Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 537: Treasure divine sentence!

Chapter 537: The most precious divine text!

"finally reached."

Although he was not close to the Holy Star, Lin Yuan still arrived here in time before the glow completely dissipated.

 There are many strong people in this place!

After sensing dozens of terrifying auras, Lin Yuan looked around and carefully put away his mental power, not to deliberately sense others.

 Before the treasure was born, Lin Yuan did not want to cause too much trouble.

At this moment, the crowd around Xiaguang is like a tightly stretched bowstring.

 When the glow of the sun dissipates, it will suddenly explode!


With a loud noise, the glow in front of my eyes suddenly expanded, shining like the sun!

After this moment of glory, the glow in front of Lin Yuan quickly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Seeing this scene, everyone present was lifted up!

 The ultimate finally about to be born!

As the glow was about to dissipate, everyone present saw a rune-like spar appearing in the glow in front of them.

 “This is... divine writing!”

In the crowd, some people couldn't help but exclaimed!


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

This is not because he has never heard of this thing, but because this so-called "divine text" is too precious. If it is taken out of the secret realm, it will probably make black hole-level monks rob it and bleed!

Lin Yuan really didn’t expect that the four major colleges would actually come up with a divine inscription as the final secret treasure on the Holy Star!

 This is really a big investment!

Lin Yuan also learned about the divine texts from Li Chaoge in the past few days.

  Although this boy's strength is not very good, his vision is far beyond him.

After all, he is also a serious genius of Tianyuan Academy, so naturally he is not comparable to Lin Yuan.

These days, Lin Yuan also got a lot of valuable information from Li Chaoge.

 And this divine text... is one of them!

The reason why divine writing is so precious is that it must be cultivated by a cosmic-level monk who majors in spiritual power after hundreds of years of cultivation. The process is extremely difficult.

Furthermore, even if they have cultivated them, these cosmic-level monks are usually unwilling to sell the divine inscriptions they have cultivated.

 If someone really needs it, it is also a matter of bartering.

  After all, for a monk of this level, ordinary money... no longer means much.

 Only the improvement of strength is the right way.

 It is precisely because of this that there are extremely few sacred texts circulating on the market.

Once it comes out, it will inevitably cause rushes from many parties, and the price can easily reach billions!

However, there are also an infinite number of types of divine inscriptions, divided into offensive divine inscriptions, defensive divine inscriptions, functional divine inscriptions, etc., too numerous to mention.

 Generally speaking, offensive divine texts are the most valuable!

 But this is not absolute. Sometimes, some divine texts with special functions can even be called priceless treasures!

For example, there once was a universe-level monk. During his travels, he accidentally offended an extremely large force and was surrounded and killed by more than ten universe-level monks!

Logically speaking, with a pair of dozens of people, this person has no chance of winning. It can almost be said that he is in a desperate situation where death is inevitable.

But in the hands of this cosmic-level powerhouse, there is an extremely special functional rune—the space rune!

Relying on this rune, the cosmic-level powerhouse jumped crazily between spaces, toyed with more than a dozen opponents, and even killed one opponent. This has become a good story. !

 This rumor was naturally told to him by Li Chaoge.

However, not all functional divine texts are so powerful and powerful.

There are also functional divine symbols that are extremely flattering. For example, a senior from their Tianyuan Academy developed a clean divine symbol.

 Yes, you heard it right, it is a clean divine text...

This divine inscription was extremely expensive, and was eventually sold by this senior at a low price of 10 million Galaxy coins.

 It’s not because he is short of money, it’s mainly because he doesn’t really want to see this divine symbol...

 I felt a little angry when I saw it...

 The glow in front of my eyes finally completely dissipated.

 “This precious treasure...will belong to one of us!”

 A monk in purple clothes rushed out first, grabbing the divine text in the glow with one hand!

Then, before Lin Yuan could react, countless spells were overwhelmingly bombarded in the direction of the purple-clothed monk!

Within a breath, the purple-clothed monk was directly bombarded to death, leaving only flesh and blood residue!

 “So cruel, so cruel…”

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and swallowed involuntarily.

  Even he may not be able to withstand such an intensive attack.

Even if you want to hide in the divine space, you may not be able to react.

Xiaoyou on the side also looked timid and quickly shrank his neck.

 “What a fool, don’t you know the principle of shooting the first bird?”

“Hahaha, there are really people who dare to rush forward first. It’s really a long life.”

"This opportunity...must belong to me! Only I am worthy to be the strongest in this starry sky!"


Suddenly, the crowd was shouting. After the purple-clothed monk was reduced to a **** who was killed to ashes, all the monks were completely boiling!

Lin Yuan rubbed his nose and did not step forward in a hurry.

The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds. I can say such quotations from the second grade.

Subsequently, Lin Yuan quickly noticed that the casual cultivator who clamored to become the strongest in the starry sky was quickly reduced to ashes by the aftermath of a spell...

 For a moment, even Lin Yuan couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Brother, rest in peace... I believe you are really only one step away from being the strongest in the universe... Good luck all the way!

Although the entire tide of monks was rushing towards the treasure, Lin Yuan still did not move. Instead, he watched coldly as the monks scrambled for it.

 Because he could sense that those so-called geniuses were not ready to enter the competition at all. Those auras that were extremely terrifying to Lin Yuan all stayed in place at this moment without exception and did not choose to take action.

However, all their willpower was concentrated on that divine inscription, and they never left it for a moment!

Lin Yuan seemed to be able to roughly understand what they meant.

 That is, the people here are too mixed now, and a group of them must be cleared out!

 In their eyes, these casual cultivators are just small fish and shrimps.

These people can kill each other, which is naturally what they enjoy.

