Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 545: Refining the divine text and leaving the secret realm!

Chapter 545 Refining the divine inscriptions and leaving the secret realm!


This loud noise was like a shocking thunder that reached the sky and the earth, resounding in the hearts of everyone!

 Everyone was shocked by what they saw.

 Lin Yuan's sword penetrated Arturo's chest directly, and the sword marks spread out, creating a ravine-like indentation on the ground, thousands of meters long!

 Under the aftermath of the sword energy, even the monks who were nearly a thousand meters away from the battlefield were forcefully blown away. Even the weaker monks were seriously injured!

Such a terrifying power that makes everyone feel terrified!

Under this sword, Arturo's entire vitality had been forcibly annihilated. Until the moment before his death, his eyes were still wide open in disbelief!

At this moment, Li Tianran, who was unable to stand up due to serious injuries, also silently watched the scene in front of him, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was only now that he realized how ridiculous his previous actions of provoking Lin Yuan were!

Now, Li Tianran finally knows how big the gap between him and Lin Yuan is.

 One is just the light of a grain of rice, while the other is the brilliance of the bright moon!

Lin Yuan’s so powerful that it is almost unrivaled!

Arturo had previously claimed that he was the first person under the so-called black hole realm.

Now it seems that this title should also change hands.

“If anyone else among you wants to compete for this divine symbol in my hand, you can come up and try.”

Lin Yuan looked around and spoke calmly.

Although he was only one person, no one dared to come forward after his words came out.

Even if I am one person, I can conquer the world!

Not to mention the casual cultivators, not even the geniuses of the academy dared to take a step forward.

Although some monks were suspicious that after this battle, Lin Yuan was at the point where he was running out of fuel, but no one dared to make fun of his own life.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

 For a moment, everyone was shocked.

  Could it be that... someone who dares to challenge Lin Yuan under such circumstances has appeared? !

 After this person appeared, even Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

However, after seeing the other party's face clearly, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile: "What? Do you also want to fight with me?"

"Of course! That battle just now... made my blood boil with excitement! I didn't expect that Arturo was so hidden that even I saw it wrong!"

 A burst of heroic laughter came from the mouth of the person in front of him.

 Because, the person who appeared in front of Lin Yuan was none other than Feng Chumo!

He had been fighting with the puppet master Jiu Ge from Silver Star Academy for a long time, and he still had some injuries on his body, with scarlet blood oozing out.

 Obviously, it was not easy for him to win this battle.

But...he won in the end.

Although Lin Yuan did not see Jiu Ge, but according to Feng Chumo's habit of hitting neither lightly nor harshly, it was probably a serious injury.

"Although I really want to fight with you, but...I don't have the habit of taking advantage of others' danger."

Feng Chumo licked the corner of his mouth and said with great excitement: "It's better to do this. Anyway, I'm still injured now. After we leave the secret realm, recharge our batteries, and return to peak condition, we can fight again." Field! What do you think?"

This guy... is really a fool!

Lin Yuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise: "Don't you want to take this divine inscription from my hand?"

 "Divine inscriptions? No matter how precious the divine inscriptions are, they are just foreign objects after all."

Feng Chumo laughed and said: "I am on the path of invincible swordsmanship, so why should I seek help from these external objects!"

“I, Feng Chumo, look down on this divine inscription, and I don’t even bother to take it!”

"Furthermore, if anyone here wants to take advantage of others' danger and attack Lin Yuan, then don't blame me for being rude to Feng Chumo!"

“Although I’m injured now, it’s not a big problem to kill a dozen of you casual cultivators!”

"If anyone is dissatisfied, you can come and ask me about the flying sword in my sword case!"

Hearing what Feng Chumo said, Lin Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This guy is not only stubborn, but also very stubborn!

 Once you decide on something, you must complete it!

Just like now, the reason why he protects Lin Yuan so much is, firstly, because of their friendship, and secondly, because he wants to have an upright fight with Lin Yuan to determine the winner. burden!

 Before that, he would not allow anyone to take away his goal!

 Lin Yuan alone was already difficult enough to deal with, but now with the addition of Feng Chumo, who has top strength, everyone immediately gave up trying to fight for the divine inscription in Lin Yuan's hand.

Moreover, in addition to the two of them, Li Chaoge, Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin and others who were standing on the edge of the battlefield at this time also had considerable fighting capabilities.

 They had already proved this to everyone during the melee just now.

If we really fight, we may not be able to gain much benefit.

“Since all brothers are willing to show their respect and let me go, I won’t stay here for long.”

After saying this, Lin Yuan laughed and turned into a stream of light, flying into the distance.

 Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin, Li Chaoge and others also followed Lin Yuan's pace.


 In the next few days, Lin Yuan directly chose to leave Holy Star.

 After all, the most precious divine text has been taken into his hands, and there is no need for him to stay on the Holy Star.

However, even so, Lin Yuan was often hunted down by some casual cultivators and college geniuses.

Although he was afraid of killing a group of people, there was still a group of people who were not afraid of death.

 But after Arturo's death, there was no one else who could threaten Lin Yuan's safety.

On the seventh day, after both Lin Yuan and Arturo recovered from their injuries, Lin Yuan abided by the agreement and had an upright battle with Arturo on an uninhabited planet!

 In this battle, Arturo directly used his special skill, Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan!

Correspondingly, Lin Yuan also used many methods, and finally... without using the power of creation, he narrowly defeated Arturo!

 “You are indeed very strong.”

 After this battle, Feng Chumo readily recognized Lin Yuan's strength.

