Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 538: Old friends meet again!

Chapter 538: Old friends meet again!


Facing Li Chaoge who had used the Water Element Spear Technique, the prison madman did not dodge, but still hit him head-on!

Following several roaring sounds, the water waves in front of him shattered one after another.

Although Li Chaoge had tried his best to unleash his most powerful attack, it was still a bit unsatisfactory in front of the prison madman.

His Water Elemental Spear Technique could not stop the beast-like prison madman in front of him!

After the water wave was completely broken, the prison madman rushed directly in front of Li Chaoge. Under his heavy impact, the latter's body flew backwards like a scarecrow.

However, Li Chaoge’s vitality is not that fragile.

After being forcibly blasted tens of meters away by the prison madman, Li Chaoge finally managed to stabilize his body, but he still felt that his internal organs were churning, and a trace of blood could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

Even so, Li Chaoge still held the divine text in one hand and held the spear tightly in the other hand, clenching his teeth. It was obvious that he would rather die than hand over the treasure in his hand.

“You people from Tianyuan College are really stubborn, you are all stubborn.”

Looking at Li Chaoge's stubborn expression, the prison madman couldn't help laughing: "You don't even have to risk your life to hold on to this divine inscription?"

“Or do you have no idea how big the gap in strength between you and me is?!”

 At this moment, a voice sounded leisurely.

“Prison madman, although I am no longer a member of Tianyuan College for the time being, I still hope you can explain to me why the people of Tianyuan College are all stubborn.”

A figure carrying a sword box descended on the edge of the battlefield, looking at the prison madman with a smile.

The figure that suddenly appeared was naturally none other than Feng Chumo!

 After he appeared, the prison maniac's face instantly became solemn.

 Obviously, he still has some fears about Feng Chumo.

“Feng Chumo, don’t you want to intervene?!”

 The prison madman did not take action directly, but asked in a deep voice.

If Feng Chumo and Li Chaoge join forces, he has no chance of winning!

Although Li Chaoge is not very strong, he only needs to play a slightly supporting role during the battle, and Feng Chumo can easily defeat him!

 In the duel between the strong and the strong, the winner can often be determined from the smallest details!

"No, my principle is to never interfere in other people's fights."

Feng Chumo said calmly: "But...this guy can barely be regarded as half of my friends. If you kill him, I will not be happy."

The prison madman sneered and asked, "So what if you don't like it?"

 Feng Chumo said calmly: "People will die."

“Then just watch carefully here, how I killed your friend, and then came to kill you again!”

The prison madman snorted coldly and stopped arguing with Feng Chumo. Instead, he turned around and attacked Li Chaoge again!

Although Feng Chumo's reputation and strength make him feel quite afraid, for the prison madman, the most urgent thing to do now is to seize the divine text first!

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally arrived near the battlefield successfully!

“It’s a good thing we caught up, otherwise I don’t know how this kid Li Chaoge died…”

After seeing that Li Chaoge was only slightly injured, Lin Yuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when he was about to take action, the situation on the battlefield changed again!

A figure in golden armor descended from the sky and stood between Li Chaoge and Prison Maniac!

“Brother, do you want to make a deal? I will stop this guy for you and cover your escape from here! After this incident, we will split the divine text 50-50!”

 A familiar voice suddenly came from the mouth of the golden figure.

After hearing these words, Li Chaoge was slightly startled for a moment, and then agreed without hesitation: "Okay!"

At this moment, he was like a drowning man, eager to grab any life-saving straw.

"Hahaha... Then it's settled, boy, if you want to default on your debt, I won't let you go easily."

“Now that the deal is done, big guy, let me come and meet you!”

After saying that, the golden figure turned into a stream of light and headed towards the direction of the prison madman!

 “Who are you?!”

The prison maniac's face was full of sullen anger, and his eyes were filled with rage, as if he wanted to eat the person in front of him alive!

“Me? I’m not famous, I’m just a casual cultivator!”

 The golden figure grinned, and the golden light surging around him instantly condensed into a shining golden holy sword!

 “Sword kills gods and demons!”

The golden figure shouted violently, and the golden sword in his hand immediately shot out, with the sword pointed straight at the prison madman!

After hearing that the other party was just a casual cultivator, the prison madman obviously did not take this person to heart who suddenly appeared halfway.

However, after this man used this sword, the expression of the prison madman completely changed!

 Because, he could clearly feel how terrifying the energy contained in the opponent's sword was!

Even Feng Chumo, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although this man calls himself a casual cultivator, his strength is not inferior to those of the top geniuses from the four major academies!

Moreover...the sword moves this guy performed were really interesting, and Feng Chumo couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

If it were normal times, he would definitely have a good sparring session with the person in front of him!

 “Shield of Purgatory Mountain!”

Facing the attacking golden flying sword, the prison madman did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately used his unique skill!

The Shield of Purgatory Mountain, lingering in the dark demonic aura, immediately descended in front of the Hell Maniac, as thick as a real mountain!


When the golden flying sword intertwined with the Purgatory Mountain Shield, a roaring sound that sounded like gold and iron intersecting immediately erupted!

 Fortunately, the power of this golden flying sword is still within the range of the prison madman.

 After the collision between the two, the shield of Purgatory Mountain formed in front of him was only broken into a gap!

 “ seems like you are nothing more than that.”

 “With such strength, is he worthy of standing up for others?!”

The prison madman grinned wildly and his face was ferocious!

"Is it?"

The golden figure smiled faintly and shouted in a low voice: "Points!"

The next second, the golden flying sword in front of me instantly split into thousands of small golden swords, turning into countless golden afterimages and slaying towards the direction of the Purgatory Mountain Shield. The momentum was extremely shocking!

