Chapter 544 He was originally a miracle

 “Chi chi chi!”

Following Arturo's thoughts, these sharp painful touches derived from the void were like lightning, bounding towards Lin Yuan's body!

The latter did not dare to show any contempt. The moment he noticed Arturo's intention to attack, he slashed out the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand!

Under the sharp sword blade, these sharp painful touches in front of Lin Yuan's eyes were like fragile vines, breaking apart inch by inch!

However, these tentacles were extremely weird, as if they had their own thoughts. They actually avoided Lin Yuan's sword edge and pierced into his right arm!

Suddenly, an extremely severe pain came from Lin Yuan's right arm and spread to his whole body.

Such a strong pain, it is no exaggeration to say that he experienced pain as if his body was shattered to pieces.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan's willpower was strong enough, and he finally cut off the tentacle with a sword and distanced himself from Arturo!

“Your strength should be more than this, right?”

Arturo smiled and said softly: "In my eyes, you should be stronger than Li Tianran and Feng Chumo!"

 Lin Yuan also laughed: "Really? So you think so highly of me, so I'm really... a little flattered."

“But no matter how strong you are, you are still no match for me!”

 “I have been living as two people for these years, and what I have been waiting this day!”

  Arturo grinned and said in a domineering tone: "This treasure should belong to me!"

"After the original body and the clone merge, no star-level monk can match me! Even you... will not be an exception."

“I am now the strongest person below the black hole level!”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Yuan's lips, and he said lightly: "Really? Then let me ask for advice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's body, like an unsheathed sword, rushed towards Arturo's direction!

At the same time, dazzling blue lightning surged around him, making him look like the God of Thunder had arrived!


The murderous aura in Lin Yuan's body seemed to have condensed into a solid substance, which made people tremble with fear!

However, there was no trace of fear on Arturo's face. Instead, he laughed ferociously and faced him head-on!

 Obviously, he is also extremely confident in his own strength!

Then, Arturo chanted the spell again, tearing the void in front of him, and summoned hundreds of dark demonic hands, which looked like an octopus extending all its tentacles!

Under the oppression of the devil's hand, no matter how fast Lin Yuan drew his sword as fast as thunder, it was still a bit difficult to resist!

Within a matter of seconds, Lin Yuan was completely suppressed by Arturo!


"Senior Lin Yuan... seems to be in trouble."

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Li Chaoge couldn't help but show a bit of worry on his face: "Is something going to happen?"

If this battle is defeated, not only will the divine text be taken away, but even Lin Yuan himself will die here!

Although Li Chaoge was extremely nervous, he knew that he could not help Lin Yuan much.

  After all, his strength is still too low and there is no way he can be Arturo's opponent.

If he rashly joins the war, Arturo might be able to kill him with just one confrontation, but he will only cause trouble for Lin Yuan!

 “It doesn’t matter, don’t worry about this kid.”

Wang Zhanlin smiled casually and said calmly: "I see...he is far from reaching the end of his rope."

“And if you know Lin Yuan, you will know that he is a man who has always created miracles.”

Hearing this, Lin Longshou couldn't help but laugh: "That's right."

I really didn’t expect that this outstanding young man in front of me could rise against the odds from a barren planet like the earth and reach this point step by step.

 This incident itself is already a miracle.


 On the battlefield, the battle between Lin Yuan and Arturo was still continuing.

Although Lin Yuan has been struggling to resist, Arturo can't do anything to him in a short period of time.

However, during this period, Lin Yuan had been observing Arturo's offensive method.

  Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Although Lin Yuan still has means, he is not in a hurry to use them, but is prepared to give Arturo a fatal blow at the critical moment!

As the battle progressed, Lin Yuan had begun to roughly understand Arturo's methods.

The next moment Lin Yuan cut off a demon's hand, his figure suddenly rose up, and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly activated to the extreme!


 “Divine power!”

 The Sharingan's ability is activated one after another!

 The jet-black flame instantly burned a demon's hand to ashes!

And the twisted space formed by the divine power also twisted another demon's hand into pieces!

Just like that, Lin Yuan fought his way out of the siege of the devil's hands and headed straight for Arturo!


 “Twin Shadows!”

At this moment, Lin Yuan attacked again, summoning Susanoo and the twin shadows one after another, and surrounded and killed Arturo!

Obviously, what Lin Yuan wants to do is to grasp the shortcomings of Arturo's need to chant spells and want to force him to get closer!

"Haha...that's ridiculous. Do you think I can't deal with you like this?"

Looking at Lin Yuan rushing towards him, Arturo couldn't help but have a flash of sarcasm in his eyes!

 “Devil’s body!”

Arturo shouted low, and endless demonic energy wrapped around him, forming a dark armor that was closely connected to his body!

"Boom!" The next second, Arturo punched out, and it directly knocked away the shadow clone that wanted to get close!

Although the shadow clone's frontal fighting ability is not too strong, the fact that it was blown away by Arturo with a simple punch is enough to prove that the latter's strength... is not weak at all!


At this moment, Susanoo's thunderous katana slashed at Arturo's body, emitting a sound like gold and iron interlacing!

What surprised Lin Yuan was that after resisting Susanoo's sword, Arturo didn't seem to be affected at all, only a few cracks appeared on the magic armor!

