone directly pulled out the dagger.

As the dagger was pulled out, a cluster of blood flowers bloomed in mid-air...

 (End of this chapter)

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