 “You are not weak either.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "If you are willing to use the 'Ten Thousand Swords Return to Origin' move at the cost of damaging your own vitality in the end, I am afraid that I may not be able to take it." "Tsk, you Stop fooling me here. If you damage your vitality too many times in a row, it will cause irreversible damage to your foundation. Since it’s a competition, just stop here. It’s not embarrassing to lose to you anyway.”

Feng Chumo curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Besides, even if I do this, I still can't defeat you. Don't you still have a trump card? If you use the trick you used to kill Arturo, On my body, I’m afraid I don’t even have enough to die!”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Actually, that's not my own energy, it's just picking up other people's wisdom."

While the two were talking, a burst of dazzling fire suddenly appeared around Lin Yuan!

This firelight enveloped Lin Yuan's body, revealing an extremely sacred aura.

"This is…"

Feng Chumo was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly: "Have you already refined that divine inscription?!"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and nodded lightly.

During the past seven days, Lin Yuan has been using his own spiritual power to nourish this divine inscription all the time.

 To this day, he has finally refined it completely!

 The sacred fire that appears in front of you is the best proof!


Feng Chumo smiled and cupped his hands, his tone full of sincerity.

Lin Yuan could hear that he was truly happy for himself.

 For Lin Yuan, Feng Chumo is indeed a good person to get along with, because he has a pure heart in his chest!

“Lin Yuan, have you successfully refined the divine inscriptions?!”

After the strange appearance of the sacred fire, Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin, and Li Chaoge rushed over immediately, their voices full of curiosity.

Lin Yuan smiled and did not hide the fact that he had refined the divine text: "Well, the refining has been completed, but... the refining has just been completed. If you want to master and use it proficiently, I am afraid there is still a certain gap. "

“Hahahaha, if you use this cosmic-level monk’s divine inscription, can you cross levels and forcibly kill black hole-level monks?!”

Wang Zhanlin laughed a few times and asked extremely excitedly, as if he wanted to grab a few black hole-level monks to come over and give Lin Yuan a lesson.

"I'm afraid of hurting your self-esteem by saying it. In fact...even if I don't use this divine inscription, I may not be a match for a black hole-level monk."

Lin Yuan glanced at him, as if to say, rare and strange!

Wang Zhanlin: " hurts my heart, old man!"

Lin Longshou on the side laughed happily: "In any case, Lin Yuan was able to completely refine the divine inscriptions in such a short period of time. After all, it is a matter of joy!"

“Furthermore, there are only the last few days left before the Star Sea Secret Realm is completely over.”

 “By that time, we can leave here.”

"Well...but what we should consider now is where to go after leaving the secret realm."

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, and finally expressed his worries: "To be honest, I feel that being outside the secret realm may not be safer than being inside the secret realm."

"You mean, outside the secret realm, there will be monks from the outside who plan to target you?"

Wang Zhanlin frowned and asked in a deep voice: "But... this is not impossible. Lin Longshou has discussed this matter with me before."

"Because in the previous records, there has never been a time when the treasure fell into the hands of people other than the geniuses of the four major colleges."

"It is precisely because there is no such precedent that we cannot learn from all previous experiences. Even after leaving the secret realm, we may be embarrassed by the monks from the four major colleges!"

“After all, what we touch is their interests!”

At this moment, Li Chaoge said weakly: "If...if necessary, I can ask my master to protect you."

“Besides, Senior Brother Feng Chumo will definitely speak for you!”

 After Li Chaoge finished speaking, Feng Chumo nodded in approval and said, "It's just a simple effort."

However, Lin Yuan shook his head and said calmly: "It's not that simple. One of you two is soft-spoken, and the other has been expelled from Tianyuan College. Basically, you have no right to speak."

"Furthermore, even if you can convince your master, this matter... may not be that easy to understand."

"After all, in this matter, the four major colleges are themselves a community of interests. The treasures placed by the colleges are taken away by casual cultivators. This situation may happen once, or it may happen a second time!"

"How can we allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the bed? The best solution is to completely nip the signs of this situation in the cradle, so as to prevent future troubles forever and teach casual cultivators a lesson!"

“So, the most face-saving situation for your Tianyuan College is just to choose not to take action, and it is impossible to provide us with much help.”

Hearing this, Li Chaoge couldn't help but said angrily: "How could this happen?! The four major colleges clearly have no regulations and do not allow casual cultivators to compete for the treasure!"

Unconsciously, Li Chaoge was on the same front as Lin Yuan and the others.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Yes, there is indeed no such rule. That's because the four major colleges don't pay attention to us casual cultivators at all! They think that we are just stepping stones for those talented people. , I don’t think we can really seize the treasure!”

"Furthermore, they have no rule that they will not attack casual cultivators after leaving the secret realm."

"The reason why there are no regulations is because it is unnecessary! Once the regulations are imposed, it will appear that the four major colleges are too overbearing and bullying others!"

Feng Chumo on the side scratched his head in confusion.

For a simple person like him, the twists and turns in these things are really too complicated, which makes him unable to handle them for a while.

 “So…what do you decide to do?”

Lin Longshou looked at Lin Yuan, wanting to hear an answer from the latter's mouth.

 “What else can be done?”

Lin Yuan grinned: "Of course I'll use the simplest kill a **** path!"

Hearing what Lin Yuan said, everyone present was stunned on the spot!

This guy Lin Yuan... is really brave enough to think!

Facing the siege of the four major colleges, he could still think of...forcing his way out!

 (End of this chapter)

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