 “I got it! I got this divine symbol!”

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly broke out from the crowd of monks in front of them!

Everyone subconsciously looked around and saw a red-haired man holding up the divine inscription that appeared in the glow with a face full of enthusiasm!

However, after just a moment, the red-haired man's eyes completely changed!

 From excitement and pain, despair and disbelief!

 “How? Why?! Why is this happening!”

Following an extremely shrill wail, the figure of the red-haired man began to burn out of thin air!

 Starting from the arms, it spread to the whole body, and finally was burned to ashes!

 And the divine inscription became an ownerless thing again, falling from mid-air.

At this moment, Lin Yuan heard the sneer of a blue-eyed genius next to him: "These casual cultivators... actually overestimate their ability to activate the divine text. I really don't know how to weigh myself!" "

Hearing these words, Lin Yuan reacted instantly!

The reason why the red-haired man in front of him spontaneously combusted out of thin air was precisely because he rashly activated the divine inscriptions, but in the end he suffered the backlash from the divine inscriptions!

  After all, not everyone can activate the divine inscriptions cultivated by cosmic-level powerhouses.

If you don’t have enough strength or energy reserves, rashly activating the divine text is simply courting death!

After the death of the red-haired man, Shenwen once again fell into the competition among everyone!

The monks fell one after another. In just a few dozen breaths, hundreds of star-level monks had fallen here!

 Such a high death rate is horrifying.

However, the greedy desire for the treasure still blinded most monks!

 After all, once you successfully capture the treasure, it means you will soar into the sky!

“Hey, I really can’t bear it anymore. Since you all can keep your composure, I’ll come and play with these little shrimps first!”

 A slightly rough sneer sounded quietly in everyone's ears.

 The next second, a giant figure like a mountain leaped into the crowd in front of him!

 In an instant, blood splattered everywhere!

I saw that giant figure moving like lightning, and in just tens of seconds, it tore several casual cultivators into pieces of flesh and blood!

Such a domineering and overwhelming force, which instantly shocked most of the surrounding monks!

 Subsequently, someone quickly recognized the identity of this giant man!

 “He is the genius of Moyuan Academy, the prison madman!”

“Oh my god? Is he the prison madman who kills people without batting an eyelid, feeds on human flesh, and drinks human blood?!”

 “Don’t get too close to him, this guy is famous for being cruel!”

 For a moment, all the casual cultivators around the prison maniac subconsciously moved away, for fear of offending this evil god.

“How dare a bunch of cowards deserve to compete with me for a treasure?”

The prison madman spat disdainfully, but he didn't start a killing spree immediately.

 After all, his not to kill people, but to capture the divine inscription!

“A genius has already entered the scene? Should we take action?”

Lin Yuan touched his chin and thought thoughtfully.

If he guessed correctly, this should be a fire-attributed divine symbol.

Although it is not very consistent with his original attribute of thunder, these two equally violent energies should be able to exert considerable power when combined with each other.

While Lin Yuan was thinking, the owner of the divine text changed again.

A white palm opened directly and grasped the Wuzhu divine text in mid-air.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and suddenly opened his Sharingan.

 The next second, the corners of Lin Yuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch violently.

 Damn it... I saw that right!

The guy who grabbed the divine text in front of me was none other than Li Chaoge!

How could this unlucky boy get into so much trouble?

 Actually... let alone Lin Yuan, even Li Chaoge himself looked confused.

 Because he never thought about seizing the treasure, he just fought with other monks on the periphery, hoping to temper himself.

However, what he didn't expect was that after the prison madman entered the scene, the original holder of the divine inscriptions was trying desperately to break out as if he had seen a ghost.

However, this divine inscription holder failed to achieve his wish in the end, and was forcibly intercepted and killed by a group of crazy casual cultivators halfway!

 The divine text that flew out happened to land in front of Li Chaoge.

 What is this thing called...

 When people sit at home, gods and literature come to heaven? !

Li Chaoge didn’t think much at all and subconsciously caught the divine text in front of him.

However, after realizing what happened, Li Chaoge's heart suddenly skipped a beat!

 Something bad happened!

 It's causing a big mess!

As expected, after the divine inscriptions came into his hands, the eyes of all the monks immediately focused on him!

 “Boy, hand over the divine text!”

Even the prison madman was eyeing him. On the burly body, the dark demonic energy burst out, like an invincible chariot, rushing towards the direction of Li Chaoge!

The monks who dared to stand in front of him were all crushed to pieces by the prison madmen!

Li Chaoge gritted his teeth and couldn't help but swallow.

He originally wanted to throw the divine text out and take it to whoever wanted it, but he didn't have the ability anyway.

But... Li Chaoge was still a little unwilling after all!

  After all, he is also the genius of Tianyuan College, and there is no reason to give up the opportunity to others!

Li Chaoge suppressed the fear in his heart, took off the water element gun from behind, and pulled out a spear in the air: "Student Tianyuan, Li Chaoge, please teach me!"

At the same time, the prison madman who was rushing over had a slightly surprised look on his face: "Oh? So you are also a student of the four major colleges? What a pity... I don't think you are any better than those casual cultivators. ”

"You are not worthy of me taking the initiative to announce your name, you ant, enjoy the pain of being crushed to death by me!"

The prison madman's eyes were red and his tone was ferocious.

The genius of Moyuan Academy is really as terrifying as a demon!

However, Li Chaoge still withstood the pressure. When the prison madman was about to approach, he suddenly drew out the blue spear in his hand!

Suddenly, countless ripple-like blue spear lights rippled in the direction of the prison madman, one after another, strong yet soft, soft yet hard!

This is Li Chaoge’s secret skill, Shuiyuan Spear Technique!

 (End of this chapter)

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