Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 546: The secret realm is over, prepare to break out!

Chapter 546 The secret realm is over, prepare to break out!

Wang Zhanlin scratched his head and said, "Lin Yuan, I advise you to think more clearly. Outside this secret realm is not as good as inside it."

“In the secret realm, all the monks are restricted to below the black hole level, but once you leave the secret realm... among the four major colleges, there will be black hole level monks who will take action against you!”

“Not to mention anything else, the four guardians guarding the star ring all possess peak black hole level strength!”

  “Once you’re targeted by them, you can’t escape!”

Lin Yuan smiled and said softly: "If you don't try it, how will you know? What's more... I don't necessarily have to confront them head-on."

Wang Zhanlin was slightly stunned, and quickly asked: "Do you already have a way to escape?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said bluntly: "No."

Wang Zhanlin: "...Then you just want to go head-to-head with them! Do you know what your behavior is called? This is simply hitting an egg with a stone!"

“Yes, so I have already planned that when we leave the secret realm, we will leave in batches.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "You guys, please leave the secret realm first. It is best to ensure that you are not noticed by the four major colleges, and... what they should pay most attention to should be the breath of the treasure, instead of deliberately searching every monk. , that would be too much trouble.”

Wang Zhanlin’s eyes widened: “You mean, are you planning to leave the secret realm alone?”


Lin Yuan said: "It's better not to drag you down."

 “Are you kidding us! We are all from the earth, so why not be a drag?”

Wang Zhanlin said eagerly: "If you dare to take such a risk, I will never agree!"


Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then said: "Actually, I'm just being polite to you. I'm mainly afraid that you will drag me down."

Wang Zhanlin: “???”

 Brother, can we say less about such heart-wrenching words in the future? !

At this moment, Lin Longshou also interjected with a smile: "Okay, just let him go. This guy has his own ideas. There is no need for us to interfere with him."

On the other side, Feng Chumo also said calmly: "If you really come to a dead end, you can choose to give up the treasure, and then I will ask my master to take action and let him protect you!"

"However, with my master's nature, he will never give anything in vain. He is a person who appreciates talents. If you are willing to join our Tianyuan College and become his disciple, I believe he will be very happy."

"And, in this way, he also has a reason to protect you from the four major colleges."

 “Thank you very much.”

 Lin Yuan smiled: "It's just... I hope I won't use this opportunity, because I already have a master."

 His master is naturally the legendary goddess Nuwa!

Although Lin Yuan has not seen the true form of the great God Nuwa so far, he still quite approves of Nuwa.


 As time passes by, the exit of the secret realm will finally be opened.

However, there is not just one entrance to the secret realm of the Star Sea, but countless space cracks. All monks in the secret realm can teleport out of the secret realm through these space cracks.

 It's just...the location where it was teleported was still at the entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm, where the Broken Star Ring was located.

If nothing else happens, the four black hole-level experts with peak strength should be waiting on the Broken Star Ring at this moment, waiting for the people from their own academy to return.

In addition, there are many black hole-level casual cultivators who are also dormant near the broken star ring.

 Some of them came to pick up people, while others... came to fish in troubled waters to see if they could catch anything good.

 After all, these monks who came out of the secret realm are all richer than the last.

If you can kill a fat sheep, it can be regarded as a windfall!

However, these black hole-level casual cultivators dormant here are still very low-key.

 The main reason is that they are a little afraid of the four guardians on the Broken Star Ring!

Something like this once happened. A black hole-level casual cultivator tried to rob a casual cultivator who came out of the secret realm in front of the academy's guards. As a result, he was killed by the guards on the spot, and blood spattered five steps away. !

  Although these four watchers mostly turn a blind eye to some gangsterism, they can still do these things in private.

The guards have always severely punished those who dared to disrupt order in front of them!

 “The exit of the secret finally open.”

Above the Broken Star Ring, an old man who looked like an ape suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light burst out from his eyes!

This old ape man is naturally the guardian of Demon Seminary!

“I don’t know which college’s kid is so lucky this time to get the treasure above the Holy Star!”

An old man with a gloomy face said in a hoarse voice: "This time, our four major colleges have spent a lot of money."

"That's a divine inscription cultivated by a cosmic-level monk! Even my ghost eyes are greedy, let alone these star-level brats..."

The old ape said with a smile: "Ghost Eye, why are you so greedy? The fire-attributed divine inscriptions are not suitable for you!"

“What do you know! This type of divine text with elemental attributes is the most widely circulated. It’s more than enough to take it to the outside world and exchange it for another divine text!”

Ghost Eyes sneered and explained calmly.

 “Hahaha, it seems you really want this divine symbol!”

The old ape laughed loudly and said, "If the genius of your Demonic Abyss Academy had captured this divine inscription, wouldn't you have to confiscate it?"

 “Ah…How can I, Guiyan, be such a heartless person?”

Ghost Eye glanced at him, and said coldly: "If the geniuses of our Demonic Abyss Academy win the divine text, it will naturally be their creation! I will only be happy for them! But I can't do such a despicable thing. Things!"

“Okay, don’t argue, just wait and see the result.”

The short Kendaozi frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "In three hours at most, the Xinghai Secret Realm will be completely closed, and all the monks in the Secret Realm should have left the space cracks."

“Kendaozi, are you so anxious, are you worried about your beloved disciple?”

At this moment, an old man in white robe gently stroked his beard and said with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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