 Subsequently, Arturo directly grasped the katana in Susanoo's hand with his backhand, dragged him over suddenly, and punched him again!

His punch was not weak at all, and it actually dented Susanoo's chest.

After Susanoo was injured, even Lin Yuan's mental strength suffered a corresponding backlash. It felt as if his whole head had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

 “Come on, I’ll let you die happily and understandably!”

After blasting away the shadow clones and Susanoo one after another, Arturo laughed wildly and rushed directly towards Lin Yuan's true form!

However, before Arturo rushed in front of Lin Yuan, his figure seemed to be imprisoned and stagnated in place!

 The monks around him looked intently and realized that Arturo's body was surrounded by vines shining with lightning!

What Lin Yuan used was the ability he had evolved when he was inherited by Nuwa, the Thorn of Divine Punishment!

As long as the corresponding energy is poured into the thorns of God's Punishment, the vines will show corresponding abilities!

At this moment... what Lin Yuan poured into it was his thunder energy!

“You’re just trying to imprison me with this little skill?!”

Arturo laughed ferociously, and the demonic body suddenly expanded!

 The demonic energy that exploded was constantly eroding the vines wrapped around him!

The lightning on the thunder vines began to dim rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was about to burst apart at any moment!

 The monks around him were all stunned.

The two people in front of me are simply fighting between gods!

Various methods are emerging in endlessly, as if there is no end!

"It's too, too scary. Are these two people really casual cultivators? With such strength...even the top geniuses from the four major colleges may not be able to compare with them!"

"Are you kidding me, Academy Prodigy? Didn't you see that the one on the ground who was seriously injured is the Prodigy of Demon God Academy! Let me tell you... these two people can already be regarded as the ceiling of strength among stellar monks. !”

“With these two people here, I’m afraid there is no hope of being able to seize the divine inscription from them, unless…the two of them can fight to the death!”

“Forget it, I’ve given up anyway. Even if these two monsters are injured, they are definitely not something we can afford to offend…”

 Actually, not to mention these casual cultivators, even the geniuses from the four major academies were equally shocked.

 Because whether it is Lin Yuan or Arturo, the strength they are showing now is much stronger than them!


At this moment, Arturo, who exploded with all his strength, finally broke free from the thorns of divine punishment!

A pair of cold eyes stared at Lin Yuan, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes!

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan has already grasped a scepter in his hand - the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter!

 Since Lin Yuan entered the secret realm, this was the first time he used this move.

 After all, the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter is completely equivalent to a bottomless pit that swallows energy!

  No matter how much energy is invested, it will all be converted into corresponding blocking power!

At this moment, the power of the stars in Lin Yuan's body was like a rushing river, pouring crazily into the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter in his hand!

The power of these stars has all been transformed into the power of the ban, lingering around Lin Yuan, waiting for his next order.

 Arturo was obviously aware of this and frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know what Lin Yuan was doing, he could clearly feel the existence of this banning force!

 This special energy made him feel extremely afraid!

Before he could completely break free from the thorns of divine punishment, Lin Yuan chose to attack suddenly!

Under Lin Yuan's instructions, the power of the ban around him surged in the direction of Arturo like a long river, and finally tied him to death like invisible chains. Confined in place!

 After being swallowed up by the power of the ban, Arturo's momentum began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the demon armor on his body began to show signs of disintegration!

 “Damn it...what the **** did you do to me?!”

Arturo's face was full of anger, like a imprisoned beast, and he yelled crazily at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan did not answer, but silently mobilized the power of creation in his body.

Although he rarely chooses to use this energy, at this point, apart from using the power of creation, Lin Yuan really can't think of any way to kill Arturo with one blow!

“You are very strong, so... being able to die by my move is enough for you to be proud of.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan raised the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword with one hand.

What is surprising is that the sword body that should have been shining with thunder is now filled with dazzling golden light!

This touch of golden brilliance is so breathtaking that even if one takes a glance at it, one can feel its flawlessness!

However, while being shocked by the beauty of this golden glow, not many people noticed that the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in Lin Yuan's hand had begun to show fine cracks!

Obviously, the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in Lin Yuan's hand is not enough to carry such a high-level energy!

Perhaps, after this sword strike, the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword will be scrapped directly!

Even if it is not scrapped, it will definitely suffer almost irreversible damage!

 But Lin Yuan still chose to do this.

 Because...only by using this weapon as a carrier can the power of creation in Lin Yuan's body be able to exert even greater power!

"This sword... I would like to name it - 'Destroy the World'!"

Lin Yuan’s face was as dark as water and he said this calmly.

  Although it is the power of creation, it is responsible for destruction.

 In this case, what’s the harm in calling it ‘Destruction of the World’?

Moreover, no matter what the name of the move is, the only thing Lin Yuan can conclude is that his sword is definitely the strongest sword he has ever struck since he started practicing!

 His power will surely shock the world!


Lin Yuan gave a low shout and slashed forward with the sword without hesitation!

Suddenly, a dazzling golden dragon penetrated directly in the direction of Arturo!

The latter's figure was locked in place by the force of the ban, and his eyes were filled with horror, horror, and shock!

The power of Lin Yuan's sword far exceeded his expectations!

 In an instant.

The golden dragon penetrated Arturo's chest with a mighty force!

 (End of this chapter)

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