Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 535: mysterious feminine man

Chapter 535 The mysterious feminine man

 The situation was reversed instantly!

In less than ten breaths, Lin Yuan had already controlled the shadow clone and killed one person instantly!

After Yue Yuan's firepower was no longer suppressed, Lin Yuan's true self was liberated immediately.

His body flashed and he came directly in front of Juque. In his eyes, the cold Amaterasu black flames burned out of thin air!

 Subsequently, a fist filled with thunder suddenly passed through the black Amaterasu black flames and struck the giant body with force!


 Lin Yuan used all his strength with this punch, and coupled with the increase in thunder energy, it hit Juque's chest completely and made him fly backwards like a scarecrow!

However, the vitality of Juque is much thicker than that of Yueyuan.

 Just such a blow would not be able to kill it instantly. At most, it would only cause it to be severely damaged.

But Lin Yuan was obviously not ready to let him go so easily.

While Juque's figure was still flying in the air, Lin Yuan once again activated the thunder energy in his body, and formed four vicious beast thunder shadows in the air!

Before the giant tower landed, the four fierce thunder shadows blasted him away one after another, turning him into a charred corpse in the air!

The lives of two star-level monks were annihilated in Lin Yuan's hands!

However, what Lin Yuan didn't expect was that at this moment, Xiaoyou suddenly rushed out, his wings flapped, and his whole body emitted dazzling starlight!

 Before this, Lin Yuan had never seen such a scene on it!

 Subsequently, the starlight around Xiaoyou's body instantly formed countless mysterious star symbols that were like ancient symbols.

These star symbols are like snakes, burrowing into the bodies of Juque and Yueyuan.

 The next second, two completely different energies suddenly floated out slowly from the bodies of the two men.

 One of the groups is dark red and looks somewhat similar to flesh and blood energy.

 The other group, that is, the one refined from Yueyuan's corpse, is as crystal clear as silvery moonlight.

Lin Yuan glanced at Xiaoyou in surprise, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

You must know that Xiaoyou has never shown this method before.

 When did this little guy... become able to extract energy from corpses?

 In other words, what Xiaoyou realized was only the ability to extract energy, and the monk's corpse was just a carrier of energy.

Lin Yuan has heard before that the reason why some starry sky beasts with top strength can be so powerful is because their tribe has their talents engraved in their genes.

 Once you grow to a certain level, you will automatically appreciate some of your innate talents!

However, what Lin Yuan didn't expect was that Xiaoyou also had such a talent!

 These two masses of energy quickly flew towards the direction of Xiaoyou.

 It opened its dragon's mouth and swallowed these two masses of energy one after another!

 After these two masses of energy were swallowed by Xiaoyou, its figure first expanded rapidly, and then gradually returned to its original shape, as if it was digesting energy.

Then, Xiaoyou blinked, spit out another ball of dark red energy, held it with her little paws, and flew in front of Lin Yuan.

It pointed at the dark red energy in its hand with its small paw, and then pushed it directly to Lin Yuan, as if to say: You should try it too!

 Lin Yuan was a little dumbfounded. After hesitating for a moment, he took the dark red energy ball pushed over by Xiaoyou and tentatively swallowed it into his mouth.

It's not that he can't accept Xiaoyou's practice of extracting energy from dead people, but he's just not sure whether the energy extracted from other monks is suitable for him. However, the moment the dark red energy group entered the entrance, Lin Yuan felt an extremely pure energy of blood and blood without any impurities exploding in his body!

 Suddenly, all the cells in Lin Yuan's body were like hungry wolves, starting to crazily devour the energy of blood!

The blood in Lin Yuan's body boiled for more than ten seconds before gradually calming down.

And he could clearly feel that after absorbing the qi and blood energy in the dark red energy group, his qi and blood power had been significantly improved, and...except that his body was still slightly uncomfortable, Lin Yuan didn't feel anything. to any side effects!

In other words, when Xiaoyou extracts energy, he also removes all the impurities in the energy!

 The reason why some heavenly and earthly spiritual objects are so precious is because they contain few impurities, so they can quickly improve one's cultivation level in a short period of time without affecting the foundation.

 And Xiaoyou's ability is completely equivalent to artificially creating spiritual objects of heaven and earth!

 This is really...amazing!

 With such talent and magical powers, it’s no wonder that the strength of the Star Devouring Beast can be improved so quickly.

Even if you don’t have any strength, just by relying on this talent and magical power, it is a real money tree!

  Seemingly sensing that something was wrong with Lin Yuan's fiery gaze, Xiaoyou instantly became alert and quickly pointed at herself with her little paw, then made a tired look on her face.

 “Tweet! Tweet!”

Although Lin Yuan couldn't understand the language it spoke, he could still understand the general meaning.

That is: Boss, don’t look at me like that, I am very tired from doing this job...

Lin Yuan laughed dumbly. This little guy had really been with him for a long time, and he was a ghost.

At this moment, the feminine man's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

“As expected of the bloodline of the Star Devouring Beast, he already possesses such an extraordinary talent before he has even grown up.”

The feminine man gently shook his folding fan and spoke softly.

 “Why don’t you run away?”

Lin Yuan tilted his head and asked curiously.

Logically speaking, two companions died tragically one after another, leaving the feminine man alone. He should have absolutely no reason not to be afraid of Lin Yuan.

However, this feminine man asked with a half-smile: "Why should I run away?"

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "It are confident."

 In fact, from the very beginning, he noticed something special about this feminine man.

Although they looked like companions, Lin Yuan could clearly feel the clear sense of superiority and inferiority when he communicated with the other two.

Even when Yue Yuan and Ju Que took action, he still did not move, with no intention of taking action. Instead, he continued to stay where he was, just watching the two men die in Lin Yuan's hands one after another, as if he was watching. A wonderful scene.

 (End of this chapter)

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