“Chengcang, clang, clang, clang—” Countless crisp sounds of gold and iron interlaced sounded.

Every golden sword will make a gap when it strikes the shield of Purgatory Mountain!

Almost in just a blink of an eye, the shield of Purgatory Mountain in front of the Hell Madman was already in disrepair!

After breaking through the defense of the Purgatory Mountain Shield, these thousands of golden swords, like locusts passing through, attacked and killed the Hell Madman's body, piercing through the latter's body extremely quickly!

 “Chi chi chi chi chi—”

Because this process happened so fast, before anyone could react, hundreds of blood holes had been penetrated into the body of the prison madman. Not an exaggeration.

"How can it be…"

The prison maniac had a look of shock on his face. He couldn't believe that his most proud defensive method was so easily penetrated!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

The sword energy remaining in the wound suddenly exploded, instantly exploding the prison madman's body into a ball of scarlet blood mist!

This blow completely ruined the life of the prison madman!

The genius of Moyuan Academy died on the battlefield!

 Since the birth of the Supreme Treasure, the first fallen genius has finally appeared!

That golden figure proved it with facts, so what about the college genius?

The genius is not a myth of invincibility.

 The genius...can also be killed!

 “You killed the prison madman!”

 At this moment, another figure flew out from the crowd!

 He looked at the prison madman who had turned into blood mist, his face filled with anger.

 “Are you his companion?”

The golden figure raised his head and spoke calmly.

 “Moyuan Academy, Guquan!”

The man raised his head, stared at the other person, and spoke in a calm tone.

 But underneath his plain tone, there was... a monstrous murderous intention!

 The reason why he announced his family status was because the other party's strength was enough to gain his recognition.

 For these arrogant geniuses, when engaging in a life-and-death battle with fellow monks, they will definitely identify each other. This is also one of the rules among the four major academies.

 After Guquan revealed his identity, the golden figure in front of him also said lightly: "Rogue cultivator, Lin Longshou!"

 After the name was spoken, all the monks present had blank expressions on their faces.

 Because...they have never heard of this name at all, never!

Logically speaking, even a casual cultivator with such a strong strength should be somewhat famous in the galaxy.

But no monk had ever heard of the man in front of him. He seemed to have jumped out of a stone. It even made people wonder if he was using a pseudonym.

However, among the crowd, the only one who reacted to this name was of course Lin Yuan!

I saw a smile couldn't help but appear on Lin Yuan's face.

 It is indeed this guy!

Although the golden light on Lin Longshou's face obscured his face, the familiar voice still made Lin Yuan recognize his identity at once!

I really didn’t expect that this guy had only been away from the earth for a short period of time, but he had already been promoted to the star level, and he had also become a leader in the star level, an existence comparable to the geniuses of the four major academies!

 “It’s progressing very quickly...”

Lin Yuan cracked the corners of his mouth and couldn't help but smile.

  However, it is true.

With Lin Longqiu’s talent in martial arts, after entering a larger stage like the universe, he naturally has a bright future!

Those cultivation resources that are not available on earth can be found in the universe!

Those exercises that are not found on earth have countless inheritances in the universe!

 Lin Longshou, who stepped into the universe from the earth, was like a sponge that was extremely short of water and began to absorb the nutrients from the ocean unscrupulously!

Just as a battle was about to break out between Lin Longshou and Gu Quan, another figure holding a sword appeared next to Lin Longshou, and said with a smile: "Brother Longshou, otherwise this... Just leave it to me."

 “Let them know that they are not the only ones who have brothers!”

 After seeing this figure, Lin Yuan's smile became even brighter!

 Because the person who appeared next to Lin Longshou was none other than Lin Yuan's old principal, Wang Zhanlin!

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the Qi of this guy had also undergone earth-shaking changes, and it was obvious that he had also reached the stellar level.

It seems that after entering the starry sky, these two people got a lot of opportunities and grew up so quickly.

“Okay, then I’ll leave this guy to you!”

Lin Longshou smiled and took a step back, indicating that he would no longer participate in this battle.

 “Haha, just be patient!”

The figure clenched the sword in his hand and took a decisive step forward. The confidence and arrogance on his face could not be concealed at all: "Rogue cultivator, Wang Zhanlin, please enlighten me!"

 “Seeking death!”

Guquan snorted coldly, and his speed immediately exploded, like a ghost, killing in the direction of Wang Zhanlin!

The two of them quickly fought together, with swords flashing and fists roaring, and the fight was inseparable!

 For a moment, all the monks around him were stunned on the spot.

 They even began to wonder whether the scenes in front of them were their hallucinations.

One of the questions that these monks can't figure out the most is...where did these casual cultivators with such terrifying strength come from? !

 Before this, few monks had heard of any casual cultivators who could compete with the academy's geniuses, even top geniuses like Prison Mania and Guquan!

  Thirty breaths later, with a flash of sword light passing by, Guquan's head fell to the ground.

Wang Zhanlin stood up with his sword put away, with a proud look on his face, and said coldly: "Who else... wants to come forward and lead me to death?"

 Domineering, domineering!

All the casual cultivators looked at Wang Zhanlin in silence, who was at the peak of his momentum. No one dared to say even half a word.

At this moment, a feminine man in white stepped on lotus steps and waved a folding fan, and came to Wang Zhanlin: "Since no one wants to talk to you, let me teach you a lesson. Let me show you what it means to be someone who is different from others, so that if you are lucky enough to win a few people, you will feel that the geniuses of the four major colleges are just losers. "

 “Silver Star Academy, Nine Songs!”

 (End of this chapter)

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