Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 543: Get out of the way

Chapter 543: Get out of the way

Lin Yuan and Arturo quickly reached a tacit understanding.

 That is to first clear out all the troublesome casual cultivators around.

Whether he or Lin Yuan is the one who finally gets the divine text, it is absolutely impossible to take advantage of this group of casual cultivators who want to fish in troubled waters.

 At this point, they still have common interests.

The next second, Lin Yuan's figure instantly turned into an afterimage, heading towards the casual cultivator closest to him to kill!

In just one breath, the head of the casual cultivator fell to the ground.

 Before he died, there was still an unbelievable look of horror in his eyes!

On the other side, Arturo's methods were also extremely ruthless. He opened his right hand and grabbed the head of one of them. Before the monk had time to struggle, he turned into a pool of green corpses. water.

 In front of these two people, the lives of ordinary stellar monks were as fragile as a young bird.

After Lin Yuan took action, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou looked at each other and joined the battle one after another.

Although they do not have the crushing combat power of Lin Yuan's dominant level, they are still the best among the stellar monks, and they can kill people neatly.

Li Chaoge fell into a daze for a moment. After reacting, he gritted his teeth and took the initiative to join the battle!

If you are even afraid of a battle situation of this level, then how can you chase Lin Yuan and the others? !

 The war broke out in full force.

 The war is getting worse.

There were broken limbs everywhere and scarlet bloodstains everywhere.

Even though there are only five of them including Arturo, the five of them have unleashed a combat power that is comparable to an army!

At this moment, some talented students also arrived here one after another.

  However, they did not choose to take action, but watched quietly.

 First of all, I want to let this group of casual cultivators fight with Lin Yuan and others so that both sides will lose, so that they can reap the benefits.

Secondly, it is also to take this opportunity to see how strong Lin Yuan and the others are.

This group of talented people watching the battle felt more and more frightened as they watched.

"Are these people...really rogue cultivators? Even if I were to face any of these people, I'm afraid I wouldn't have more than a 30% chance of winning!"

“Isn’t that Li Chaoge from Tianyuan College? I never expected that he would be the weakest among these people!”

“Damn it, where did these casual cultivators come from? They all look like monsters!”

With the sound of discussion one after another, the faces of these talented people gradually became serious.

 The casual cultivators on the battlefield also began to feel fearful!

Once they were approached by Lin Yuan or Arturo, they no longer thought about fighting him, but turned around and ran away!

If the previous group of monks were compared to menacing wolves, then they now can at best be called defeated dogs whose backs have been broken!

 The overall situation has been decided.

 “I’ll give you a chance at last.”

 Lin Yuan's body was filled with evil energy, as if it had condensed into substance.

He looked around and said in a cold voice: "Either, retreat a thousand meters away!"

 “Either, come forward and die!”

"There is not much time, I only give you five seconds." "Five, four, three..."

Just when Lin Yuan started to count down, most of the casual cultivators hurriedly escaped a thousand meters away as if they were being chased by evil spirits.

The remaining casual cultivators who were hesitant quickly followed those people's footsteps after seeing that the situation was over!

 Suddenly, within a radius of one kilometer centered on Lin Yuan, there was not even a single casual cultivator left!

 What is deterrence?

 This is called deterrence!

Moreover, the deterrence that Lin Yuan created was not achieved by his few words, but by killing people, killing them until they were frightened and convinced!

 The thunder energy in his body has been consumed less than half, his qi and blood have been consumed nearly one-third, and his mental power has also been depleted. However, fortunately, he has not fallen into a protracted battle. These losses are still within the range that Lin Yuan can bear.

 After all, he still has a big battle ahead.

 That is...the decisive battle with Arturo!

In Lin Yuan's eyes, this guy is far more terrifying than those college geniuses, and he is even more afraid of him!

"It have killed a lot of people over there."

Lin Yuan turned his head, looked at Arturo, chuckled and said.

Beside Arturo, there are all kinds of corpses, some of which have even been corroded to the point where only bones are left.

 Compared to Lin Yuan, Arturo's methods were truly cruel.

For those who died in his hands, even the whole body may not be found.

 “Just to warm your hands.”

  Arturo grinned: "I know you will definitely not hand over the divine text to me obediently, so... today, you must die."

 “Then there’s nothing more to say.”

Lin Yuan shrugged, and then his figure suddenly shot up, like a sharp arrow, and flew towards Arturo's direction. The Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand shone with dazzling thunder!

 “Hey...don’t think of me as one of those weak casual cultivators.”

“You want to hurt me with this level of attack?”

Arturo sneered disdainfully, then took out an ebony scepter engraved with the devil's head with his backhand, and began to chant a spell quickly.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's figure had already reached in front of him. The Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand erupted with thunder and slashed down in the direction of Arturo!


 In the midst of this flash of lightning, Arturo completed the chanting of the spell at an extremely fast speed!

 The void in front of me was suddenly torn open!

Then, a demonic hand covered with dark black scales stretched out directly from the deep void, and grabbed the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword that Lin Yuan had chopped off!

 “Thunder Dragon Soul!”

Lin Yuan's face hardened, and without any compromise, he immediately poured his own thunder energy into the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword, stimulating the Thunder Dragon Soul hidden in it!

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, the violent thunder dragon soul instantly broke through the shackles of the devil's hand!

It's just that Arturo had already disappeared in front of Lin Yuan in just a few seconds, causing the latter to lose the target of attack.

When Arturo appeared behind Lin Yuan again, he had already quietly completed another spell!

 On the ebony development carved with demons, a black light masterpiece!

The void in front of him was torn open once again. Countless gray tentacles like octopus tentacles spread out from the void and bounded crazily towards Lin Yuan's direction!

 The touch of severe pain!

 (End of this chapter)

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